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Thread: Forward, backward and a circle

  1. #16
    Yes. He said that everything is illusory.

    "Everything is nothing." In Chinese, it is said that everything is empty or void.

    This thread actually spun out of the Yoda thread.

    Let me turn it into another direction. Using the same title.

    What would be your strategy of moving forward and backward in your style of MA?

    In Tai Chi, it is said that when moving forward or retreating, there should be a turn exchange or reverse rotation. Jin Tui You Zhuan Huan 进退有转换

    In Ba Gua, it is said that move away by crossing steps; advance or enter directly. Xie Chu Zheng Ru 斜出正入

  2. #17

    Doo doo doo~

    Quote Originally Posted by BibitClerus
    look for the Invisible Pink Unicorn
    all will be revealed to you
    when I saw this, I thought wow he's a zen master~ but then i read that thing under his name and i wa slike errr. maybe not

    Well i'm new here so not too sure what happened with the yoda post. My guess as to what the buddha meant when he said that everything is just illusion is...mmm...ok, we have thoughts. When we see the white horse, as previously discussed, the light (photons) reflect off it, into our eyes (retina), and via some form of electrical signals, to the brain, and then we "see" the horse, but we don't actually "see" the horse out there, we more see it in our mind.

    Hmm, sorry I side tracked a bit there, I actually wanted to make the point that I think he meant the only 'reality' is the exact present moment, which is impossible to capture(?), and our thoughts are always filled with the past (what happened at work today) or the future (what will I do tomoro), we are never in the present. Our minds are never in the present, and our thoughts are never in the present. Hence everything is illusion.

    haha, I hope someone who can understand that can elaborate. It's the best I can do, and it's a bit wobbly.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upstate NY
    My reply would be that attending to the present moment is more the method than the destination. If everything is samsara & dukka [illusion & the suffering from that illusion] then being in the present leads away from that, but doesn't by itself take you out of it to nirvana [extinction].

    To use an old cliche: To focus on that is staring at the finger, not to where the finger is pointing.

    But SPJ wanted to drop it, so I'll respect that.
    -Thos. Zinn

    "Children, never fuss or fret
    Nor let unreason'd tempers rise
    Your little hands were never meant
    To pluck out one anothers eyes"
    -McGuffey's Reader

    “We are at a crossroads. One path leads to despair and the other to total extinction. I pray I have the wisdom to choose wisely.”

    ستّة أيّام يا كلب

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    wow, I am surprised nobody went off with the Krang and Kodos "and always twirling, twirling..." line to this thread title...

    oh wait, I partially just did.

    very good then.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  5. #20
    heya ZIM~

    being in the present allows us to see the transient nature of things, always changing, impermanence. Which leads to the way out of samsara

    I thought that was important, so just mention it ^^
    Thanks for the disussion hehe.

    Sorry SPJ i cant really contribute to your question. My style doesnt have strategies governing stepping in and out. (although I was told try not to step back, and step in to meet attacks and continue to step in with heavy hand attacks)

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    will i ever get to sleep??
    Resistance is futile, teh Clerus is done. He awaits for the end aknowledging its presence everyday. When it comes he hopes to feel like being in the womb again.
    I am not here at the forum therefore, got nothing more to say and cannot save anyone (me included).
    I know i can resist for a good while, uknown is the value of while. Impermanence might be the only truth to life.
    Bye, peeps

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