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Thread: Look this teacher, is he good? Give me a hand please...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Look this teacher, is he good? Give me a hand please...

    I am in Quebec, Canada, I want to find a Tai Chi teacher, I found this site,
    but I have no experience at all.

    My question is: This teacher is good to practice with? Because I do not want to waste my time...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Toronto, Ontario. Canada.
    Unless one of his students is from this forum and comments on it, the website won't really tell you much. My guess is that you'll have to take a few hours out of your schedule and go see him. Specifically, see if you can take a free class and determine for yourself if this guy teaches what you want to learn.

    He teaches Chen style with applications - thats good.
    He teaches Qigung - thats also good.
    Bagua, Xing Yi - never studied them myself, but I think there are lots of people here who would say they're both awesome.
    Pictures - though you can't really go by the website's "gallery" for any real information, he looks pretty awesome.

    Go and check it out. He looks solid, but he might be great for "me", but suck for "you", or vise-versa. Check it out and let us know.

    Doctors: "Mr. Simpson, this procedure MAY increase your brain power ... OR it may KILL you!"

    Homer: "Increase my killing power, eh? I'll do it!"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Wu Wei USA
    The site looks great and judging by his postures/pictures, he seems to be solid. You may very well be in luck!

    FWIW, I suggest you try to take a few classes with him and watch for a few things that he may do with his other students at an intermediate and/or advanced level as you will most likely start with more basic repetetive movements to start with (this is to gain a proper range of motion to be able to do some of the things you see in his picture galleries).

    Ask yourself several questions:

    Does he demonstrate things to his students by showing or telling or both?
    Does he have his students feel his body? The internal systems are not always obvious, so often times, you must "feel" what the body is doing.
    Does he have his students pick one style or have them do Tai Chi, Bagua and Hsing I as a matter of course? This may be more of a preference thing, but often teachers will teach only one style to a student as there are differences to each of the three that could be very confusing or difficult to a begginer.

    Of course you must also consider your own questions, which will depend on why you want to study in the first place.

    I decided to study Bagua for certain reasons, but I initially was "convinced" that I wanted to study Yang Tai Chi. Since I knew I would be investing A LOT of time in my study, I tried all three and took up what fit me best. I'm very happy with the decision I made!

    Good luck to you!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanks for everyone.
    I am really happy to his teaching!!!
    I appreciate everyone who gave me advice here...

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