View Poll Results: Do you agree with the "War on Iraq"

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  • Yes, I agree with the war AND its reasons

    17 25.37%
  • Yes, I agree with the war, but not its reasons

    9 13.43%
  • No, I dont agree with the war OR its reasons

    41 61.19%
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Thread: Do You Agree with the "War on Iraq"

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    right, the two fo you should be getting visitors any moment, just go along quietly and do not resist.....
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    What is the UN gonna do about it?

    the UN's gonna do what it's been doing, inspect for weapons. But I think if weapons are being inspected in Iraq then why not in US, France, Russia, Germany, Pakistan, India, Israel, Finland, Sweden, Iran, Botswana, etc.

    BTW the shah was a cruel ******* and we had to rid the country of the thieveing a$$ that was giving all our oil to the US. And thing are much better in Iran than there was before, although I think still freedom of speech and religion are limited ther, not to say they didn't improve greatly after the revolution
    Your only limitations are the ones you set for yourself.

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  3. #78
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    berkeley, california

    Cheney is a traitor.

    Forget bin Laden, lets git Iraq!!

    "It is well known by now that **** Cheney, before becoming Vice President, served as chairman and chief executive of the Dallas-based petroleum corporation Halliburton. During his tenure, according to oil industry executives and United Nations records, Halliburton did a brisk $73 million in business with Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

    While working face-to-face with Hussein, Cheney and Halliburton were also moving into position to capitalize upon Hussein's removal from power. In October of 1995, the same month Cheney was made CEO of Halliburton, that company announced a deal that would put it first in line should war break out in Iraq. Their job: To take control of burning oil wells, put out the fires, and prepare them for service.

    Another corporation that stands to do well by a war in Iraq is Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton. Ostensibly, Brown & Root is in the construction business, and thus has won a share of the $900 million government contract for the rebuilding of post-war Iraqi bridges, roads and other basic infrastructure. This is but the tip of the financial iceberg, as the oil wells will also have to be repaired after parent-company Halliburton puts out the fires.

    More ominously is Brown & Root's stock in trade: the building of permanent American military bases. There are twelve permanent U.S. bases in Kosovo today, all built and maintained by Brown & Root for a multi-billion dollar profit. If anyone should wonder why the administration has not offered an exit strategy to the Iraq war plans, the presence of Brown & Root should answer them succinctly. We do not plan on exiting. In all likelihood, Brown & Root is in Iraq to build permanent bases there, from which attacks upon other Middle Eastern nations can be staged and managed. "

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove
    I support it.
    It's pretty simple, the cease fire was contingent on him disarming. It's clear he just hid the arms, so we have to go in and take his toys becasue he scammed us.
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

    For the Women:

    + = & a

  5. #80
    And thing are much better in Iran than there was before, although I think still freedom of speech and religion are limited ther, not to say they didn't improve greatly after the revolution
    Now that's funny!
    I quit after getting my first black belt because the school I was a part of was in the process of lowering their standards A painfully honest KC Elbows

    The crap that many schools do is not the crap I was taught or train in or teach.

    Dam nit... it made sense when it was running through my head.


    People love Iron Crotch. They can't get enough Iron Crotch. We all ride the Iron Crotch for the exposure. Gene

    Find the safety flaw in the training. Rory Miller.

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Originally posted by MonkeySlap Too
    Has anyone pondered the thought that we are simply beating the bushes to scare the rabbits?

    GB Sr. was a brilliant strategist (and villified by a media that could not understand what he was up to.). The son, surely talks to his dad.

    In an age of WMD's - does preemptive war become a moral imperitive? If you can go - A.) These people are mad, violent killers. B.) They want to kill us. C.) Soon they will have the means. D.) They are helping others get those means too = get'em whiloe you can, before the price becomes too hi.

    Wouldn't Sun Tzu reccomend dealing with the problem while it is small, thus saving the greatest amount of lives and resources?

    Or does this lead us down the road of tyranny? Where do you draw the line?

    Russia invaded Afghanistan - no one cared but Jimmy Carter.
    China invaded Tibet - no one cared.

