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Thread: Trademark????

  1. #61
    8StepStudent Guest


    It's nice that you hide behind your keyboard and type all this stuff about Master Sun and don't even say who you are besides a chump of course. As far as seeing Master Sun's stuff... I doubt you've seen hardly anything at all, because he doesn't show much unless you're on the Sifu level and well-trusted. As far as traditional... What's not traditional? Everything I've done is traditional to the way they've trained before. Plus have you ever read any of Master Sun's articles... He knows his stuff and using traditional references, terms, etc. Master Sun is traditional. You're just naive. And also as far as this whole dileman goes... We're all on to your so called "tactic." You ever read the play "Othello?" Well.. That's exactly what you're trying to do. You spread a little word here and there trying to break us up, but as 8StepSifu said our organization is strong and proud and will continue, and like I said before... You're just water under the bridge to us. By the way also I'm a college student and that's pretty close to wellfare, so screw off about the money. I've got other things to do besides fighting with someone who throws false claims here and there

  2. #62
    6hmantis Guest
    There not false, Like i said before better take some of that dickweed. as far as being a sifu, Remember last year? For the most part mASSter moonysun read all of the so called health and healing bull out of a book. Why? Because he dosn't have a clue. You say he knows so much. If I was Chinese and came to the USA and claimed I knew a martial arts style, people would beleave me because of where i came from. But, the lies moonysun clams (7 time world champ, Grand Master of 8 step,) its all bull. He never fought in any kind of recignized match (maybe in his world in his little mind) And was a dud student of Master Wei. He pulling the wool over your eyes but thats ok because i know what you guys do with sheep. Are you that stupid?? Look it up. I have no e-mail master. Just a few people who are Chinese by the way, who are concerned about the bad name moonysun is giving to 8 step. Do you loosers even know the true forms yet? Do you know how much moonysun watered down your forms? When i did one of the forms for a Kung fu brother of mine, he asked if i learned the rest of the form. I told him that what moonysun showed me in person. So eat somemore dickweed and go back to the sheep

  3. #63
    8StepStudent Guest

    How Do You Explain?

    If Master Sun doesn't know anything about medicine well then how do you explain his Dr. title? Whoops! I guess you "forgot" about that. Here's the bottom line. Give us your name. We know who we are, but you seem to remain anonymous, and give us the name of your who you're getting your information from? We've stated this several times, but you keep on "AVOIDING" it! Until then... It's just a game of cat and mouse, or better yet Praying Mantis and Cicada.

  4. #64
    6hmantis Guest
    Give me your name sheep boy. Why did sun get the basic info on point locations from the sifu camp from a book hummmm?

  5. #65
    8StepStudent Guest

    My Name Is...

    My name is Justin Kulm, and now that I've answered your question then why don't you answer my questions? I'm not afraid of you, so why don't you tell me your name and save me some time by giving your REAL name just like I did.

  6. #66
    Ziggy Guest


    What is James Sun's discipline? Is he an MD,DC,DO or OMD??? In what states is he licensed to practice??? What is his licence #???

    I heard that last year one of his students broke his leg in class. James Sun "diagnosed" it as a strain. Sun lanced and bled the guy's ankle a dozen times in an unsteril environment. Then he made the poor guy walk on it, in pain, all day!

    The next day, the guy went to the hospital in severe pain. He had to have apin put in his leg to stabilize it and was put in a cast!!! I here the guy left the federation and still has problems with his leg.

    Sounds like malpractice to me!!! [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif[/img]

  7. #67
    8StepStudent Guest

    Key Words There

    Key Words there, "You heard." I know what and who you're talking about and again you're false, because the guy who it happened to was at the last Sifu camp, so once again your claims are false.

  8. #68
    8stepsifu Guest

    Don't respond anymore

    They have said what they are going to say and now they are just saying the same old stuff. Well, we understood their views on page 1. I don't think that we should dignify these people (whoever they are) with any more responses. They have no proof, their posts are immature and groundless. If they must spit, let them spit into the wind.

    8Step Sifu

  9. #69
    8StepStudent Guest

    Same Here

    This has just gotten way out of hand and you guys have done nothing but just state the same question after question, and you have NO PROOF, so unless you guys are going to contribute to the forum someway besides just bashing other people with no proof, I'm gonna gonna report you to the Administrator and have him ask you to leave this forum. As a Moderator I should've stopped this earlier, but I figured I'd let you guys say what you wanted to say, but when you say it over and over and have no proof of it. It gets kind of old, so in conclusion, you guys have said what you wanted to say, but you have no PROOF, so either give up proof, or stop contributing to this forum

  10. #70
    Arod1972 Guest


    I study Shyun 8 step mantis under James Sun and Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun under Master Garret Gee so does this make me a half cult member? No way. There is alot to learn. You guys should focus your energies on training and not starting negativity. Does this help your kung fu by being so destuctive?


  11. #71
    Ziggy Guest
    BFD: Maybe you should read the forum before posting your reply. We are defensive and fighting for YOUR rights!!!

    8stepstudent: Read what you wrote!!!..."the guy it happened to". The "I heard" was the bait. You are the fish.

    Word of advice: You don't have to fight 6hmantis, you do a fine job beating yourselve's up!!!

    PS: Nobody answered my question about James Sun's medical background. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif[/img]

  12. #72
    8StepStudent Guest

    That's nice...

    That's nice, but no more!

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