I want to say just a couple of things. First of all, I don not think all people should practice falun gong. If you have been doing a type of chi gong, tai chi, or whatever and are happy, then by all means stick with that. I can only speak from my own experience. I practiced falun gong on my own for over a year before ever meeting another falun gong practitioner. I have not had a single experience to hint that this could be a cult in any way. It has had only postive impacts on my life. There are no memberships, no money is exchanged, and you can do it without ever talking to another person who does falun gong. How could a cult exist without membership? As far as the Chinese media is concerened, you have to keep in mind that the Chinese government has a bad habbit of running people over with army tanks if they voice their opinion. The media in China is controlled by the government. The reason why the Chinese government bagain persecuiting falun gong, is because there are too many people who pratice it. Li Hongzhi lectured for two years to about 20,000 people. withen a few years, several million Chinese were practicing this chi gong. The Chinese government is afraid of anything that could motivate that many people for any reason. The only way someone can be unbiased is if they give it a try themselves. If you don't like it, don't do it. Simple as that. In all though, I'm just trying to say that this has helped my out a lot, and I just wanted to give my opinion. People have the right to their own opinion (even if it is totally opposite of mine).