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Thread: Where can I get some Sanshou WC videos?

  1. #1

    Where can I get some Sanshou WC videos?

    I feel like watching it. If anyone knows anywhere I can download it I would really apreciate it.

  2. #2
    btw, when I say WC, I mean world championship

  3. #3

  4. #4
    That was some good ****. How can I get that in my vid collection on my pc?!
    "I don't know if anyone is known with the art of "sitting on your couch" here, but in my eyes it is also to be a martial art.

    It is the art of avoiding dangerous situations. It helps you to avoid a dangerous situation by not actually being there. So lets say there is a dangerous situation going on somewhere other than your couch. You are safely seated on your couch so you have in a nutshell "difused" the situation."

  5. #5
    Thank you mutant.

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