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Thread: Yi Jin Jing

  1. #1
    phoenix-eye Guest

    Yi Jin Jing questions


    Couple of questions on the Yi Jin Jing (muscle/tendon change classic)

    1) How many of you practice this form?
    2) Do you feel you have benefitted signficantly and what were these benefits?
    3) Can you learn the form from video? (I know it's not the best method but if there are benefits then it might be worth it..)
    4) Which is the best video? I know there are at least 2 available from martialartsmart - one by Shi Guolin and one by Shi De Yang (?). I found Guolin's Jin Gang Quan video to be good for demonstrating physical form but there was only a tiny bit of (pretty hidden) information on the correct breathing patterns.

    Thanks for any advice that you might have.

    "We had a thing to settle so I did him"
    Tamai, 43, was quoted by Police as saying.

  2. #2
    charliec Guest
    I practice it at Shi Guolin's temple, but not for long enough to be able to talk about the results. Directly however I feel relaxed and much more physically fit after practicing the fit.

    I'd have to say you couldn't learn it from a tape. With kung fu it is sometimes possible to do the movements and figure them out to a certain extent from just the pure physicality of it, I'd say this is totally impossible with Qigong.

    For those entering the
    realm of Wu with a mind
    on Ch'an, the silent
    smile awaits them. -

  3. #3
    Kung Lek Guest
    1. i do
    3.yes (it is Nei/Chi Gong/Kung exercises)
    4.I don't know, I recieved it via direct transmission


    Kung Lek

  4. #4
    GeneChing Guest

    guolin vs. deqian

    Shi Guolin states emphatically that his iron body skill comes from his yijinjing practice. He is a staunch proponent of it and his video is very good. It has narration both in Chinese and English, which can be tedious if you only speak one language, but there are plenty of repetitions.

    Shi Deqian wrote the book on Shaolin, or more literally, the books - the Shaolin encyclopedia. Beyond his explanation in those books, he produced the video and a poster. I worked on the English translation of his video personally. Again, good video with plenty of repetitions.

    Additionally, we published a photo series by Deru. That ran in Jun/Jul99, Sep99, Oct99, & Dec99. That is something that you can copy and post on your training wall.

    All three versions are essentially the same and equivalent to the version I learned at Shaolin under Shi Decheng by direct transmission. I used to practice it daily, but after my chld was born, well, you other parents understand... Anyways, I loved it and hope I can find the time in my life soon to renew the practice.

    You can learn by any means and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Videos, books, watching bugs, bar fights, there are so many roads to martial wisdom. Of course, kungfu & qigong is best transmitted from warm hand to warm hand. But as an example, I learned this by direct transmission, then researched the other versions to expand my knowledge. If you are really into the practice, of course you'll do your research and cross-reference through all the sources. Now to keep my job, I should officially say "buy them all" but realistically, you should buy what you can afford, at least look at them all. Learn one, the look at the others to deepen your knowledge. Why would you ever want to limit yourself?

    Gene Ching
    Asst. Publisher
    Kungfu Qigong Magazine &

  5. #5
    charliec Guest
    Meh, I still say you couldn't learn qigong from a video. I have such a hard time breathing correctly and there's no way writing would be able to express what I'm doing wrong. I really need someone to pat my stomach and say, "No."

    For those entering the
    realm of Wu with a mind
    on Ch'an, the silent
    smile awaits them. -

  6. #6
    phoenix-eye Guest
    Gene: Thanks for info - I'm contemplating buying them both if I can devise a cunning plan to defraud my fiancee of the necessary funds. I'm meant to be saving for the honeymoon but ... know....she's always buying clothes and shoes - surely I can have a few kung fu videos?


    It's always been my concern that you cant learn Qi Gong from video in the same way that you could at least grasp the basics of an external form. There are some nuances to the breathing patterns and directing Qi flow that I'm sure you cant get except from direct transmission. My major concern was more that if you are doing it "wrong" can it have adverse effects? If so, maybe it's better left alone.

    Anyway, geography is my main problem - there is almost zero chance of me ever getting direct instruction here and if the advantages of the video outweigh the disadvantages then it might be worth it.

    "We had a thing to settle so I did him"
    Tamai, 43, was quoted by Police as saying.

  7. #7
    PlasticSquirrel Guest


    phoenix-eye: i got my start with books on qigong. within a few months, any blockage i had was very small, and i had accomplished xiao zhou tian (small cycle of heaven) and da zhou tian (large cycle of heaven). besides that, i could root myself well enough that even when standing upright i couldn't get my foot off the ground. and you know those spots on your feet that translate into "bubbling well?" well, they feel like they're bubbling.

    i would recommend one, along with yang jwingming's book "qigong for health and martial arts." very comprehensive look, and you'll be able to get a better handle on the theories behind the yi jin jing, as well as another version of it, and some other similar forms.

  8. #8
    phoenix-eye Guest

    I've got a few of Yang Jwing Ming's books including "Tai Chi Theory and Martial Power" and "Essence of White Crane" which give good background info on Qi Gong.

    I do think that I know the (very) basic theories and that I could understand what is happening on the video but sometimes what you think is happening is the opposite of what is intended.

    I think I'll give it a try and post a topic again after some actual practice.

    "We had a thing to settle so I did him"
    Tamai, 43, was quoted by Police as saying.

  9. #9
    charliec Guest
    phoenix-eye, my qigong teacher has always instructed us to be mindfull during practice because otherwise we could hurt ourselves. He tells us never to close our eyes during practice and to never practice when you're not into it. Even the beginning student can accidently do something right and hurt themselves.

    For those entering the
    realm of Wu with a mind
    on Ch'an, the silent
    smile awaits them. -

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    up there over to the right rotate and go down

    Question Yi Jin Jing

    Hi i was checking out martial arts mart the other day and came across two yi jin jing videos, one was 48 mins and the other was 60mins. why the difference in time? has anyone seen these videos or would recommend them ?


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I'm only guessing, but, It is likely there is more flute music and sweeping vistas of water crashing into stone while someone talks about shaolin history in one while the other is more to the point.

    THta would be the time difference thing. heh heh
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove
    Get them both, they show the set at different levels. Goulin's is more basic, and the other is more advance in performance.
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    up there over to the right rotate and go down
    thank you for your replys guys, im kinda pressed for cash at the moment but i will pick up the other one later.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Yi Jin Jing

    Shi Guolin's yi jin jing is in both Chinese and English, which partly account for the longer running time. FWIW, yi jin jing is one of Shi Guolin's specialties. I learned more about the form in a two-day semianr with him than I learned from all my studies under other masters and in books and videos. I'm not sure if that comes across in his video per se (I had studied it prior to taking his seminar), but I must say that I admire his form the most of all I've seen so far.

    Shi Deqian's yi jin jing is our exclusive translation from Chinese to English. We got the rights for US distribution, while the original Chinese language is available in China. I worked on that translation. Deqian also produced an accompanying yi jin jing poster. Shi Deqian is much older than Shi Guolin, and age always changes your practice. I have the most respect for the elder masters.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    36th Chamber
    I have Guolin's tape. It's pretty good.
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