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Thread: The Crappy Statue of Kung Fu

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    The Crappy Statue of Kung Fu

    The crappy statue of Kung fu

    This is not an attack on any one statue. It is an attack on all statues. Actually, it is an attack on kung fu statues in general.

    What are we doing? What are we talking about? Kung fu statue sculptors are full of such bull, that I am about to blow my top.

    I read posts and I read read books and articles in magazines. Kung fu sculptors have claimed a lot of things, talked a lot of crap, and made a lot of excuses.

    I have read many things and listened to sculptors speak of this great statue power: an almost magical power of kung fu statues. If I knead this clay or mold that or form this point, I could bore or sadden you. However, I have not seen this technique used in a pottery wheel or in an actual kiln. I have seen kung fu sculptors beat their opponent,yes, but not to the point of making there statues special or showing some mystical technique or concept.

    I often read or hear kung fu statue sculptors make excuse after the gallery show: the reasons why they lost. They were talking about what they COULD have done. Is that all we are good for? (talking before and after a showing) I haven't even seen some rouge kung fu statue sculptors yelling at or annoying a guy to prove his or her statue.....

    blah, blah, blah

    go, sculpt.
    Bloodninja: I stomp the ground, and snort, to alert you that you are in my breeding territory.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    surprisingly humorous

    "better to reside in hell knowing the truth than to be blissfully ignorant in heaven."

    "Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."- Doug Adams

    I dare you to make less sense!

    "Freeze?! You know if i drop the tooth fairy i'm only gettin' started mother****er!"

    "It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Yeah, quite funny.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  4. #4
    1+ Funny Point.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chi Town, Ill
    Ya, it was funny. Not as funny as the original, but I laughed.

    Live it or live with it.


  6. #6
    Is the statue as in laws, scriptures or code of ethics?

    Is the statue as wording or talking?

    Is the statue as in profiles or heights of a person?

    Is the statue as the statue of liberty?

    Is --

  7. #7
    Sometimes winning is losing.

    Losing is winning.

    And yes, you are right. It is all in your hands. Your life, you as in person, your Kung Fu and fighting are all molded or sculpted by you.

    You may train or shape yourself into the mode of your choice with your body and mind.

    Kung Fu is from you. Kung Fu is you and you are Kung Fu.

    While not everyone looks the same nor favors the same, you study from a teacher, and then you mold yourself whichever way you want.

    What is winning? What is losing?

    What is a fight?

    What is you?

    What is Kung Fu?

    Yes, some things or skills take times and practices to perfect are called Kung Fu.

    Does your Kung Fu or fighting skills take time or practice?

    Are you in a very hurry to finish the sculpture, let say 6 months?

    Or do you take time to mold and sculpt?
    Last edited by SPJ; 02-13-2005 at 10:01 AM.

  8. #8
    Rome or Roma was not bulit in a day.

    Why the hurry to rush into a ring?

    Are you a really winner, now that you win every fight so far?

    There is always another higher mountain and another deeper pond.

    Are we the ocean, rivers, lakes, ponds, or puddles?

    When can we claim that we have seen it all and the champ of something?

  9. #9
    How big is the sky?

    The frog, at the bottom of a well, said it is as big as the ring we are in.

    One day an eagle snatched him up into the sky and out of the ring of the well. The frog finally realized there are huge worlds outside the ring before he was --

    So you are the champ in a certain fight?

    Tommorrow, there will be new and younger challengers.

    You come back and defend the title.

    Till one day you meet your match.

    You ask yourself. Does this prove anything?

    Is it important to be a champ in the ring to claim that you may fight?

    Or is it just a random event in time and space that you are in that place?

    One day, someone else's time and place will come.

    You ask yourself. Did I become krapps and do not know how to fight anymore?
    Last edited by SPJ; 02-13-2005 at 12:41 PM.

  10. #10
    I read and watched boxing and MT matches in 60's and 70's over and over.

    People only remembered the winners and what they said about their winnings.

    Blah and Blah and Blah.

    No one is listening to the losers and what they have to say.

    Guess what. I did and still do.
    Last edited by SPJ; 02-13-2005 at 12:42 PM.

  11. #11
    Do we have to prove that we have statures of some sorts only after winning?

    Or do we know and learn from the losing more?

    If we lose a fight, we do not have statures any more?
    Last edited by SPJ; 02-13-2005 at 12:43 PM.

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