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Thread: Wing Chun's chain punch and JKD's straight balst

  1. #16
    Vankuen Guest

    Yeah I can see that.

    I can see the rolling, and even the backfists during the lin wan kuen. As I've seen clips and read things of Bruce Lee teaching the lap/bong luk sau, or rolling hands, using gwai kuen instead of chung kuen (backfists instead of vertical fists).

    When I dabbled in JKD, I used a lot of backfists as well. They are fast and easily inserted. There seems to be a high degree of importance on that particular strike. To me...if you can backfist then you can straight punch as well...and I believe that the straight punch packs a bit more of a whallup then the backfist on average. But thats just me.

    I get concerned though when I hear people using that method to distract though, the reason being is that I was always trained to hit only when the hits count, and to me, using lin wan kuen hitting nothing but air seems to be wasted motion. I mean maybe theres a different philosophy in the schools of JKD? Someone want to clarify on that?

    "From one thing know ten thousand" - Miyomato Musashi, Book of five rings

    "Loy lau hoi sung, lut sau jik chung"

  2. #17
    fmann Guest
    There seems to be alot of variation. Some JKDers run like a mad man, some shuffle step. Some roll their punches, some backfist, some use straight WT/WC punches. Some JKDers can put a person down with their straight blast, some just use it to close distance w/o focusing on knock-out/down power.

    In my WT school, we train it w/ straight punches, "shuffling" or "passing" steps depending on distance, but always drilling knock-out/down power. Which is what I think Vankuen also trains.

  3. #18
    Vankuen Guest

    I try

    Yeah....I try to train that way...I have a loong way to go with wing chun though. I came from a very "shaolin kung fuish" background...and muay thai it's different wing chun is...If I spar doing things naturally as I would, then I do alright against most people, but when I try to only use wing chun...I dont do as well. Lots to learn lots to learn.

    "From one thing know ten thousand" - Miyomato Musashi, Book of five rings

    "Loy lau hoi sung, lut sau jik chung"

  4. #19
    fmann Guest
    Yeah, I have the same type of problem, Vankuen, although I haven't trained in any particular style long enough to be engrained by it, I don't use WC exclusively when I have to bust a nut, but I definitely realize that I apply the principles if not the technique -- straight motion, forward intent/pressure, etc..

    Like I said in another thread, focusing on the executing perfect WC technique in a fight may not save you, but applying the principles will.

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