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Thread: Jet Li Escapes Tsunami

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida

    EF: Understood and appreciated..

    My point was that an opportunity was presented and responses were made.. personal choices as to how to state opinions regarding an obvious natural tragedy.. This tragedy needed no links to other tragedies, no comparisons to wars or individual issues.. it stands on its own both in scope and intensity.. and, here i state my own personal opinion, that any link to other issues is disrespectful.. i am solely concerned with the well-being of my fellow man regarding the tsunami, that i am compelled to write the checks and if i had the resources i would travel there to help (and maybe check-out some local breaks).. here, in central Florida, after the first hurricane, Charley, the aid and relief pouring in from around the country was a moving and greatly appreciated display of compassion.. crews from as far away as St. Louis were working around the clock to restore our services.. our school took them snacks and drinks as often as was possible.. it's my turn to "pay it forward", so.. i write my check and send it to the relief center for Sumatra, and as funds permit i will write another..

    War is preventable cause and effect.. not relevent in the context natural disasters.. regardless of its perceived "natural inevitability" (which i disagree with) it is controlable.. our species just hasn't figured that out yet..

    Be well..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upstate NY
    Speaking of 'inevitability', its maybe a good time to look ahead a bit.

    One natural disaster the population of Indonesia is quite familiar with is erupting volcanoes. Sometimes the region is referred to as the "ring of fire". There are several large and very active volcanoes on Sumatra, at least two within spitting distance of Jakarta itself.

    If the maps are at all accurate, there is a faultline which runs up the Bay of Bengal and continues in a great arc into Eastern Mongolia having intersected or joined others along the way.

    Were I a betting man, I might put my money on a major volcanic outburst in the next few months, or a large quake somewhere under Bangladesh or in South West China.
    -Thos. Zinn

    "Children, never fuss or fret
    Nor let unreason'd tempers rise
    Your little hands were never meant
    To pluck out one anothers eyes"
    -McGuffey's Reader

    “We are at a crossroads. One path leads to despair and the other to total extinction. I pray I have the wisdom to choose wisely.”

    ستّة أيّام يا كلب

  3. #33

    Thumbs up


    There will be aftershocks in days, weeks, months and years.

    President Bush said in an address that in these past few days, the loss and tragedy are beyond comprehension.

    Big sigh!

    Sympathy and condolense!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upstate NY
    -Thos. Zinn

    "Children, never fuss or fret
    Nor let unreason'd tempers rise
    Your little hands were never meant
    To pluck out one anothers eyes"
    -McGuffey's Reader

    “We are at a crossroads. One path leads to despair and the other to total extinction. I pray I have the wisdom to choose wisely.”

    ستّة أيّام يا كلب

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    well said efist.

    taichibob - you've obviously misunderstood. no one is trying to draw similarities to the Iraqi war and What is going on in the Indian Ocean, what I said was that because of the Iraqi War (notice the lack of emotional reponse in that phrase) much of the US budget is currently tied up, whether you believe in the war or not, it's a fact.
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Red - of corz I would. Where did I say I wouldn't?
    I don't get you're post man
    All right now, son, I want you to get a good night's rest. And remember, I could murder you while you sleep.
    Hey son, I bought you a puppy today after work. But then I killed it and ate it! Hahah, I´m just kidding. I would never buy you a puppy.

    "Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch?"

    "Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch?."

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Nevermind the government, what do you plan to do?

    Listen, I pay taxes like every good American making less than 100K a year, and my tax dollar goes to a lot of things I don't beleive in - don't get me started on that. Helping the needy in crises is something I do believe in. You can bemoan the international reactions of the American government's response all you want. Or you can simply donate your time, energy and money to whatever cause might provide some relief. Arguing about whether or not America is pulling its weight as an international benefactor does little for those in need. If you're really sensitive about this, just donate to any of the many worthy relief efforts that are springing up out of this tragedy. What America does with our taxes is one thing. What we do with our own resources after taxes is up to us.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    my wife and I donated what amounts to about a months pay for both of us. She has been doing the christian chidlrens fund for a while so has an interest in the area personally.
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    these are very good points from gene and red.

    it is two questions:

    do you care?

    what will you do?

    It has nothing to do with what our governments do. It is not our governments purpose to look after other countries. But in times of need, there is money aside for these things and every country gives to or borrows from the IMF or the IDRF, the red cross, the red crescent and of course the funds in place by teh effected countries that already exists.

    Back to those two questions. And something we threaded about a while ago in regards to compassion and charity. These two things are necessary to ones Kungfu. Without them (compassion and charity) there is something missing from "kungfu".

    Help with what you can, if you can. These people are some of the worst off in the world and they certainly won't turn shy on a helping hand in this time.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    right here.
    Originally posted by Oso
    well, the problem is that no one ever wants to talk about the reality of overpopulation.
    actually its one of my favorate topics. i even thought the same thing as you in the back of my head when i heard about this. i even read this whole site pretty much:

    i think they are psychotics but i read it.

    i just dont think it's cool to go there just yet. i guess im not one to preach about cooth, but it would be like me brining up overpopulation at your grandmothers funeral. but instead of her being laid out in a funeral home shes rotting on the street. and instead of having one dead grandmother you got about 80 thousand.

    or like calling the earth 3k people lighter on 9-12.

    i dunno .... i just seen too many dead kids and it makes me feel worse than i have in a long time.
    where's my beer?

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chicago, IL
    My 2 cents: I don't think this natural disaster helps the overpopulation problem. Both people and resources were destroyed. It's not like any people suffering from starvation are suddenly going to eat because of this disaster. If anything, the opposite is true. It may eventually have a positive impact 1000 years from now, but that is pure speculation, and furthermore I don't believe that man really can care what happens 1000 years after his own death. I think we have evolved or whatever to be compassionate to others living in the same time that we do.

    OTOH, I don't think Oso is coming from a bad place or anything. I actually think that man naturally wants to rationalize away tragedy, as a way of coping with it. I see it all the time. We do need to go on with our lives. Anyone that takes this pain too close to their heart is going to be out of commission.

    To sum up: Nature happens. But everything should be done to alleviate the current problem and try to keep it from recurring again if possible, according to our capabilities.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    user blocked by low score
    hmm i liked that site GDA

    xepct the part where a dude humped another dude and the part where a dude drank pizz

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    user blocked by low score

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Asheville, NC
    The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it's still on the list.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upstate NY
    ...And naturally the email scammers are trying to cash in on the's one:

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    With sympathy and heavy laden hearts, we hereby appeal to your sense of generosity to assist by donating any amount you can afford towards The "TSUNAMIS DISASTER HELP FUNDS", which is aimed at assisting the victims of the Asians Tsunamis which took place on Sunday the 26TH December, 2004 .

    We are a non- governmental charity organisation with offices and members across 5 continents namely Europe, North America, South America, Africa and Asia. Our goal is to assist poor, innocent survivals of both man-made and natural disasters. Our officials and members are scattered in places in needs of human and material relief as seen in cases of Sudan ( Darfur ) and Haiti etc.

    We would appreciate it, if you can send us an email. For further enquiries on how to make donations towards the Tsunamis Disaster Help Funds ( T D H F )

    Yours Sincerely
    Mr. Cedric Hyzy
    Chief Coordinator

    Needless to say, ignore these jerks.
    -Thos. Zinn

    "Children, never fuss or fret
    Nor let unreason'd tempers rise
    Your little hands were never meant
    To pluck out one anothers eyes"
    -McGuffey's Reader

    “We are at a crossroads. One path leads to despair and the other to total extinction. I pray I have the wisdom to choose wisely.”

    ستّة أيّام يا كلب

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