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Thread: True Mastery Approacheth (Way of Judo Katana Jitsu)

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    yep, a nutbar

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plano TX USofA
    You know at first I thought we were dealing with someone whose real name is Jethro Bodine who lived with his really rich uncle Jed, his granny and a cousin named Ellie Mae in Beverly Hills but they all were originally from the hills of Tennessee. I was sure that "Jethro" had wanted to be at one time or another a double-naught spy, a brain surgeon, a frogman, an astronaut, or a soda jerk and I guess now a days a master of Judo and of course all the associated weapons of Judo such as the Katana.

    However after giving it some serious thought, I finally decided that Mega_Fist is really a mailman named Cliff Claven living in Boston and who hangs around a bar where everyone knows your name, and that his mate, Judo grandmaster Andy is really a guy named NORM.

    Who knows his real identity.

    I agree that we have fed this troll enough. It has been fun and I have enjoyed it, really, but enough is enough, time to move on. No more from me concerning Mega_Fist and his mate, Judo grandmaster Andy. I have to go now to practice with my Shotokan straight sword and then after that my Ysing-Yi floor techniques.

    Last edited by rfbrown3; 09-20-2005 at 03:28 PM.

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    Mega-Fist-you are very deep and involved in alot of things for someone of such a young age. You must be an old soul-perhaps even an old soul with alzhiemer's.
    Let me ask you, what style of Judo does your mate Grandmaster Andy do? is it Japanese Kodokan Judo, Chinese Judo(suai-Jiao) or Spanish Judo? I learned Spanish Judo.

  4. #79

    Cool Friggin' Amazing!!!

    The first post on this thread stating the 5 "requirements" was a brilliant example of HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION...and it's been amazing to see how many people bought into it, ie.- were affected by it to some degree or another (it doesn't matter whether you thought it was cool or thought it was ridiculous - the fact that you responded shows the effectiveness of the first post).................

    Hint: By HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION I mean that commands were given for absolute obedience to the WILL of the poster.
    Last edited by Ultimatewingchun; 09-20-2005 at 04:38 PM.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    oh geez..............

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Magefist, you make your teacher, school, and students look foolish with all this. Respect must be given in order to get it. On the net every one is on equal ground until they open thier mounths and make it known they are foolish or wise. I read this and it was only good for a laugh. if you or he was real about this you crippled him severly just be assocaition. You disrepect anyone that has every taught you because of your ego. let it go.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    Megafist-I feel thatyou are blowing this way out of proportion. Your Grandmaster Andy could not be nearly as good as you say. Spanish Judo is far superior than anything you or your ridiculous Grandmaster Andy could ever hope to achieve, as you are well aware of, since you did not reply to my previous posts once I have mentioned that I studied it. You realise the inferiority of your claims as well as those of you're supposed Grandmaster.
    My work here is done.

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    My mate Steve's flat. I sleep on a sleeping bag on the floor.
    Right TenTigers, because I am merciful I will forgive your foolishness. Grandmaster Andy however was greatly offended when I reported that his school and tradition is being mocked by a bunch of losers.

    To answer your question we practise Takeshi Style Judo which has close links to Wing Chun and Capoeira. We practise a variety of weapons but I specialise in the three-section staff.

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Eugene, OR
    Isn't the famous musician and former star of "Baywatch", David Hasselhoff the Soke Great Judo Grandmaster of Teshi style?

    I hear that in addition to the Judo Katana, he's also got a Judo Mobile!

    Not to mention some amazing Judo mind-tricks!

    Thank you great Grandmaster Sensei. We humbly await your enlightened reply.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    My mate Steve's flat. I sleep on a sleeping bag on the floor.
    Please keep your fantasies about David Hasselhoff to yourself- they have no place here. However, I am greatful for the respect you have shown.

    "I was just watching the Matrix the other day..." said my mate Steve, "Oh, that's a bit sad really- I only really watch foreign cinema" Me.

    This dialogue proves how sophisticated I am.

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pittsburgh PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Mega_Fist
    Misinformed? At least I've got one mate.

    Anyway, at least you're not being a total loser so a bit of respect to you (you seem more spiritual than most people on this forum).

    I'm also really cultured because I listen to classical music, watch foreign cinema, read general literature, go to art galleries and write philosophy.

    A real renissance man. you proclaim yourself cultured. great.

    and for your racism claim, yeah, race is the reason we think your incredibly foolish and full of $hit.

    I don't even know what race you are, oh but you do keep me laughing! I'm a librarian, i hae my librarian katana
    Bless you

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    My mate Steve's flat. I sleep on a sleeping bag on the floor.
    Quote Originally Posted by bodhitree
    i hae my librarian katana
    "I hae my librarian katana", what on Earth are you on about?

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Portland, OR
    As I stated before I have known Andy for quite some time.

    We trained together as children high in the Appalachian mountains, under the mysterious Judo Monk, Bong.

    I remember those days they were fun....well for me anyhow. Andy never really could keep up with me in those days.

    He had a difficult time learning the subtleties of our great grand masters art. Such as fighting on the tree tops, Andy would always fall. But of course I expected such from my, um, younger judo brother.

    I fondly remember many a time picking up a weeping Andy from the forest floor and giving him one of those brotherly pep talks.

    "Now andy, crying wont help you any" I said, "you need to climb back up that tree and fall again, till you dont fall no more" I explained.

    This was the turning point in Andy's training. This happened silmultaneously as our master was dying due to several bullet holes in his head from nazi invaders.

    For the next several years, I took young andy under my wing and finished teaching him our masters lessons.

    I attribute all of Andy's skill to my single handedly raising that pup from a sniveling baby to the judo grandmaster he is today.

    I how ever cannot feel impressed by Andy's skills as they will never truly compare to mine, I always was several steps ahead of that kid.

    Now you all know a little about the foundation of Andy Judo Grandmaster.

    A man has only one death. That death may be as weighty as Mt. Tai, or it may be as light as a goose feather. It all depends upon the way he uses it....
    ~Sima Qian

    Master pain, or pain will master you.

    "Just do your practice. Who cares if someone else's practice is not traditional, or even fake? What does that have to do with you?"
    ~Gene "The Crotch Master" Ching

    You know you want to click me!!

  14. #89
    You guys actually like feeding trolls don't you ?
    Just wait until the sun rises, and they will turn to stone !

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pittsburgh PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Mega_Fist
    Please keep your fantasies about David Hasselhoff to yourself- they have no place here. However, I am greatful for the respect you have shown.

    "I was just watching the Matrix the other day..." said my mate Steve, "Oh, that's a bit sad really- I only really watch foreign cinema" Me.

    This dialogue proves how sophisticated I am.


    ""I hae my librarian katana", what on Earth are you on about?"

    obviously it's a type O, the V is not in the word have. Can't figure that out yet so sophisticated.

    you really inspired Judo master andy because I see him floating in treetops all time.
    Bless you

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