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Thread: Who wants to play "spot the kung fu principle in everyday life"?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pittsburgh PA
    who wants to play spot the corny thread, oh wait i just did.
    Bless you

  2. #32
    Since we got no takers, you Wing Chun practioners oughta be ashamed of yourselves, here goes.

    If you look at the picture of Udo and Uloko, what do you see?

    Udo is angry and he is talking smack to Uloko. How is Udo holding his arm? He is holding his arm palm down so that his finger is pointing downwards. Oh Yeah! Holding your hand palm down is just like a Fook Sau isn't it? How remarkable that is. Udo is doing Wing Chun and he does not even know it.

    Now we look at Uloko. Of course you know the answer now don't you? Uloko is holding his arms with the palm up. Uloko is doing a Tan Sau from Wing Chun isn't he? The only difference between Wing Chun Chi Sau and these two men is how the arms are held. They are not held in Chi Sau position. That does not matter. Generically, udo is doing a Fuk Sau and Uloko is doing a Tan Sau.

    Recall. We are still talking about the Bodybuilder, too much Yang and too little Yin. The other thing that is incredibly basic that I thought everyone would jump on is this.

    According to Yin/Yang theory, the underside or fleshy part of the arm is Yin. The outer part or hard part of the arm is Yang. When we look at Udo and Uloko, what do we see?

    Udo has his arm with the Yang part exposed. Uloko has his arm with the Yin Part exposed. So what? What you mean so what? Don't you guys know anything?

    Yin cancels Yang right? Udo puts out his hand with the Yang part exposed. So Uloko purposely turns his arms Yin side up. His Yin force is canceling Udo's Yang force. If Udo physically attacks, Uloko's Yin force is right there ready to take on Udo's Yang force.

    I will let you absorb that. Then I come back and tell you how this information helps you diagnose where the bodybuilder has lost his Yin to increase his Yang.

    (EDIT: I don't wanna forget. Udo is trying to control Uloko with the Yang arm down like that, as in Darth Vader control of Uloko's body. Uloko turns his hands to the Yin position to resist this Darth Vader control.

    Yang is a crushing force, a killing force. Yin is an expanding force, a living force. Udo 's Yang hand is trying to crush Uloko. He is trying to use his Yang to crush Uloko's Yin force. If he succeeds, Uloko will feel fear. Uloko puts his arms out palm out to help his Yin force counteract the crushing Yang force.)
    Last edited by lada; 06-07-2005 at 08:02 PM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Yin is an expanding force
    Actually Yang is normally thought of as an expanding force, and Yin as a contractive one. Time for you to read "I Ching for Dummies" again, a title which in your case is singularly appropriate.

    The rest of your idiotic missive deserves no response.
    "Once you reject experience, and begin looking for the mysterious, then you are caught!" - Krishnamurti
    "We are all one" - Genki Sudo
    "We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion" - Tool, Parabol/Parabola
    "Bro, you f***ed up a long time ago" - Kurt Osiander

    WC Academy BJJ/MMA Academy Surviving Violent Crime TCM Info
    Don't like my posts? Challenge me!

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by lada

    I start the game. Here is a picture of a bodybuilder.

    What does your knowledge of kung fu, body language or any other knowledge you have that applies tell you about this picture? Share with us what you know. Don't be shy.

    I got some very specific questions I want to ask and a very specific thing I want to show you.
    Seems like it took forever but we are finally here! In the previous post, we remembered that Yang is the outside of the body, the hard part, and Yin is the inside of the body, the soft part. We saw that Udo had his arm hard part up so we could look right at the Yang part. Uloko had his arm with the palm up so we could look right at the Yin part. We know right where they are.

    Remember the numbers from the Yin/Yang scale? A man is 6 Yang and 4 Yin? The bodybuilder is 8 Yang and 2 Yin because he took 2 Yin and gave it to the Yang for the big muscles? If you remember all of that, and then you look at Udo and Uloko, what is the obvious answer to the question "Where does the bodybuilder lose his Yin from?"

    The obvious answer is from the underside fleshy part of the arm the Uloko is showing to us. Let's go look at the bodybuilder now.

    On this picture of the body builder, there are two arrows that point to the inside of the elbow. If you look in this area, you can clearly see that his left side upper arm looks nice and rectangular while his right side upper arm looks rounded. The Yin part of the arm underneath the right side has atrophied, shrunk, so that the muscles you see could get bigger.

    There is another arrow pointing at his right chest. If you look closely, you can clearly see a dent or a hole there. This is more evidence that the Yin on the right side of the body has shrunken smaller than it normally is. I could explain why the dent is there but it will just be confusing. If you look at the forearms, the right forearm is smaller than the left forearm. This is why I said "look at his hand" in a previous post. The Yin part of the right hand has shrunken. That is why it is balled up in a fist like that.

    Then at the upper part of the shoulder and upper back, on the right side I drew a line. That line is where his Yin has shrunken downwards. If you compare both sides, the right side is smaller and slanted down because of the Yin shrinkage.

