3 to 5 times a week, you should do the following as best as you can (feel free to switch the order):

If you can't find a rope, cut a garden hose- if you step in the center each end should extend up to your armpit.
If you can't do that, try Jumping jacks.
You should do jump rope or jumping jacks for 3 rounds of 2 minutes.

Squat (50 or so)
Jumping squat (20 or so)
Lunges (50 or so)
Jumping Lunge (20 or so)
Duck walk (between 10 and 30 meters)
Frog Jumps (20 or so)
Push ups (20 or so)
Squat Thrusts aka burpees (10 to 20)
crunches (50 or so)
leg lifts (50 or so)
bicycles (for 1 minute)

Work on bridging with your head (look up wrestler's bridge to see what I mean).

2 or 3 days a week do interval/cardio training:
Get a stop watch; and for 10 to 20 minutes repeat the following:

Sprint 2 minutes, light jog (or walk) 1 minute

BTW- is that African or Indigenous?