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Thread: Principles vs techniques

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    West Australia
    good grief!
    ...Are you actually in the same country as me??

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson
    ^can we have this idiot banned please? he's an irritatiing troll.
    thank you.
    hello Pot, that is Kettle. you're both black on the outside and metallic on the inside. you both have an impermeable layer of grease which protects you from things that might mar your surface....

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pittsburgh PA
    tecniques and principals are not enough, you need to also include adaptability to every form of counter for when the techniques and principals don't work.
    Bless you

  4. #19
    The study of priniciples and the practice of techniques come hand in hand.

    The principles help us to understand how and why the techniques work.

    The techniques are applications of principles.

    With priniciples, we may derive more techniques.

    The study of techniques help us understand the principles.

  5. #20
    In Ba Ji fist;

    There is a routine based on Liang Yi Ding.

    Ding is from the rear forward.

    It comes from the fist, wrist, elbow, hip, knee and foot.

    The techniques are numerous.

    They are all summarized and understood as Ding.

    The fist punch forward, the elbow strike, hip and knee Kao and foot kick etc.

    The forearms push downward the opponent's arms from outside first and then push forward his open chest. It is also called Ding.

    On and on.

  6. #21


    Hi chap and chapesses,

    Most authentic systems ,have underlying principles ,which is the core of systems
    for example the root of most southern styles ,deal with four principles:

    pu=float, which is used to unbalance an opponent

    tim= sink. which to used to sink the opponents energy

    tun= swallow .to absorb your opponents attack and stay focussed

    toh = spit. which is to explode the energy on a target or targets in attack

    yours Normski........................................... .........

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    the Temple
    Saam Mo Kiu "three connecting bridges" teaches that the goal is to view things not at the surface level Fau Kiu but at the core (the true nature of things). All techniques have a concept behind them, all concepts have principles behind them this understanding is yet only San Kiu all techniques, concepts and principles when properly understood and applied are a means to maximum efficiency. When a person attains the ability to utilize their knowledge and skill to achieve maximum efficiency they are said to be in a state of the "everlasting bridge" Weng Kiu. Therefore it is not a question of principle vs. technique but a matter of understanding the true nature of things.
    Tony Jacobs

    ng doh luk mun fa kin kwan

    "...Therefore the truly great man dwells on what is real
    and not what is on the surface,
    On the fruit and not the flower.
    Therefore accept the one and reject the other. "

    World Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kung Fu Association
    Southern Shaolin Kung Fu Global Discussion Forum

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    Heavy on principle-based theory and then a whole lot of training to build up ability, work the proper muscle groups, etc., and then put on the gear and train.

    When you feel good about it, then maybe go out and test it.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    What SPJ said. Good post, Ray as well.

    tecniques and principals are not enough, you need to also include adaptability to every form of counter for when the techniques and principals don't work.

    These counters arise from....

    Maybe you should then just run.

    If you don't have the "principles" in your body or understand them through your training, obviously your techniques will fail, so you better buy a gun or work on the "Nike-Fu".

    Without principles, technique and solid Gong-fu? You're not a Martial Artist, you're a b u ll cr ap artist.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho
    Principles are something that you understand in your mind and techniques are something you can do on your body. Principles can not be practiced but techniques can.

    The EE professor may be able to teach a EE course in university but the EE technician can fix a broken TV.

    Can you practice the principle of absorbing? Two people can be shielding (technique) but maybe only one is absorbing ..... incorporating the principle.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Principles can't be practiced?
    What do you put in your bong?

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    No, you have principles of movement that you train in your body and manifest in technique, If the situation does not provide the optimal moment to launch your Beng and never does, do you abandon it?

    In XY, principles drive everything, Train the Shen Fa, put the principles in your body and train to make the Beng work in all situations.

    If you are relying on the technique of beng, do you think it's extremely hard to counter, avoid or evade? It's a principle. The principle of hitting with the whole body. There is Quinna, and tactical angles and space "eating" elements, but without understanding the principle, you have a "Punch".

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Okay, this is like Bizarro world..

    We are talking about the same thing reversed. It's just flip-flopped.

    There's nothing too advanced her at all that I can't unterstand

    BTW - Beng is a lot more complicated than running the opponent down.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Normski
    Hi chap and chapesses,

    Most authentic systems ,have underlying principles ,which is the core of systems
    for example the root of most southern styles ,deal with four principles:

    pu=float, which is used to unbalance an opponent

    tim= sink. which to used to sink the opponents energy

    tun= swallow .to absorb your opponents attack and stay focussed

    toh = spit. which is to explode the energy on a target or targets in attack

    yours Normski........................................... .........
    fantastic pun, Normski. Putin's gotta tunna dough. Floatsin qswal lowzhpit. may the Schwartz-think tank like you.

    rush'em, poke'em, roll'em into guns!
    Last edited by YuanZhideDiZhen; 06-10-2005 at 02:31 AM.

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