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Thread: PTP and newbie in the gym.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Helsinki, Finland
    Hehe. More old threads resurrected.

    Well. My last experiment failed miserably after the first cycle. I was training too hard in kungfu at the moment and didn't go easy enough with the weights.

    Now my kungfu schedule has eased a lot because I'm trying to find a new art and school. So I have more time for weight training.

    I'm reading PTP at the moment and I'm going for the bear, because I wan't to bulk up a little and gain more maximum strength. But I still want to keep up the muscle endurance and cardio-vascular endurance. So I'm trying to figure out how to cycle.

    I was thinking of doing 2 weeks (1 cycle) of Bear and then switch to calisthenics for a week or two. So I would have strength/bulk cycle and endurance cycle. There's some questions though.

    But is two weeks or one bear cycle enough to do any good for strength and bulk?

    I'm also intrested in doing H.I.I.T. for cardio-vascular endurance. Should I do it all the time or limit it to strength or endurance cycle? I'd rather do it during the strength cycle, but will it interfere with strength and bulk development?


    One more question about nutrition. I'm currently taking creatine and I have recovery drink with 3:2 carb : protein mix for recovering from hard kungfu workouts. I'm thinking of buing more protein for the Bear workouts. Maybe whey after workout and some "night time protein" for the night. Will they do any good? I'm also trying to decrease the fats in my diet.
    Last edited by premier; 01-17-2005 at 05:04 PM.

  2. #32
    I've always been too scared to try the Bear. I've been scared of hypertrophic workouts ever since I started PTP. Don't want to put up with the detrimental impact on my MA classes.

    Anyway - and this is just MHO obviously - 2 weeks is way too short on the Bear. I'd go for 4. Why? Because unlike PTP you're only going to be able to work one muscle group at a time, every couple of days. If I did Bear, it'd be e.g.:

    Monday: Heavy DL or squat, light bench (not Bear), light pullup (if able).

    Wednesday: Heavy bench, light others (not Bear).

    Friday: Heavy pullups, light others (not Bear).

    So doing Bear for 2 weeks you're only hitting each muscle group twice.

    HIIT: I do it all the time. Probably depends on what exercise you choose. I row and that doesn't heavily impact my other stuff, but it definitely does slightly. I used to sprint, and that probably affected me moreso (with squat and DL).

    Protein: I mix calcium caseinate and whey 1/2-1/2. At night calcium caseinate would be better since it forms a curd in your stomach and is absorbed slowly (up to 8hrs). It also contains less fat than whey.

    BTW, who was that Mr. Bao guy? He seemed a little obnoxious .
    "If trolling is an art then I am your yoda.if spelling counts, go elsewhere.........." - BL

    "I don't do much cardio." - Ironfist

    "Grip training is everything. I say this with CoC in hand." - abobo

  3. #33
    Originally posted by premier
    Now my kungfu schedule has eased a lot because I'm trying to find a new art and school.
    Ooh, this sounds more interesting to me! Why are you changing?
    "i can barely click the link. but i way why stop drinking .... i got ... moe .. fcke me out of it" - GDA on Traditional vs Modern Wushu
    but what if the man of steel hasta fight another man of steel only that man of steel knows kung fu? - Kristoffer
    How do you think monks/strippers got started before the internet? - Gene Ching
    Find your peace in practice. - Gene Ching

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Helsinki, Finland
    Well.. Let's just say I wasn't content with how things were organized. I don't want to go in to details in public.

  5. #35
    Send me a pm?
    "i can barely click the link. but i way why stop drinking .... i got ... moe .. fcke me out of it" - GDA on Traditional vs Modern Wushu
    but what if the man of steel hasta fight another man of steel only that man of steel knows kung fu? - Kristoffer
    How do you think monks/strippers got started before the internet? - Gene Ching
    Find your peace in practice. - Gene Ching

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    North East Atlantic
    Originally posted by Toby
    BTW, who was that Mr. Bao guy? He seemed a little obnoxious .
    Toby, I stole a PTP book for you and now for such a rude comment about Mr. Bao I will keep it for myself. LOL. You know what, maybe your right, Mr Bao does sound obnoxious. Probably never read PTP or worked out his or her entire life.
    Bao Tran, Certified CST Coach
    Your Success is our Success

  7. #37
    "If trolling is an art then I am your yoda.if spelling counts, go elsewhere.........." - BL

    "I don't do much cardio." - Ironfist

    "Grip training is everything. I say this with CoC in hand." - abobo

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    North East Atlantic
    Seriously, I am thinking of selling all my Pavel's materials. If anyone interested, let me know.
    Bao Tran, Certified CST Coach
    Your Success is our Success

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