Quote Originally Posted by Ronin22
Whoa man, you make 27 sound like 67. He's 27 for cripe sake of course he can move fast! Jackie Chan must be a turtle then id your surprised to see some one at that age move fast.
wushu espcially in china, MOSt athlethes stop competing around the age of 22 in china in WUSHU. 18-22 is like their PRIME age and best time to compete. and also if u saw ZQJ face, he looks older then 27. that why i was impress when he was still moving fast and i dont know if i mentioned it or not, he wasnt trying when he did his stuff so i was really impress. he did it so effortless, slipped on his feiyue shoes, no warm up no nothing. went straight into the form moved fast and clearly and lots of power and fly high didnt break a sweat or start to breathe hard like many of the SHAOLIN MONKS i seen. and i can tell he wasnt trying at all so yeah.

jackie chan most fast?i dont know?i never seen him in person?so no comment on him =)