    I'd think they would be welcoming us to thier 'club.'
    good question!.

    now on another note, can someone tell me how the us got involved with the middle east in the beginning...did someone ask them for help or did the us-covenant decide the middle east wasnt holy enough for american standards if you know what i mean?.

    not really much of a modern history buff so if anyone will answer this

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Swindon, England
    There's 100,000 US ground troops and 10,000 British troops in Kuwait etc now.
    While I'm not overly keen on war, it must be said that I can't see any real alternative. Saddam Hussain is highly unlikely to open negotiations, and he's already proved his inability to keep his word. Remember, Saddam rules Iraq with an iron fist , and if he were to back down to the West he would be be seen as weak and vulnerable by his people. This isn't a good thing when your continued survival depends on people being too terrified to mount an effective revolt (remember this man's survived over 20 coup attempts, including several by his own family).
    Hussein has already breached the UN resolutions against him on numerous occasions. No fly zone violations, sanction violations, nuclear research, long range missiles...... The UN has consistently failed to take serious action against him.
    Let's not forget that the UN also failed to take action in Croatia and Rwanda, so their record as "the world's policeman" isn't exactly rosy.
    I don't understand this seeming majority view that there should be no war without UN approval. Why? Will the war be any more right just because eveyone else agrees? And I bet you we won't be seeing any Russian troops if they do. It will still be Britain, Spain, Italy and the US. So nothing will actually have changed.
    As for Oil, who are the biggest objectors on the UN Seecurity Council? France and Russia. Who has the biggest oil deals with Iraq? Let me think.....
    Inspections? It's a country the size of France, and most of it's desert. If the entire British people searched it would still take weeks. They can't even find the weapons they know they've got!
    I also disagree with the whole "shock and awe" thing. Why does America think that bombing wins wars? It has never worked. Once air superiority has been achieved then the only way is to commit ground troops. The biggest problem with a war that I can see is America is hugely squeamish about committing ground forces. I mean in the gulf war we lost more men to American fire than the Americans did in total (indeed we lost more to suicide). Ever since Vietnam the US has been terrified of groundwar (although US losses in the whole war were less than British losses on the first day of the battle of the Somme). What's going to happen if America loses 50 men? Will they pull out?
    "The man who stands for nothing is likely to fall for anything"

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    San Antonio, TX
    But I think if weapons are being inspected in Iraq then why not in US, France, Russia, Germany, Pakistan, India, Israel, Finland, Sweden, Iran, Botswana, etc.
    Because none of the above countries invaded another country, and then refused to comply with standards they agreed with to end the war. Please do some basic research before spewing this crap of yours Shah. Having a differing opinion, and having an opinion based on ignorance are two entirely different things. Your's falls in the later category.
    Your intelligence is surpassed only by your ignorance.

    You are more likely to fall down the stairs and break your neck if you live in a house with stairs. You are more likely to be in a car accident if you drive to work. You are more likely to be kicked in the nuts or punched in the nose if you practicing the martial arts. - Judge Pen

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upstate NY


    "can someone tell me how the us got involved with the middle east in the beginning"

    This is a good place to start with. I don't want to decide what your views are for you, nor to come across as knowing more than I do, so try looking about that site and decide for yourself.

    FWIW, I'd recommend the ebook 'modern dictators' [as well as some of the others] and this page for links to info straight from the horse's mouth..
    -Thos. Zinn

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    Nor let unreason'd tempers rise
    Your little hands were never meant
    To pluck out one anothers eyes"
    -McGuffey's Reader

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    ستّة أيّام يا كلب

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Originally posted by red5angel
    I have 10$ that Rockwood and Laughing Cow are the same person, ...
    Better stop gambling because you surely will loose your money.
    Witty signature under construction.

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Los Angeles
    Originally posted by red5angel
    CSN- containment isn't fool proof and money leaks out of Iraq all the time to support jihad....
    however you are right about th eshutup comment, for me the protests don't bother me but the fact the protestors don't really seem to understand all the facts, or reality in some cases.
    So red, Do you still think the protestors are wrong? They were saying the Weapons Of Mass Distruction do not exist. Seeing how every single person the Bush administration has sent in came back saying there are no WMDs, it's time to face the fact that YOU didn't seem to "understand all the facts, or reality in some cases". I hope you don't blindly try to defend this and reflect on yourself.

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Big news today is that the official search for WMDs in Iraq is done with and over.

    The egg is thick on the faces of those who arranged this fiasco of a quagmire.

    Get those freakin troops home already.

    Shoulda let the Iraqis deal with their own **** to begin with instead of letting the Frums, Wolfowitz's, Perles, Cheneys and various other Chickenhawks launch their little blood for oil campaign.

    And apparently, the President is still in denial over this gaff.

    what a twit.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  13. #88
    Has anyone else heard of Saddam moving Weapons of Mass Destruction out of Iraq before the war?
    Also, I think we could call Saddam a weapon of mass destruction.

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Atlanta, GA / Israel

    For Shah and Taomonkey

    "I just blame the JEWS"

    As if I haven't heard THIS one before...geez, somethings never change


  15. #90
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    user blocked by low score
    come on, dont go all silent
    i was kidding

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