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Thread: kung fu school in Toronto, Canada

  1. #1
    Suvorov Guest

    kung fu school in Toronto, Canada

    Hello everybody,
    Can anyone recommend a good kung fu school in Toronto, Canada.
    Any style.
    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Watchman Guest

    Wing Chun

    Master Eric Li, who is a personal disciple of Ip Ching, teaches Wing Chun in Totonto. His contact information is at

    "Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous." -- Confucious

  3. #3
    Prairie Guest

    I don't live in Toronto, but...

    Check this link out - it lists a variety of schools of which many are in Toronto:

    The only one with which I have experience is the Chung Wah Gung Fu Center - however I trained at the Regina school. Personal circumstances required me to leave the school, but the training there is genuine.

    Good Luck :)

  4. #4
    patriot Guest

  5. #5
    baji-fist Guest

    Sifu James Guo

    Sifu James Guo, one of GM Liu Yun Qiao's disciples, teaches in Toronto. I believe he is teaching Bajiquan/Piquazhang, Liu Hei Tang Lang and I also think Mei Hua Tang Lang, Yin Style Baguazhang, Chen Taijiquan. His webpage is My Sifu has said nothing but good things about him, and I would definitely check him out.

    You must eat bitter before you can taste sweet.

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