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Thread: Jing Wu Ben Ji

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Calgary, Canada

    Jing Wu Ben Ji

    Hello Northern Shaolin,

    Have you heard of a book written in 1920 called "Jing Wu Ben Ji" (or possible Jing Wu Ji Ben). The forward for the book was written by Sun Yat Sen. I would like to know who wrote the book and what was its contents? Shi Suxi refered to this book in a foward he dictated for Vol 5 of "Shaolin Gong-fu A Course in Traditional Forms."

    Last edited by r.(shaolin); 11-20-2005 at 09:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Greetings r.,

    Try sending NS a pm.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    San Francisco BAy Area

    Sun Yet Sen's message


    I do not have this book but I can only guess who the author was. During this time, Chao lin Ho (Zhen Lianhe), Chen Kung Che, Luo Guangyu, Chen Zizheng, Liu ZhenSheng, Ye Fengqi, or Li Huiting were the masters at Jing Mo during this time that the book, Annals of Jing Mo, was published in 1919. More likely the original book had no author listed since many people wrote different sections. But I'm only guessing here.

    However in two articles, The Jingwu Sports Society by Hu Baoyan in China's Sports (cannot remember what year 1973?) and Sickman of Asia Inspires Spiritual Greatness, Huo Yuan Chia to Beat the Strongman in Martial Hero #2 HK (1971?), it records what Sun Yat Sen wrote:

    On a large board he wrote "Emulate the Martial Spirit" or another translation would be "Promote Martial Spirit Forever" and presented to the Association.

    Now in the preface for the book (Annals of Jing Mo), Sun Yat Sen says that Ching Wu (Jing Mo) means Militarism.

    He specifically wrote:

    "Man must learn, experience all there is and all that the ancients never thought of, learn to use all instrumrnts and tools. There are now guns, cannons and airplanes. The Chinese people not only have to learn these, but to keep strong, they must not neglect other things. Since the ten years of Ching Wu (Jing Mo) Physical Cultural Association, it helped strengthen China, protect China and promote physical arts."

    He then wrote about the final moments in modern war:

    "Victory is often determined by hand to hand combat within five chi (about one meter), that is why martial arts is as effective as guns, rifles and airplanes. It is important to promote martial arts in order to enhance the nation's health and defend the country."

    That's all what he wrote as far as I know.
    Last edited by NorthernShaolin; 11-25-2005 at 07:14 PM. Reason: Added and corrected

  4. #4
    very interesting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Calgary, Canada
    Hi NorthernShaolin,

    Thank you for the reply - great info. as aways. As you may recall I spoke to you
    about a set called "Jing Wu Ji Ben" in a post a couple of years ago. This was a set modeled after Tan Tui that was apparently developed by the Jing Wu during its early days. The set has 16 sections with sections 4 and 8 being identical to Tan Tui's sections 4 and 8.

    In Shi Suxi's forward translates Sun Yat Sen's forwards in the book "Jing Wu Ji Ben" as this:

    "Since firearms were introduced into China, training in pugilistic combat skill has gradually ceased to be a pursuit of most of the Chinese people. This has resulted in a progress physical enfeeblement of our national community in general and individual asthenia in particular. And this stems from their complete ignorance of the fact that even in the present-day warfare what is really decisive is none other than the last-minute hand-to-hand combat. Judging from the hand-to-hand combat scenes so frequently seen in the battlefields during the First World War, I think it is safe to conclude that hand-to-hand combat skill, firearm, and air plane are equally important for the national defense. As China now exists in a world riddled with intense competitions, she is likely to forfeit her existence in case she belittles the importance of self-defense. Decades ago China managed to sweep into her lap some pitiable crumbs form the bread of Western civilization. for such 'crumbs' of the West if she is thus tempted to discard the cream innate to her own culture as something trivial, she should duly be called idiotic."

    It seem very similar the what you wrote but different enough to indicate this may be from a different book.
    Last edited by r.(shaolin); 11-29-2005 at 06:31 AM.

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