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Thread: South African 'Hero' Premier

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    South Africa

    South African 'Hero' Premier

    Greetings and a Happy New Year

    The South African Wushu Federation has the pleasure of inviting all to the globally acclaimed, Oscar nominated motion picture, 'Hero'.

    The screening will be on the 13th of January 2005 at 'Cinema Nouveau' at 'The Mall of Rosebank', Johannesburg RSA. We kindly ask patrons to arrive a 7pm when drinks will be served. The screening will begin at 8pm. The cost per ticket is ZAR50,00.

    Tickets will be sold all day Thursday at 'Cinema Nouveau' by SAWF officials or you can email for block booking enquires.

    Hope to see you there

    How swift thy sword!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    wow, man that film took a long time to get around eh?

    it just came out in dub here in Canada a little while ago and hit the theatres this summer.

    wassup with the distributors anyway? I watched this film on dvd almost 3 years ago now!

    it is visually extremely lush!

    apparentl many chinese folks hate the story though because:

    a) qin hsi huang di was way more of a ******* than portrayed in the film


    b) a man of zhao would never give up the opportunity to kill him

    But all that aside, it is a stunning film.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  3. #3
    Actually, there was an instant in history where there was an assassin who wanted to kill the emperor Qin but gave up afterwards. This came AFTER he unified China.

    According to historical records, this person wasn't planning on killing the emperor in the first place. Rather, he was trying to show him the fact that he himself was mortal was therefore teaching him that his reign was not 'legitimate' in the sense that he was some kind of devine being (illusions of granduer kicks in when you accomplish what the emperor Qin has). By teaching him this lesson, he hoped that the emperor would treat his subjects better as he too then realizes what death feels like.

    Apparantly, it didn't work. And the Qin Emperor killed off everyone within a 10 li radius of the attempt just to make sure his accomplices were dead

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