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Thread: protective eye wear (not qigong related)

  1. #1
    o Guest

    protective eye wear (not qigong related)

    I will soon be switching schools to a full-contact martial arts school. I wear glasses. My vision is too bad for me to spar with them off. Should I get contacts or will glasses still work? Are there protective goggles that I can place over my regular glasses that would stop a hard blow?

  2. #2
    o Guest


    Would "RecSpecs" serve as good enough protection against strong blows to the eyes area? I know they are used in sports such as racquetball, skiing, and others.

  3. #3
    joedoe Guest
    If it's full contact, normal glasses are not going to cut it. However, I have been told contacts aren't so great either. Have you spoken to an optometrist about it?

    What we do in life echoes in Eternity

  4. #4
    o Guest
    Yes, I asked my optometrist but she didn't really know. I plan to ask my master.

  5. #5
    stubbs Guest
    i'm also wear glasses and spoke to my kung fu instructor. he need glasses aswell and he said that he's been using contact lenses for about 12 years and he hasn't had a problem, he did say that sometimes they do slide behind the eyeball slightly but the always come back into position.

    if you do go for contact lenses you need to use the right variety, my intructor says he uses a hard/soft variety, talk to your optition and they will be able to talk you through it.

    "satisfaction loses, humility gains"

  6. #6
    Gluteus Maximus Guest
    o, this headgear might be worth a look - they would protect your glasses by the look of it.!affiliate!


    To know the unseen, you must first learn to see.

  7. #7
    Nexus Guest

    Related but not directly..

    After several years in push-hands, you should start trying it blindfolded. You will begin to develop an awareness and sensitivity that your eyes no longer rely on. Not recommending to practice blindfolded, but it is interesting to experiment with.

    Ever pushed hands with a blind man?

    Freedom is what you do with what is done to you. - Sartres

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Slightly OT

    Didn't know where to put this one, but clearly this forum needs some luv.

    There's a vid too, if you follow the link.
    11:59 am HKT
    Apr 21, 2015
    Environment & Health
    Chinese Children Rub Eyes to Improve Vision

    Every day, millions of Chinese children sit at their desk and diligently massage around their eyes in an attempt to improve their eye health and vision.

    These acupressure eye exercises, based on traditional Chinese medicine ideas, have been carried out by decades of schoolchildren in China and are thought to help stave off near-sightedness, also called myopia. Rates of myopia among the country’s youth have reached epic proportions, with one 2015 study of Beijing high school students finding that 80% of youth studied were near-sighted.

    But very little high-quality research exists about whether the eye exercises really work, say vision researchers. The few studies that have tried unpack the usefulness of the practice have found no strong link between the exercises and lower rates of nearsightedness. For instance, results from the 2013 Beijing Myopia Progression Study, which studied 409 school children, showed that there was a “modest” effect of relieving temporary vision symptoms, like eyestrain and headaches, but no benefit to preventing myopia.

    Students in the classroom do eye exercises to help combat myopia.

    The impact of eye exercises is difficult to study because they are considered valuable by so many people in China. From that perspective, withholding the exercises from some children – the best way to study whether they have the desired effect or not – might be considered unethical by some people, says Ian Morgan, a retired professor at the Australian National University who conducts research at the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou.

    Other studies on eye exercises are still underway, but are unlikely to show much effectiveness in preventing myopia, says Jost Jonas, a professor of ophthalmology at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, who studies myopia in China and India. If the exercises really worked, the rates of myopia wouldn’t be so high, he says. “I would believe that they do not work very strongly, otherwise [the effect] would show up in these studies,” he says.

    Rather, the finding that the amount of time spent outdoors is linked to lower rates of myopia is “without doubt much stronger,” says Mr. Jonas.

    –Shirley S. Wang

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #9
    I boxed blind. It sucks! About the only nice deal is you don't fall for fakes,lol. I would not wear contacts. I've heard others have. I pass.

    Side note in regard to Genes post. I had a friend that did some sort of corrective downgrade of lenses. It worked for him. In jr High he wore glasses. By his 10th year no more. I am not sure if it only applies to certain vision problems. Regardless, I'm stuck with glasses. both my brother and mother successfully had lasik. The cost is affordable to almost anyone working today. Still, I am leery of having my eyes lasered.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    I've had to wear corrective lenses since I was 15. At first glasses, then contacts for about 8 years, then back to glasses again. When I wore contacts, I started becoming sensitive to brightness. Plus the hassle of taking them out, cleaning, etc. My nearsightedness has remained pretty stable for years. I probably change glasses every 10 years or so.

    When I sparred or competed, or even during MA class, I never wore glasses, and oddly, it never affected me. I wouldn't notice the nearsightedness while doing what I was doing.

    I got into the habit of doing some eye exercises when I first wake up. I don't know if 'massaging' the eyes does much good. But moving your eyes in circles, squares/diamond shapes, up/down, left-right, diagonally, as well as focusing at different distances. IMO, this last one is key.

    I think the reason kids in China are developing so many eyesight issues is the whole over-studying thing. When I first went to Taiwan, I initially stayed with a large family, and the kids used to study all night until ungodly hours, then would wake up a couple hours later to get ready for school. I knew some high school and university-aged students who would sometimes spontaneously scream then act normal again. I never asked, but I got the impression this 'nervous tic' had to do with all the pressure on them to study and succeed.

    As long as so many Asian cultures in particular force their children to strain their eyes so heavily, the problem won't get any better. I suppose it's still worse in China/Taiwan/Japan/Korea, etc., than among even Asian-American families. None of my siblings or I ever spent much time studying at all (i.e., almost never), yet we turned out fine, and certainly had lives that were much more fun and fulfilling than constantly cramming to memorize for exams.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 04-23-2015 at 04:34 PM.

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