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Thread: Mixing Wing Chun W/ MMA, "Jack of all trades or master of none"

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  1. #2
    As a master of classical guitar, do you find it easy to pick up other forms of music and express yourself? or do you find that your strict training has made you bound to one particular mindset of playing? If you had been experiencing other forms of music, do think you would be able to play with anyone anytime, rather than in just a strict classical setting? What would it hurt to play the blues now and again? How useful is your strict classical training in a free form improv jam session? Fighting is a free form improv, using your classical style won't always be the best mode of expression. Does eating different types of food and using different cooking methods alter your ability to eat, or does it enhance your eating habits? Does learning other ideas of fighting keep you from being a better fighter, or is it that one mindset keeps you from being a better fighter?

    In my opinion style is an illusion, a set of limitations. Wing Chun is not suited to everyone, how will you know if you're missing out on something better if you don't look around. Do you want to play pretty forms, or do you want to know how to use your strengths and weaknesses in combat.What is your goal in training? Is it to say i know how to do Wing Chun and I might be able to use it to fight, or is your goal to better yourself in all areas of life and know what works for you in a fight? I'm not saying don't master a style, but don't let the style control you. Be yourself. i can't stand when people don't use something useful just because it isn't in their style. yet they adhere to useless techniques because they are in the style. Just my thougths, I'm sure most people won't agree with me, but I'm not looking to be part of the in-crowd anyway.
    Last edited by bonetone; 07-09-2005 at 12:16 AM.

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