    People are supposed to be balanced. If you become unbalanced there is a price to pay. This man has very big muscles, but one side of his body is now crooked. The Yin has shrunken on the right side so the muscles could grow.

    I went thru all of this because of a thread in the Wing Chun section called "Will Wing Chun make you go grey". I suggested that a man doing a style designed for a women could cause a man to become sick or maybe go gay.

    I have just demonstrated that a man that does too much Yang exercise, bodybuilding, will become deformed, crippled, because of the imbalance between Yin and Yang that he induces in himself. I think that this same principle could apply to a man doing the woman's art of Wing Chun. I think a person should understand what exactly they are doing before they blindly throw themselves into something that could eventually make them unhealthy. Maybe moderate Wing Chun is no problem. Only doing Wing Chun too much or incorrectly would cause the problem. A thoughtful person would want to consider the possibilities.

    It is not considered polite, but if you look in that bodybuilders face, what do you see? I see a person who might be the butt of ****sexual jokes from people so inclined to do so. Was he like that before, or after he did all the weightlifting?

  5. #35
    It is the funniest thing. People hate you when you know things they don't. Really. The easiest way to get people to hate and shun you is to demonstrate knowledge they do not have.

    It's OK. I know you can't help yourselves. It is part of the process to hate me before you figure out I am right. It will teach you the lesson of listening to people. Now you think you can ignore me and hate me because I am a bozo who doesn't know anything. But then, in a few years, when you find out I am right, you will realize how badly you treated me and you will regret what you did. That regret will cause you to begin treating strangers and people in general more kindly. After all, you never know who might have knowledge for you. You didn't listen when I talked, but now that you learned your lesson, you will never do that again.

    It doesn't matter I tell you all this. Even if you know how it works and what is coming, you can't change it. You have to live thru it for it to work. You can't fake it or ignore it or outwit it.

    Anyways. I promised you I would tell you a secret of kung fu that would take you years to figure out. That Yin and Yang stuff? That is in a basic kung fu book. That is no secret. You guys really ought to study more. Of course I can't tell you the secret without making you guess where it comes from. You would not deny me what little enjoyment I get out of this would you? I listen to everyone's doubt so the least you can do is let me have my enjoyment with the picture guessing games.

    This one I am smiling from ear to ear. I can hear the screams of outrage right thru the computer. "You are a moron! You are stupid! That doesn't have anything to do with kung fu! You are a kook! Go away! We have our hands over our ears and are ingoring you!" Sorry. My mission is to educate you whether you like it or not.

    This one is so easy you will kick yourself when you see it. It is so easy you will be forced to ask yourself, "why have I never heard this before?". You will have to wonder, "Are conspiracy theories really hogwash or are there really conspiracy theories to keep knowledge from people so they remain weak and powerless?" It is really that obvious. There is this picture and only one other picture clue. Easy.

    I can hear you cussing. I am laughing my head off. It is right there in front of your face. I swear on whatever you hold holy.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Do you guys hear something?

    Oh wait. It's just crickets.
    There is a great streak of violence in every human being. If it is not channeled and understood, it will break out in war or in madness. ~Sam Peckinpah

  7. #37
    I know you guys are doubters. Maybe that first photo is just an accident. Maybe I cheated and doctored it somehow. Maybe that is the only guy in the world who looks like that.

    Here is another photo of a bodybuilder. I have drawn arrows that clearly show that his....left side leg is huge and his left side upper chest and shoulder are big. The arrows on the other side show how the right leg is much smaller and the right upper shoulder and upper chest are not as prominent.

    This is another example of too much Yang taking from the Yin. The signs are hard to ignore.

  8. #38
    I wanna say why I am putting this question here.

    I think that lots of modern people are becoming skeptical about kung fu. I think that people here lots of lies in daily life. Then they go to the movies and see kung fu where people fly thru the air and do crazy stuff. After hearing those lies and seeing those movies, I think that lots of modern people think that kung fu is like aerobics or weightlifting. Just another way to get in shape.

    The real problem seems to be MMA. MMA is getting so popular that all the young people talk about it. MMA is not kung fu. MMA uses kung fu techniques to beat up people. MMA has no social code, no moral code, no philosophical teachings. It is about turning out people who are good at providing a show for paying customers.

    There IS something special to kung fu. Kung fu can provide you with abilities that to average people seem amazing. Kung fu can help you understand the meaning of life and how the universe works. Many of the stunts you see in kung fu movies have a basis in reality. No people cannot fly thru the air. But they can become very light and nimble and do stunts that seem very close to flying. It is not supernatural or anything. Physics can explain the feats that these people accomplish.

    If you have ever seen the 36th Chambers of Shaolin, in one scene the student is supposed to walk on plates that are floating in a pool of water. He is to walk on the plates without falling in. On his first try he of course goes right into the water and splashes around sputtering. By the end of the movie, he discovers how to do the trick. He walks on the plates across the water without falling in. This is not lies, it is a real skill that a person can gain. It is easily described by physics why it is possible. It works like skipping a stone across a pool of water. The stone should sink but it doesn't

    By posting these guessing games about kung fu and trying to get people to see how kung fu relates to every aspect of everyday life, I am hoping to get people to see that kung fu is not lies like you hear in everyday life. That kung fu really will give you special abilities and make you powerful. Much more so than something like jogging or tennis.

