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Thread: Watch your life style and what are you doing.

  1. #1

    Watch your life style and what are you doing.

    I know I am not going to win a popularity contest.
    I also know I have lots of things yet needs to learn.
    However, here are some things I gone through my life and finding out in the hard way which I want to share with you who is new to WCK. I am sure the senior lurking in these forum knows it already, so please ignore me.

    My agenda is simple. Because I truely care. and you and I are not much different. We are human beings. With dream, mission, job, suffering,.... I spend 30 some years doing WCK. and putting me in a position of trying to understand what the heck is going on so that in the future people dont have to pay for what I have paid for.

    Doing WCK is great. But there are things IMHO needs to taking serious about. Why? because it is an expense of one's life.

    So, the Following is what I want to share. Just an opinion so you can think about.


    Life is about balance: the balance of working, pleasure. The balance of active and inactive. The balance of mental and physical. The balance between take and give. The balance between winning and losing. without balance one is always compensate every exteme edge and there is no Peace. Without peace, there is not real living to do what one wants to do and contribute.


    One needs to take care of one's life's balance. Mental and Physical Body.

    No, the myth of doing SLT and one will get everything work out as one likes it is not true.

    One needs to do lots of Aerobic exercise. SLT with the deep breathing is great. to get oxigen into the body, but One still needs to do some LOW IMPACT Aerobic exercise. For Decades, I dont understand Why in Yik Kam lineage or Cho Family there are sets that is Aerobic low impact high even flying kick jumping type such as the Chui Da, Jin Jiong, Tap Chui, FaKuen set . Today, I found out, those are needed even just to keep a body healty. Those are about Balance.

    In real fight one might not use of something jumping,
    But if the body was not train in a Balance Way. it will not make it.

    So, instead getting trying to find out what is the "secret set" such as Chui Da, Jin Jiong..... simply go get a LOW impact rope jumping program. Do some simple rope jumping. That sure will make your coordination, Awareness, and speed better.

    cant stay in those myth of just doing SLT and clamping the body like a robot, blinding one's mind like a programmed computer which is dead ,and everything will be great anymore.

    Keep one sweating keep one fit. get rid of those extra pounds.


    NO shocking the system

    make sure one always following 4 phases when exersice. 1, warm up, 2, ramp up, 3, push a little but not get into out of breath or over heart beat or become ANArobic training. 4, cool down.

    DONOT practice SLT or Meditaion or Standing pole right after heavy exercise of bag hitting.... Always follow the 4 phases.

    in slow practice or meditative or Standing pole, one needs to know about the 4 phase too: 1, cool down, 2, entering, 3 stay in the state, 4 exit and warm up.

    It takes time to cool down or warm up. as in meditative training, one doesnt want to Shock one's body particularly Heart. Yes Heart.

    So the bottom line is NO Shocking the body.

    4, You are what you eat.

    Eat properly, take away those white rice, white sugar, white flour. high protien..... softdrink all those process food. Get a good book on food and even those heart disease or diabetes prevention book to read about and understanding Food.

    This is very important because if we dont make effort then no one can help us or even makes us strong physically and mentally.

    As it said, in one book, we dont have diabetes, we DO diabetes. In Another book, incure-able disease mean no one can cure for you but yourself.

    So, it is important to know diet is a big thing. no matter how many years one does Qigong or SLT, if one is not going to change the eating/drinking habit. it is not going to do much.


    Power generation is no myth.

    Power generation is no myth but one has to have a fit body/mind to be able to do it.

    Snake body and the 6 directional force vector is no myth, one has to start to be able to Jump rope and be AWARE of ONE's motion, mind, body, limps in while UP in the air.

    Keng Geng generation is no myth that is just a power generation method similar to Steping a break while pedelling Bicycle and doing a Squat.

    Chi Keng is no myth, if one understand one's body 6 directional force and keep one self just "floating" and not taking in other's force vectors.

    But, can the body do it? is the body fit to do it? is the mind and body aware enought to do it? is the body train?

    I have heard about master died in Heart problem, in liver problem, in Kidney problem.. and all stories after they past away. But, what I see is Keng Geng can cause heart damage if the shock was taken into one's own body due to one does things in brute force. not ready. joins/knees got problem because the same thing of not aware of high impact. liver problem cause by no aerobic training and keeping hitting the woodern dummy and doing ANArobic. kidney failure ......etc

    Sure, there are inheritance DNA problem we cannot avoid. But clearly understanding of our life and our training will help us.

