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Thread: Northern Praying Mantis History

  1. #1
    Taijimantis Guest

    Northern Praying Mantis History

    I mentioned this in my post "Sad News For Me" I figured it was legitimate enough to warrant its own, so I now open the floor for discussion of the varying history of Northern Praying Mantis.

    Traditionally there are four main schools that I have found to be commonly accepted. The School of Seven Star, Tai Chi, Bare or Naked Back, and the Plum Blossom. These schools are popularly thought to have been formed at the end of the Qing Dynasty, on or near the year 1911CE.

    The Story of Praying Mantis that we all can agree upon is the one of Jo Si Wong Long adopting the 12 character principles from his observations of a Praying Mantis in combat with a cicada. he later would adopt 17 chuans from already existing Shaolin systems, and incorporate them with footwork inspired by the monkeys in the surrounding jungle. After beating his fellow monk Feng, the System was then found to be formidable.

    The common thread of the story also states that Shaolin kept Praying Mantis locked within its walls, secret to the outside world for a century before a Taoist named Sheng Hsiao learned the complete system after challanging and being defeated by a novice, junior, and senior monk. Sheng would be the one to bring Mantis out of Shaolin to the common people. But here it gets slippery...

    According to Jon Funk's version of the story Sheng Hsiao only had one disciple, one Li San Chien, aka the Lightning Fist. This begins the Seven Star Line.

    However, According to the Tai Chi Praying Mantis history, The second generation began directly from Jo Si himself teaching Ho Chi-Yuan. Hou in turn was the teacher of Hou Chieh who then taught Ma Ch'ian... and so on.

    If this is the case, it seems obvious to me that there are two conflicts of the original praying mantis story.

    1. Praying Mantis split into its four main schools LONG before 1911CE.

    2. If indeed Praying Mantis was kept as a higer form of Kungfu for the Shaolin Monks, then Sheng Hsiao had morethan one disciple.

    Brother Mantis 108, has an interesting idea on this and it happens to be one I agree with. He stated to me that our Sigung Chiu Chuk-Kai, had a chosen 12 disciples to carry on the style. Why would it be so unthinkable for Jo Si Wong Long to have had many disciples as well?

    My Sifu, being the first of those 12 disciples, told me that the actual Kung Fu aspect of Tai Chi Praying Mantis, is Seven Star.

    This could explain why doccuments written by the late grandmaster indicating the lineage of Tai Chi Praying Mantis included both family trees. The story of the Seven Star system and the Tai Chi Mantis system.

    However, I am still quite confused as to why there are so many differences. Not to mention the fact that there are still two other versions of this story I have not heard of. Any Plum Blossom, or Bareback Mantis practitioners out there care to give me their version? There has got to be more to this story that I am getting.

    Anyone with information on this is urged to post!
    Also anyone with information on

    Hou Chi-Yuan
    Hou Chieh
    Ma Chi'an
    Liang Shu-Hsiang
    Sun Yuan-Ch'ang
    Ch'i Shou-Chin
    Chao Chiu-Chi(Chuk-Kai)
    Is likewise encouraged to contact me either here or at


    I am really hoping some of my Brothers and Sisters of other styles can shed some light on this.

    I hope we can get some good converstions going with this one.

    My thanks friends.


  2. #2
    Taijimantis Guest

    Anyone here?

    I mean it friends, I really hit a wall with my research.

    I need some help from my bareback and plum blossom practitioners as well as Eight Step and Wah Lum.


  3. #3
    jediman Guest

    Wah Lum...

    I know this sounds very elementary, but have you tried the Wah Lum Temple web site?

    It's got some general history that might help. I may be able to help with some other stuff, but I need you to be as specific as you can so I know what you're looking for.

  4. #4
    Taijimantis Guest


    I have emailed Sifu Chan(Mimi) already.
    Waiting on a reply.

    I am interviewing Grandmaster Chung of the Seven Star school.

    My Sifu and Sihings are providing me with much information on Taiji.

    I am looking for the "family trees" of praying mantis, I am sorry I thought I had made that clear. Perhaps I wasa little long winded...

    Family trees and individual lineage and stories about patriarchs... all that good stuff.

    Any information on famous Mantis practitoners...

    Any info on famous womenin praying mantis? Anyone know of any female Mantis Grandmasters? that would be cool...

    Email me if you like...

  5. #5
    Taijimantis Guest

    8step history

    This is interesting...

    It apears that 8 step Kungfu is only eighty years old or so?

    Is this correct?

    It seems that the seventh generation Grandmaster actually formed this style due to his aching joints. He then developed the forms with efficient (and less painful) footwork.

    If it was the 7th generation (the same as Grandmaster Chiu) then this must have been developing somewhere in the 1920's and 30's?

    I would love to hear more!


  6. #6
    7kicks Guest
    Wah Lum system history

    1. Wah lum monastery of shantung
    2. 4th gen grandmaster Ching Yeung abbot
    3. 5th gen Master Lee Kwan Shan
    4. 6th gen A- Wong Kam Wing
    B- Sin Ying Tang
    C- Leung Kun
    D- Chan Ho Kau
    E- Chan Wan Ching
    F- Chan Wan Shan
    G- Kam Brothers
    H- Chan ChI Kwong
    I- Pui Chan

  7. #7



  8. #8
    Hua Lin Laoshi Guest
    Wah Lum only directly traces back to Ching Yeung, Abbot of the Wah Lum Temple and 4th generation Master of Praying Mantis Kung Fu. The link from Ching Yeung to Wong Long is currently unknown.

    Master Chan was hoping to discover new information at the recently discovered Wah Lum Temple in the south during the 98 trip. Unfortunately all the records from both Temples are long gone.

  9. #9
    baldmantiz Guest

    age of 8 step praying mantis

    8 step is far older than 80 years old....chiang huai long created the 8 step system in the early 1800's.

  10. #10
    Taijimantis Guest

    Thank you.

    Perhaps you could elaborate?

    Because That makes me off by forty years or so? Not exactly what I thought of as "Much older" in respect to the comparative age of Praying Mantis as a whole. But I would be interested in hearing a bit more about it.

    Also, I am more interested in Taiji Mantis and Seven Star Mantis. There are reasons for that. I dont mean to be downplaying the other styles, but these are the versions of Northern Mantis that I have ties to.


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