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Thread: Push hands

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Sorry, too much water between you and me to pop in for a visit.

    I am not doubting that you and your guys can fight, OTOH, I have some questions in my mind how you can produce competent fighters in TJQ in such a short time and with what seems to me a lack of TJQ training methods or required times to develop the essentials of TJQ.

    Witty signature under construction.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Reno, Nv, USA
    Jon: I have just begun push hands training. It is structured completly right now. Its a simple sequence of ward off, rollback, press, push.... repeat.. Or something like that. Maybe an extra ward off orwhatnot.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia

    Thumbs up

    i think sensitivity training is excellent and made me re-think how to apply the skill i know a lot

    Peace is not the product of terror or fear.
    Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
    Peace is not the silent result of violent repression.
    Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
    Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
    It is right and it is duty.

  4. #34

    push hands

    If you live in San Jose CA, and are interested in push hands, or know push hands you are welcomed to a small practice group that gets together on Saturday mornings.

    The goal of the group is to explore, examine and refine taiji principles and practice though the medium of push hands.

    For more info e-mail or pm.
    enjoy life

  5. #35

    push hands

    Any one interested in some push hand practice and live in the San Jose area. Pm or email maybe we can set something up, sat_day mornings.

    enjoy life

  6. #36

    push hands

    For those interested in push hands practice, I have some time in the mornings during the week. If your in the SF area close to golden gate park pm or e-mail.

    enjoy life

  7. #37

    push hands


    I have a question concerning Push Hands.

    One of my Si Fu taught me this method of push hands, I do believe it has Come from the Yang family style. He told me it was the old method. I could understand this as he trained in the Small cicle Yang. How ever he also trained in Song Shanxi Xing Yi and Chinese wrestling. So I not sure if it is something he added himself or maybe was something unique to his family as all the generations I do believe were Tai Chi, & Xing Yi pratictioners, as I have never come across this method before or since, It leaves a big question mark above my head.

    The method is the same as the normal push hands except I can only but decribe it as earth range (Close). when learning the feet are parallel when your opponent trys to take you to a float position you streach the body right up to heaven and twist useing maximun waist rotation to hold centre, which creates full spiral through the body, then come back to the press etc. This method in looks can be desribed as played on a vertical plan rather than a horizontal.

    As this method is so close it really does create powerful central energy to be able to play close range weapons. What I found was that you create powerful dan tien energy overwise you can't do this. So when learning you really ach in the guts this is what he refered to as visible power then after years of practice the visible become invisible the power stays but the movment become natural (refined)

    he said this was the old method that was extremally rare. As it really does create center energetics. I have no problem practicing this method as I have achieved the results and found the power generation incredably.

    However I was wondering if any one has any info on this or has even seen or heard of this method before because like I said i haven't. I would love to here about Any info at all. I would really appretiate it and thanks for your time.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Southern England
    We have done a (freestyle) push hands drill which differs from the normal 'bow/arrow stance facing each other' drill in that you're stood in a wu wei? stance (feet parallell, shoulder width), which is possibly a bit more representative of the stance you might be stood in when utilising your push hand skills in a real situation.

    Hope that makes sense, just got back form our extended lunch / christmas p!ss up session.

  9. #39

    Smile push hands

    This is my first post here. i am relatively new to the chinese arts ( bb in tkd ) and i

    am very intested in taiji especially push hands. these techniques seemed

    streetworthy and looked like something i could add to my arsenal. also i know i

    really should try to find an instructor somewhere but there seem to be none in my

    area so does anyone think it is possible to get the basics and learn enough to be

    proficient at pushing through videos and books?


  10. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Well, you at least need a training partner!

    Seriously, you have to have someone who knows pushing hands well teach you. there is just too much going on to reproduce it on your own. I don't believe it's possible.

  11. #41


    the training partner i can get but i mean will i have to find a school tha teaches it

    to learn?

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yes, you will absolutely need a teacher.


    There are others, too, but these guys are both pretty good.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, MA
    Also try Mike Sigman's Internal Strength videos.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Tui Shou

    I'd agree with 99% of the above. Pushing hands is a style of training that involves many, many techniques. It is vital to all the aspects of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. Without it, one cannot benefit fully from T'ai Chi's health, meditation or martial potential.

    The 1% that I can't agree with (I plead ignorance!) is that I don't know William C.C. Chen well enough to comment. I've heard of him, that's all. If a school is incorporating any other style into their T'ai Chi curriculum, then I'd say that is a bad sign, however.

    Pushing hands is a huge subject, very complicated. If you have a full pushing hands schedule you don't have time to study Western boxing! We have 12 different styles of pushing hands at our school, 8 choreographed patterns and 4 different freestyles. Eventually they lead to freestyle sparring (which includes wrestling). Along with the pushing hands we have two person and then multiple opponent application drills, empty hand and weapon. This is at least 10 years worth of work just to cover the basics!

    As mentioned by delibandit above, many schools have lost such a thorough syllabus, teaching only one or two styles of pushing hands, if they teach any at all, and those one or two styles are uninformed by the rest of the pushing hands agenda and thereby incomplete even for what they are supposed to do.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    SUMMER 2018 Kung Fu Tai Chi

    READ Advanced Taiji Push Hands: Da LeBy Jie Gu, Li Weiqian, and Zhou Yudong in our SUMMER 2018 issue.

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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