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Thread: Calculus for wing chun "Steiner Point Theory".

  1. #31
    Those documents are good, but far to advance for what’s going down on this thread. Mr. Rahim is right, you must stay with the basics and the fundamentals of the Steiner Point when using bio-mechanics.

    Is anyone reading his posts or what? This is turning into a comic book! Using a diagram is good but only when you understand what you’re seeing, in this case it is very understandable that you don’t, so why even try to debate it, when you don’t have a the full understanding? It will work, if you just stay with the basics.


  2. #32
    Most educated reply, Ray! As I don't have the full understanding needed on this topics, I leave you to tackle properly the full complexity of the Steiner point.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulH
    Just wish to state thing as it is. It's important to know the classical definition before we can interpret them with other also valid assumptions.
    I have no problem with that... You want classical definition; here is classical definition…

    You can get with THIS,, or you can get with THAT... You can get with THIS,, cuz THIS is where it’s at…

    It’s always nice to discuss with you...

    Ali Rahim.
    Last edited by Ali Rahim; 07-28-2005 at 09:23 AM.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulH
    Most educated reply, Ray! As I don't have the full understanding needed on this topics, I leave you to tackle properly the full complexity of the Steiner point.

    Thank you for the complement. Complexity has no room on this thread, Mr. Rahim is doing just fine all by himself. It’s true; this is where it’s at. Diagram

    I believe strongly that truth will never show herself as a lie (a saying that we use in math).


  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I have been following this thread and it is becoming more and more annoying, the more people try to take what IS a great insight and atempt to tear it down or discredit it in an attempt to pound on their own chest to try to prove something...

    Thanks for sharing the steiner point with us, I tried it yesterday in class and did realized that with correct form and timing, the steiner point theory will already exist, but with you pointing this theory out I have become aware of its existence and can use it as a point of reference.
    I also found your website to be VERY informative and helpful. Thank you for sharring so much information and I look forward to seeing more!

    I do have a question for you though that is off subject.
    I have recently started studing qigong in my spar time and noticed that you are a practicioner of this art. My question is how has qigong helped with your training and understanding of Wing Chun? This perhaps is a question that probably requires its own thread, but before starting a new thread I wanted to make sure that this subject holds its own validity.


    P.S. -- Engine, Engine, number nine. On the New York transit line. If my train falls off its tracks... Pick it up. PICK IT UP! PICK IT UP!!
    Last edited by Airdrawndagger; 07-28-2005 at 09:24 AM.

  6. #36
    I will reply to your post as so as I can,, in detail… I have a lot of work to do at the moment,, you asked a good question and I will reply as soon as I can,, Thank you

    Ali Rahim.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Airdrawndagger
    Thanks for sharing the steiner point with us, I tried it yesterday in class and did realized that with correct form and timing, the steiner point theory will already exist, but with you pointing this theory out I have become aware of its existence and can use it as a point of reference.


    P.S. -- Engine, Engine, number nine. On the New York transit line. If my train falls off its tracks... Pick it up. PICK IT UP! PICK IT UP!!
    Thanks!!! Here is another person,, and a good fiend of mine and one the best wing chun practitioner that I know of,, that feels the same way (Mike)... Near the bottom,, with blue pants and white stripe…,, he is teaching his students…

    You know what’s up,, “We are the Black Sheep”!!!!!!!!

    Old Jong said:

    Thanks Ali!...I already can see benefits from your approach.
    Talk to you soon!...
    Last edited by Ali Rahim; 07-29-2005 at 03:09 PM.

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