Originally posted by Oso
ok, so they are flexing a bit
That's OK as long as it doesn't rip out of the wall (which was my concern).
Originally posted by Oso
so, comments on form?
Looks fine. Same as what I imagine I look like. One thing - try to keep your shoulders down. Lol @ reaching with your chin - I do the same thing on hard reps trying to get the chin over the bar.
Originally posted by Oso
should I start adding some weight or just keep with the negatives?
I'd do both. Add weight and do some partials with it, then jump up and do negatives with the weight still hanging off (or add more weight). The bonus of the weight is that it feels so much easier when you remove the weight. At the start of a new PTP cycle for me, when the weight goes down again, it's 100x easier than the end of the cycle.

One more tip - try some just wearing shorts. No shoes, no shirt. Even that little bit of weight might make a difference. I find with pullups that very small amounts of weight can have a big effect.