Originally posted by MonkeyBoy

The short answer is "Yes." and as in most cases that kind of comparison leads to fallacy. The expectations of you or I to believe that the Middle Eastern world to react as ours would is un-founded. Americans and Canadians have elected Gay government officials, they bury those people up to their waste in sand and stone them to death. We conduct a criminal investigation when a criminal accusation is made, while they have the relatives of the suspects beaten, raped and killed off until someone, anyone confesses. True we all breathe, breed and bleed the same but similarities do come to an end.

As for your question:

If the Governer of Penn. were murdering, raping common citizens and gassing minorities on an industrial scale was a hobby of his 10 or 15 years ago, if he was taking food and medicine donated to ease suffering and usingthose resources to fuel his private armies and line his coffers, then the people of that great state would welcome an outside army to depose him. Those who opposed a return to civility and order would, of course, be getting themselves killed.

Originally posted by Newb
The imperial policies of the United States and "Great" Britain have been responsible for more deaths, rapings, poverty, slavery, and looting of nations than Saddam could even dream of. The greatest damage Saddam did was when he was a direct ally of the US using US weapons.

If Kung Lek wants to answer me, he will and he'll pick on my post.

You replied and it didn't have anything to do with my post, what gives?

Why didn't you mention that the USA and Britain were responsible for ending more poverty, preventing more deaths, raising the standard of education, raising the standard of medicine, ending slavery, securing rights for women and protecting the sovereignty of more nations than all other nations combined in all of human history so far?