    AS the Chinese said, If it is a disaster cause by heaven there always has a way out. If it is a disaster cause by our own ignorance there will be no way out.

    Look at Tsunami disaster, sure we cannot avoid it but we can help each other and and get away from it to prevent it. But, if we keep doing things in an ignorance way we are going to get hit buy the problem and drown in it.

    Why I am so crazy and post this post today?

    Because, I hope this post can help lots of Wcners from now on and future to come. What I have paid for with my life, you dont have to pay for it, but use what I find out free. These are urgent stuff which if put on rest we might not even seen it until we got into trouble.

    just use it to make a better good balance life and have a better Kung Fu.

    We are no longer living in the 1800's. survival is no longer the main issue. How to live a balance life is.

    What is the purpose of fighting if is it not about the dream to have a freedom and peace in living? what to fight about if it is just for feeding ego but have a misserable live?

    For me,
    Wing Chun is about Spring. Spring that life will manifest freely with freedom peace and prosper. And to do that has to tear away the mysth facing our fear and get direct into what is the reality of LIVING. it is not about creating some super heros or grandmasters or lineholder. we are no longer in 1800's. the World has changes so do we needs to evolve.


    PS: for those asking me for my book

    People asked me today when I am going to write that SLT book.

    Yesterday, a great friend asked me about power generation and I told him to buy a baseball training stick and jump robe. I am not going to write that sily SLT Book because I am not living in 1800 and what good is it to write a book let others spend the money to read it but it doesnt cover all what we need to know living in 2000's.

    SLT is a journey, write you own book with your living and that is your Journal. That is a better book, practical, realistic, and it is for you no matter how good how bad it doesnt matter. Because there is only one you in the universal from the begining of time to the end of time if there is. Serious, it is about a life's journey. So dont waste your money on mine.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 05-10-2005 at 02:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Brooklyn, NY

    Thumbs up

    Hi there Hendrik.

    Wow......I'm glad I'm not the only crazy one who thinks thus. It is great to hear what I have always thought to myself being put into words like that. I was having a hectic day and reading this somehow has brought me down to a respectable mind state. Hendrik, you sound very much in essence to the book I'm reading now called The Bodhisattva Warriors writen by Shifu Nagaboshi Tomei.

    I can't call myself anything but an enthusiast who's been out of the game for quite sometime and if I was to start all over again it would be the advise I'd want to hear. I'd hate to sound philosophical and stuff, but when studying a martial art one not only learns self defense but also how to live life as well. I don't like to hear when people tell me (which has been the case on various occassions ) 'oh what use do you have for that stuff ('nonsense' is what they really say) when you can't use it on the streets?'. My answer to them is 'brother/sis........what use do you have for those tools when you don't possess the mind to use them?' So yes BALANCE is the key. As the saying goes....'everything in moderation, nothing in excess'.

    You know something Hendrik?.....I'd be one to be interested if you were to write a SLT book. Yeah, there has been a plethora of books on the market toward the same subject. Buuuut every individual has their unique way of looking at a subject. Remember that the truth is one very big puzzle and we all possess a small piece of that puzzle. So why not share your unique perspective and experience on the core foundation of wing chun, which is the SLT form? No it wouldn't be a waste of my money to spend on it as I believe that in order for one to forge ones future one must look toward the past in an objective manner [that includes reading/hearing about the experiences of our seniors and ancestors in the art]. Just humble thoughts that's all.

    All in all, great advise Hendrik!

  3. #3
    Write a book Hendrik. Or publish this on a website. Put in your index, the glossary, alla that stuff. I think I musta seen 5 or 6 chapters worth here in the forums. That way it is all in one place and in your possession. You never know when some hardware crash could wipe out the forums.

  4. #4
    Wow......I'm glad I'm not the only crazy one who thinks thus. It is great to hear what I have always thought to myself being put into words like that. I was having a hectic day and reading this somehow has brought me down to a respectable mind state. Hendrik, you sound very much in essence to the book I'm reading now called The Bodhisattva Warriors writen by Shifu Nagaboshi Tomei. .....------

    Shifu Nagaboshi Tomei certainly a great guy to write a book with the title Boddhisatva Warriors and Fudo in the cover page.

    The world is very large, there are lots of things we cannot comprehend with our thought until we really see them. we just dont really see what is governing what even the thought think it knows.

    IE: if one is sick and one keep questioning and complaining why am I sick, I train, I am on diate..... ect that is thinking.

