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Thread: Body builders and martial artists

  1. #46
    then you're just weird, dude... considering your height, you're not extremely big... definitely not enough to have lost a significant amount of flexibility if you were doing everything else properly. Is your current weight what you weighed before you quit lifting also?
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    Quote Originally Posted by SevenStar
    then you're just weird, dude... considering your height, you're not extremely big... definitely not enough to have lost a significant amount of flexibility if you were doing everything else properly. Is your current weight what you weighed before you quit lifting also?

    My weight when I stopped doing weights was 245lbs I have lost a lot of muscle mass But I can assure you my Mass was ALLNatural No Roids Here! It was Hard not to work out ,

    I had tried to work out with weights again but I had to stop because my muscles just started to grow to the size I was (I believe it is called muscle Memory), and the tightness was imparing the flow of energy,

    I have worked so hard on just relaxing the muscle deeply Its is not easy when you have all this tightness from all the blood pumped in. It was imparing to my skill thats all. I still get my workout in my martial arts I have come to the conclusion that My MA is enough of a workout Being 235lbs and 11 % body fat is what society wants, I Just want to be Healthy and practice Gong Fu!

  3. #48
    blood pump? okay, we're making sense now... mass training can make you stiff, however, you still weren't that big, so it shouldn't have been an issue.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    Quote Originally Posted by SevenStar
    blood pump? okay, we're making sense now... mass training can make you stiff, however, you still weren't that big, so it shouldn't have been an issue.
    I am no ARNOLD by any means But I was big enough that I experience the problems I did. and had conflicts to my martial arts Training, I learned to make my body hard externally but Then I had to learn Internally all I can say is I dont regret any of my power lifting/bodybuilding days just I have found my way Internally
    this is my path.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    My belly has been irritating me for a long time so I decided to start a fat loss diet. If I understand it right I may lose some muscle along the way ( I'm really afraid of this. Because I'm not a very built guy. ) and I should do weight lifting to prevent it. I plan on doing weight lifting 2 or 3 days a week.

    I was worried if weight lifting would have any negative effect on MY performance in MA. So this post helped me in that way. Though I still got some questions.

    What kind of exercises should I focus on?

    And which is better for MA "low weight with high rep" exercise or the opposite ?

    Wouldn't bodyweight exercise be enough?

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Most people wouldn't "LOOSE" muscle just because they are on a fat lost diet, especially if you are still exercising. Muscle atrophy usually only happens to the sick or as an astronaut in space.

    What kind of exercises should I focus on?
    That would be highly individualized, and if you are weight training to improve performance it would depend on your particular style and your weakness.

    Wouldn't bodyweight exercise be enough?
    Depend on what you want and what is your goal and what phase of your training program you are at. Many atheletes would change their program depending on all those factors. Sometimes, you would use weights, sometimes bodyweight.

    And which is better for MA "low weight with high rep" exercise or the opposite ?
    This is a complex issue. You can't just have a generic formula for MA and just throw it out their and think it will benefit you. Some questions that should be brought up-

    - what is the demand of your particular style? boxers (incl. kickboxing, muay thai...) tend to demand a high level of endurance, in addition to explosive power, speed, agility...olympic judokas matches are shorter, endurance would be less, but explosive power is more of an asset.

    - what are your weakness that you have to work on? do you need power, endurance, raw strength, size...? In general, I think MA need a good combination of endurance, power, strength and agility. Unlike long distance runner (endurance), or sprinter (power) where focus is mainly one particular factor.

    - what phase of your training program you are at? generally low weight high rep are good for endurance, do you need endurance? I think you do as a MA's. Complex sports such as MA, boxing, wrestling, hockey, basketball..., they would cycle their routine between many different variables in order to develop optimum fitness in all areas. But even endurance athletes would use high weights at certain times.
    Last edited by Cung-Fu; 08-01-2005 at 11:32 AM.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    re bodybuildindy and martial art

    hi people, i would like to tell you about my guro in arnis, guro roland Dantes 8th dan in morden arnis, guro was a body builder of champion status he won
    mr philipines a few times , and competede in mr olimpica a few time he was beaten, by some guy called arnorld l Lou ferrgieno the guy that played the hulk,
    frank zane then came roland if you get the movie pumping iron on dvd, their is a sceane where a guy is punching a bag , when arnold is workng out thats guro dantes and for his age, he is 54 i have never seen anybody so quick peace russellsherry ps type in roland dantes arnis see what comes up

  8. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Cung-Fu
    Most people wouldn't "LOOSE" muscle just because they are on a fat lost diet, especially if you are still exercising. Muscle atrophy usually only happens to the sick or as an astronaut in space.

    That would be highly individualized, and if you are weight training to improve performance it would depend on your particular style and your weakness.

    Depend on what you want and what is your goal and what phase of your training program you are at. Many atheletes would change their program depending on all those factors. Sometimes, you would use weights, sometimes bodyweight.

    This is a complex issue. You can't just have a generic formula for MA and just throw it out their and think it will benefit you. Some questions that should be brought up-

    - what is the demand of your particular style? boxers (incl. kickboxing, muay thai...) tend to demand a high level of endurance, in addition to explosive power, speed, agility...olympic judokas matches are shorter, endurance would be less, but explosive power is more of an asset.

    - what are your weakness that you have to work on? do you need power, endurance, raw strength, size...? In general, I think MA need a good combination of endurance, power, strength and agility. Unlike long distance runner (endurance), or sprinter (power) where focus is mainly one particular factor.

    - what phase of your training program you are at? generally low weight high rep are good for endurance, do you need endurance? I think you do as a MA's. Complex sports such as MA, boxing, wrestling, hockey, basketball..., they would cycle their routine between many different variables in order to develop optimum fitness in all areas. But even endurance athletes would use high weights at certain times.
    good post.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

    I will punch, kick, choke, throw or joint manipulate any nationality equally without predjudice.

    - Shonie Carter

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