Answeres to the million $ questions!!!! All gather round now cause it's a doozy...

No I didn't receive any emails from any one on what you said. I don't think any really cares. It wasn't funny.

As for the pedophile comment. I was molested as a child so I think I have every right to talk about that issue since I have first hand knowledge of it... The comment made was "sounds like something a pedophile would say". Do I think you are one? No.. did I actually call you one? No. So get off of your high horse cheif. You throw a dig at me I'm throwing one back. You go ahead and PM me if you like, or we can talk about this issue in person if you like as well. Balls in your court.

The wu tang question: Yeah I thought that was a winner too. See I guess I'm still too witty for ya. Your assumption was that I knew your joke because wu tang said it. I don't listen to wu tang, I don't have kids. So both of those jokes I didn't get until you told me what you meant...... Even then I understood it, just thought it wasn't funny. Just like you don't think I'm funny..... It's as simple as that rumsfeld. I was being sarcastic hense the rolling eyes, I'm not a split personality.

On a final note, I'm not trying to be cool. I'm reacting to YOUR comments. I'm sitting here laughing while you seem to be buggered. So this coke's for you cheers...