    Then the Enlightenment Monk tells one after listerning to one's complain and whinning that "you are using the Thought Skandal or the third skandal within the fift skandal to conclude these, but you dont know the about what happen in the 4th the skandal of the habitual/natural flow scandal and the 5th the identity scandal.
    those are much broad and wider then the third skandal."
    But, one usually dont take the monk's word because the mind said, that is not logical.

    Then, the second day one asked the doctor why one is sick. the doctor said, well, you dad had it, it is in you DNA.

    Ok, then one sees the truth. the growing or living of the DNA is the habitual/natural flow skandal or the 4th skandal. since one is one's dad's kid one took the Dna of the dad or the identity skandal.

    But before one knows all of these from the doctor, it will be complain all the day about what the heck is going on... i have take good care about my body bla bla bla.

    fighting is like the Thought skandal.

    until one sees life is much more wider and living with balance in mind / physical is the master behind the scene, one can keep thinking as one likes it but the reality are still govern by the life and the balance of the mind and physical.

    IMHHO. so we are going blind with thinking of we just learn a SLT or Chi Sau or.... those are just like the third skandal talks. it is not real at all but lots of thougths.

    Thus, we need Awareness with Awareness as Vehicle we always alert and know which skandal are we operate with. otherwise, we stuck.

    To be honest, IMHHHHHHO, and seriously, if we are not going into AWARENESS direction, wck cant evolve much further. It is no longer the time of Bruce Lee, our competitors has evolved much more then what is in Bruce Lee's time now. It is 30 years later. and 30 years is a long time.

    just some thoughts.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMnemonic
    Write a book Hendrik. Or publish this on a website. Put in your index, the glossary, alla that stuff. I think I musta seen 5 or 6 chapters worth here in the forums. That way it is all in one place and in your possession. You never know when some hardware crash could wipe out the forums.

    Seriously, the biggest secret in SLT can be summary into 4 Things.

    2, 6 Directional Vectors force resultant
    3, relax and dispersing but not loose and slack physically, natural in breathing, and silence with Awareness or effortless alert in mind.
    4, Close and Open

    All the great players or master or guru in the past and future, disregard of what they are training to achive with SLT, They cannot avoid to following the above 4 things to perfect thier skill.

    if you dont know what is AWARENESS, there is deep one and not so deep one.
    For the deep one, one needs to go in to Zen to practice. and AWARENESS link to humanity and live, it has to because that is about living.

    For the not so deep one, just experience your body, limb, movement, coordination, tempo....etc while jumping rope while your body is in the air. then use that state of mind of body to do SLT.

    6 directional vectors force resultant can be experience while riding a bicycle in very slowly speed maner if you have the AWARENEss experience as describe above. The bicycle needs to balance in left/right, up/down, and forward/backward at any particular instant of the dynamic motion. That is the 6 directional vectors force resultant which is needed to do SLT and understand the details.

    3, relax those stuffs just have to be nature state otherwise it is hopeless. one will not be able to get any further.

    4, In general, martail art application can be summarized with close and open. close to shutdown, open to let the competators to over extend....

    You dont need a book and you dont need to spend a cent on the core of Yik Kam SLT if you master the above. Sure, there are qi medirians...and specific stuffs. but those all has to based on the 4 things above.

    It is these simple, if the system crash and assume to be crash soon. just copy these 4 things. Dont need much. no secret and it is straight forward. how much memory is needed to memorize this 4 things now so one can use it for practice right now and make it a part of life?

    2, 6 Directional Vectors force resultant
    3, relax but not dispersing physically, natural in breathing, and silence with Awareness or effortless in mind.
    4, Close and Open

    At the end, the 4 things become just one wholistic action at every instant. There a mastering will be born.

    Any set can turn into great set with the 4 things above. That is the core of SLT and thus others cant copy them away no matter how one copy WCK's stuffs.
    Guard and protect these above this is the treasure of WCK.

    But, if you think these are great crucial stuff which can be putting into practice for your school or yourself.. to yield great result... and you dont want to have it free.

    Just write a check to the senior home or ophanage close to your home or give some money to the homeless when you see them, help those who needs help be it in financial or even a mental support.

    just some thoughts.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 05-10-2005 at 09:44 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Your topic reminds me of...

    One of my favorite quotes:

    "Living well is the best revenge"

    "He's on the jazz."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Newcastle upon tyne, UK
    Thanks Hendrick, I agree completely but I also have to say "doing" is the hard part.


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