    And what could be more everyday life than a picture of a cow? Here is the other half of the clue for the cow question.

    Yep. Just a simple Yin/Yang symbol. And no, the answer to the question does not have anything to do with the Yin/Yang sign and the cow both being black and white.

    Lots of people think the Yin Yang sign is philosophical symbol. Or maybe a cultural symbol. It is. You have to think like men who want power to divine some of the other meanings of the Yin Yang sign.

    Let's imagine we are tough chinese guys who know kung fu. Some white guys show up. They have these things called guns. The proceed to kill lots of chinese people and enforce their will on the chinese people. These white men come to china and they say "what is that sign?" You answer them "It is called Yin Yang sign". The white people say "what does it mean?".

    Being a kung fu man, you can tell by looking at these white men they have no idea what kung fu is about. In fact chinese called white people gwai lo or barbarian when they first met them. That is not an insult, that is a factual description by an elevated person of an animal like person.

    These white guys just got finished killing lots of chinese people and enforcing thier will on China. Are you really going to tell them what the Yin Yang sign means? The secrets of the power of kung fu? Heck no! You tell them something to make them go away. Because of the way advanced kung fu works, it is hard to tell direct lies. But it is just fine to tell people 1/10th of the truth.

    So those old kung fu guys told the white guys "It is a philosophical symbol of the way we look at the world". The white guys, being superior since they took over the country, think, "Ok. Sounds like a good explanation to me", and they walk away. The secret of kung fu power described bu the Yin Yang sign is safe.

    If you pay attention at all, I practically already told you that the Yin Yang sign is not just a philosophical symbol and that it does have real world application. Does that help you connect it with the cow picture?

    Remember, when you are figuring this out, you can do anything you wish. Make any connection you want as long as you feel you can justify it.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by lada
    It is the funniest thing. People hate you when you know things they don't.

    Then you must be loved and admired by all!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Behind you!
    LOL Unkokusai... been a while.

    Lada, you're not a kook as that would imply there is something cute or endearing about your condition. Please stop taking your beliefs from watching movies and half-co(ked half-read half-remembered TCM and whatever. Stop watching movies, stop searching for pictures of romosexuals, and stop coming here!

    Going to a shrink is what you need to do.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mat
    LOL Unkokusai... been a while..


  12. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Mat
    LOL Unkokusai... been a while.

    Lada, you're not a kook as that would imply there is something cute or endearing about your condition. Please stop taking your beliefs from watching movies and half-co(ked half-read half-remembered TCM and whatever. Stop watching movies, stop searching for pictures of romosexuals, and stop coming here!

    Going to a shrink is what you need to do.
    I have not posted the answer to my question for a reason. I am doing an experiment.

    I want to see how long people will ignore freely given, advanced knowledge.

    I heard that when jesus was going around, people told him to shut the hell up. I heard when Einstein was around, people told him to shut up. I heard when Galileo and Copernicus were around, people told them to shut up.

    Of course, decades and centuries later, we all benefit from the discoveries of those men. Everyone knows Galilea and Copernicus and Einstein were geniuses who contributed to modern technology. Jesus started a major religion that is still followed to this day.

    This thread is one of the tests I was talking about in the other thread. The ones that seperate the sheeple from the ones with possibilities.

    Do you listen to the braying sheeple, believe I am full of baloney and walk away from knowledge that will change your life? Or are you your own man who can examine evidence put in front of him and ponder new ideas?

    Out of an entire forums, not one person will even take a guess at what I am getting at. What does that say? No ambition? No smarts? No imagination? Not willing to take risks? Not strong enough to stand in front of a crowd and be wrong? Easily influenced by the braying sheeple?

    I know it is scary to speak up. My instructor would talk to us for an hour or two straight, non stop. Then he would ask all 35 of us, are there any questions? You know what? There hardly ever were. People were afraid of looking stupid. They all waited until they could get him off by themselves, then they asked him the questions so no one would know if they looked stupid.

    You know where that attitude led? Shrinkage of the class. The class could not function as the instructor designed it to because no one would ask questions. He had to get rid of about 75% of the people and start over because none of those 27 people had any testicles or ambition. They could not get up the courage to ask questions or the energy to think for themselves. They wanted the instructor to just pour the knowledge into their head like it was kool aid. They didn't want to work for it or ask questions or think for themselves or do research.

    If you are not brave enough to guess the answer to a playful question, how can you be brave enough to be a leader of men? An instructor people look up to? A person that others want to emulate? Anyone that watches you in action knows you are afraid to take a chance. That you are one of those guys that hides in the middle of a crowd and only acts when the crowd does.

    Sheeple or kung fu man? Make up your mind.

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