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Thread: kung fu forum?

  1. #1

    kung fu forum?

    wow I just for the first time went to the kung fu forum here on this site and was so dissapointed... what a difference there is with this board as opposed to that one. Some of the posts were ...who would win in a fight jackie chan or bruce lee?, were the flying stunts in crouching tiger hidden dragon real? I mean come on I realize that not every one has the same knowledge and we all no very little when we start but my dad can beat up your dad should be forgotten by age 12. Again I dont mean to offend anybody but I feel funny even trying to help these guys by telling them that actors dont really fight and no they use wire harneses. does any one feel like I do or is it just me.but I feel like our threads are of solid questions and serious valid points.... :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

  2. #2
    Kiasyd Guest
    Well, you shouldn't worry about that, just ignore it. The fact is that anyone can post anything on internet boards, so you must filter what's worth and what's not yourself...

    -- Kiasyd

  3. #3
    Lost_Disciple Guest
    There's some decent info if you feel like wading through the bs posts. Also there are some people genuinely looking for advice. I don't claim to be an expert, but if it's something simple that I know little about, I try to help; if for no other reason than to encourage serious posting over there.

    Anywayz I got a big mouth. :D hehe

    Just some thoughts from an ignoramus.

  4. #4
    rumantid Guest

    Kung Fu forum

    Hey Earth Dragon Why are so you worried about what other people post. No one is hurting you or even talking about you. Live and let live. Huh. And if you don't like it don't read the post.

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