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Thread: Th Great Grand Master?

  1. #46
    "For example, it demonstrated fairly clearly what a typical fight -- not "sparring" as so many typically practice it -- "looks" like. Is this what you (the general "you") are preparing for? Neither Cheung or Boztepe were, at the time, despite years or decades of training in WCK, that prepared for what transpired (based on their performances). That's important because if they did all that WCK training and were not prepared (skilled), we should ask ourselves, "why?" Is it because, as some say, that WCK is just not functional or because the way they trained just didn't prepare them adequately? If Cheung or Boztepe couldn't use their WCK, why not? Is it that easy to put somoene in a situation where WCK can't really be effective? If so, what does that say about WCK for self-defense? I could go on, but you get the picture. " (Terence)

    YES, YOU COULD GO ON...and on...and on...because you've come to enjoy trolling, Terence.

    But let me ask you a few questions:

    Who has Robert Chu (your wing chun instructor) ever fought?

    And who has Hawkins Cheung (Robert Chu's instructor) ever fought?

    Come to think of it - who has Terence Niehoff ever fought?

    And here's another question for you:

    Are you aware of the fact that your sifu, Robert Chu, emailed me recently to clear the air about a few things - including telling me that he has great respect for William Cheung, and that William was one of his boyhood idols???!!!

    Are you aware of that, Terence?

    Or are you just too busy being the "ambulance chaser" of the wing chun forum?

    The lawyer who's ALWAYS looking for the opportunity to make something (ie.- a profit) out of unfortunate events. William Cheung, 46 years old at the time, literally slipped as he was throwing a kick on a parquet floor, while wearing the thin Chinese slippers, and after being surrounded by a bunch of guys, one of whom ran up behind him and pulled his pants down, and being confronted by the leader of the pack who was standing in front of him, while being a lone Chinese man in a foreign caucasian country, and suffered no physical bruises whatsoever by the time it was over...

    And you,Terence Niehoff, playing to the UG crowd, want to continue on and on about it 19 years later?

    You're a troll, Terence.

    Plain and simple.

    A troll.

    And don't bother trying to tell me that I'm "taking it all wrong"...that I'm "misinterpreting your meaning"...that you're only trying to point out "the importance of realistic training"...

    and all the other BULL5HIT that you give whenever you've been called about your trolling...

    because I know, along with many other people around here by now, that all of that simply serves as a COVER to hide your real motivations...

    the same things that motivate every other troll:

    petty jealousy
    personal insecurity about HIMSELF (and his own martial abilities)
    personal ambition (that seeks to climb up by kicking others down)

    This is you, Terence.
    Last edited by Ultimatewingchun; 05-10-2005 at 11:47 AM.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    so according to YOU................

    Joy is a Racist, Hendrick is a drug addict and now Terence is an ambulance chasing Bull5iter.............

    FUNNY how its only YOU.............that resorts to personal insults WHEN someone disagrees with you.....

    your interpersonal skills NEED a bit of work...........................Victor
    'In the woods there is always a sound...In the city aways a reflection.'

    'What about the desert?'

    'You dont want to go into the desert'

    - Spartan

  3. #48
    I agree with that he is a master of pointing the finger instead of facing the truth

  4. #49
    I agree with that seems Victor always points his righteous finger to avoid the truth

  5. #50


    Is there a reason you didn't just edit your first post?
    Sapere aude, Justin.

    The map is not the Terrain.

    "Wheather you believe you can, or you believe you can't...You're right." - Henry Ford

  6. #51
    "I agree with that seems Victor always points his righteous finger to avoid the truth." (Samson)

    WELL SINCE we're on the subject of truth...Samson's real name is Dave Mead - and his motivation for this entire troll thread about William Cheung is the fact that one of William's top students, Phil Redmond, threw Mead out of his class (in Detroit)...for being way too much of a wise ass...and after Mead tested the waters elsewhere (which didn't work out for him)....he wanted back into Phil's class - and Phil said no.

    Hence this BS thread.

