Originally posted by Knifefighter
I wasn't aware that Carlson's team was using WC. How long have they been doing that?

In answer to your question, I'm not interested in their "views", but what they can use. If Carlson's team is using WC for thier standup training, then their MMA events will show whether or not these WC techniques can or cannot be used successfully. As the saying goes "the proof will be in the pudding". Until then, I remain skeptical.

My prediction is that the only WC technques that Carlson's team will possibly be able to use successfully will be an outside pak sao followed by a series of chain punches, all of which will be heavily supplemented by boxing and Muay Thai.
It will be nice to see you raise your (full) cup and toast them when they do win. Then you can take a sip to help wash down your large slice of humble pie