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Thread: Aerobic fitness level aiding an-aerobic fitness...

  1. #1

    Aerobic fitness level aiding an-aerobic fitness...

    It's nice to think of an-aerobic fitness and aerobic fitness as two seperate, independant systems in our body, but I'm beginning to doubt that. Not that I'm a doctor or anything...

    True or false:
    Aerobic fitness aids an-aerobic fitness, and vice versa. Or more specifically aerobic fitness adds to your capacity to do an-aerobic work.

  2. #2
    False IMHO.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    On the mat.
    The ability to go for a long time is aerobic. The ability to go for a short quick high intensity period of time is anaerobic, without oxygen. IF one can only do that quick high intensity period once, they have a minimal of anareobic power. If one could do that several times with brief active rests in between, that would be stressing both systems.
    However, most commonly the two are seperated but no matter what, you must always breathe and, for that matter, those terms apply largely to what is going on at a cellular level and the rate at which ATP is used or manufactured: ie, with or without oxygen.
    I have found that training in an anarobic capacity over and over again with brief rests definately expands my lung capacity but not vice versa. If anything aerobic work allows one to have sustained minimal contractions with low intensity, it will help you prepare for 'real' work such as hitting the bag, longer forms, and, of course, sparring.
    If one's time is minimal, then I would stick to the anaerobic, for combat it offers much more, however, it would be best to do say, rounds of three or five minutes at a high intensity over and over again. Or jog for twenty minutes with brief 30 second sprintsj.
    A unique snowflake

  4. #4

    here's a way to test it out. do no cardio work whatsoever, but do plenty of sparring. get to the point where you can spar 12 three minute rounds without getting too terribly tired. The next day, go run 5 miles.

    or, reverse it - do no sparring, and only train cardio. Then one day, spar 12 rounds.

    you are training two different systems and they don't really compliment eachother. It's like doing muscular endurance training in an attempt to gain strength - doesn't work.
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