  7. #52
    Wrong again Vicky, wound never train TWC they seem to not be able to fight another Wing Chun group that makes excuses to why they wont fight

  8. #53
    I'm not going to argue with you about who you really are, Dave Mead...only came back on this thread to answer Terence - as his William Cheung/TWC trolling has become too overbearing.

    But I know who you are.

    Last edited by Ultimatewingchun; 05-10-2005 at 05:33 PM.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New York
    This is a very "hot button" issue for some folks around here....

    People should be aware and considerate.

    I see this incident in a similar light to this kind scenario:

    Young hotshot Boxer with entourage corners old time ex-boxing champ while doing a seminar.

    Young hotshot Boxer with entourage tells old time ex-champ he wants to fight him and prove he is a better boxer.

    Old time ex-champ says WTF I'm in the middle of a seminar.....

    Young hotshot Boxer with entourage then tackles old time ex-champ.

    Old-time ex-champ surprised, unready and wearing slippery shoes goes down to the ground.

    Young hotshot Boxer with entourage throws ineffective punches from the ground.

    Old time ex-champ arises a few minutes later uninjured and continues seminar.

    Which conclusions might we make here?

    1. Don't wear slippery shoes when doing seminars?

    2. Bring own entourage in future?

    3. When trash talking BS starts sick your entourage on them?

    4. Boxers don't wrestle very well?

    5. Young hotshot Boxer preferred his grappling skills over his standup game?

    6. Challenges ain’t what they used to be?

    7. Boxing is no good - a myth?

    8. Neither fighter can box?

    Last edited by YungChun; 05-10-2005 at 06:23 PM.
    Jim Hawkins
    M Y V T K F
    "You should have kicked him in the ball_..."—Sifu

  10. #55
    Well Victor anytime,
    Bernard Walatkiewicz
    6154 West 3RD St, Los Angeles Ca
    I would like to come visit you!

  11. #56
    I think there are too many internet tough guys around here now. I've sort of stopped coming around as much because of the monotony of the threads...nothing productive is being I the only one that notices this?

    This thread...and most of the other current threads....are offering nothing of a constructive nature. It's getting old guys. Really.
    "I don't know if anyone is known with the art of "sitting on your couch" here, but in my eyes it is also to be a martial art.

    It is the art of avoiding dangerous situations. It helps you to avoid a dangerous situation by not actually being there. So lets say there is a dangerous situation going on somewhere other than your couch. You are safely seated on your couch so you have in a nutshell "difused" the situation."

  12. #57
    I can be reached at:

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Samson
    Wrong again Vicky, wound never train TWC they seem to not be able to fight another Wing Chun group that makes excuses to why they wont fight

    Uh how did my name get brought into this riduculous discussion?????

    Btw I totally agree with and have done the same as Vankuen. There is more whining, gossiping and backstabbing going on from people/martial artists these days than there is at a weekly b*tch & stitch.

    Funny it seems it is always the ones that say they are the toughest, baddest, martial artists/fighters that are doing all the b*tching/whining/gossiping about EVERYONE else. This thread and how it started is a PERFECT example of a common trend on this and other forums lately.

    Pretty sad that you can only feel good about yourself while cutting down and gossiping about others that you have not even met, even when you have never been personally involved with who/what you are talking about. I Guess it is the need to have constant drama in your life to thrive and feel like your alive.

    Notice none of the 'greats, grandmasters, etc' don't waste their time with any of these forums. Gee I wonder why?

    BTW, also like the new format, hence the playing with the smileys.

    Last edited by WCis4me; 05-11-2005 at 08:29 AM.
    "I've learned....
    That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it" (Andy Rooney)

  14. #59
    Just to set the record straight...this guy Dave Mead (Samson) wasn't thrown out of Phil's wing chun class - he quit on his own.

    But after testing the waters elsewhere, and it wasn't going well, he wanted back into Phil's class; but precisely because he was such a wise ass is why Phil said no...and then he starts this thread.

  15. #60


    I think there are too many internet tough guys around here now. I've sort of stopped coming around as much because of the monotony of the threads...nothing productive is being I the only one that notices this?
    No, I'm with you on this!
    John Widener

    'Understand your limits, but never limit your understanding'.

    " I may disapprove of what you say,
    but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

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