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Thread: favourite kung-fu flick?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    right here.
    crippled masters.
    where's my beer?

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    right here.
    where's my beer?

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lone Star State
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I am on the floor in tears. LOLOLOLOLOL.

    i love it.

    It makes me mad when people say I turned and ran like a scared rabbit. Maybe it was like an angry rabbit, who was going to fight in another fight, away from the first fight.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Looking for the Iron Monkey
    Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin - The opening credits are awesome with Jackie Chan doing a spear set. Final fight scene is about 15 minutes long. The story isn't bad either.
    Fist of Legend with Jet Li.
    Iron Monkey
    Once Upon a Time in China Trilogy.
    Drunken Master
    Shaolin Master Killer.
    Check out my wooden dummy website:

  5. #20
    I really liked drunken master 2

  6. #21

    Talking check this out

    this flick probably is not in my top five favourite but it is admirable to see a few young guys making a 70's kung fu flick with a modern feel. the film is called 5 styles the legend of bouge. check it out and see what a bunch of normal guys can do with a camera.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    MasterKiller the 36th Chamber pwns all kungfu films ever made.

    nuff said!

    oh and 5 deadly venoms is good too.

    that crippled masters thing looks freakish though...might be worth checking out!
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Portland, OR
    Ill throw my hat in with the "Fist of Legend" crowd, as well as

    Iron Monkey - modern version (love that Donnie is not IM but is Wong)

    Drunken Master/and legend of (one movie to me, gotta watch back to back)

    The Tai Chi Master
    A man has only one death. That death may be as weighty as Mt. Tai, or it may be as light as a goose feather. It all depends upon the way he uses it....
    ~Sima Qian

    Master pain, or pain will master you.

    "Just do your practice. Who cares if someone else's practice is not traditional, or even fake? What does that have to do with you?"
    ~Gene "The Crotch Master" Ching

    You know you want to click me!!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Portland, OR
    Oh I forgot

    "GOLDEN BOY" !!!!!
    A man has only one death. That death may be as weighty as Mt. Tai, or it may be as light as a goose feather. It all depends upon the way he uses it....
    ~Sima Qian

    Master pain, or pain will master you.

    "Just do your practice. Who cares if someone else's practice is not traditional, or even fake? What does that have to do with you?"
    ~Gene "The Crotch Master" Ching

    You know you want to click me!!

  10. #25
    Old School Style is the best, so watch out for:

    - Invincible Armour

    - Shaolin challenges Ninja

    - Shaolin Martial Arts

    - Drunken Master #1 & The dance of the drunken mantis a.k.a. Drunken Master #2

    - Secret Rivals #1 & Secret Rivals #2

    - 8 grandmasters

    ... I could continue like this for hours. If you like to get more infomations of great Kung Fu movies, go to this page and there you'll find a huge database of credible critiques and informations.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Washington, DC
    I have a million of em that I like....too many to name but here are a few

    Two Toothless Tigers
    Sword Stained with Royal Blood
    Daggers 8
    Pedicab Driver
    Legendary Weapons of China
    Legend of a Fighter
    Martial Club
    Odd Couple
    Bloody Tattoo aka The Loot
    3 Evil Masters aka The Master
    5 Super Fighters
    Dragons Forever
    Wheels on Meals

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