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Thread: Stances & Flexibility

  1. #1
    Hieu Nguyen Guest

    Stances & Flexibility

    I am new to this site. Is there anything I could do besides my basic kung fu training to enhance my stances, flexibility. It seems that when I practice my horse stance I start shaking? I'm kinda goofy right now.
    What could I do to improve this? Is there equipment anyone could recommend? :(

  2. #2
    kenpo9 Guest

    Inexpensive way

    Start with one minute then two minutes then keep increasing to ten minutes--doing Squats at your own pace......for equipment use a chair to stretch with........

  3. #3
    Ling Qiaozhi Guest

    Stances & Flexibility

    also you must learn how to breath while maintaining the ma bu (horse stance) try to sink your chi to the bottom of your navel not only will this enhance your stance training but it will help you with rooting and concentration while performing your stances also try to sink your pelvic more downward you will realize with time and practice you will have develop strength endurance and flexibilty in your ma bu

    ling Qiao Zhi

  4. #4
    Hieu Nguyen Guest


    So could you clarify how I would start breathing, also, If I start off with one minute in a horse stance, If I practice it how often per day, for example: (suppose I'm able to stand in a horse stance for 30 seconds after that do I stop practicing or go on for how long). Do I practice it througout the day or what?
    Is it better to have correct form when doing it even if I'm not able to go down all the way. So to get the correct form would it be recommended to do a horse stance against something for support to start off with, for balance only and to learn the correct form.

  5. #5
    Ling Qiaozhi Guest
    First and foremost i must say that you must be patient with yourself when you are performing the ma bu training first you must have your ma bu four spaces apart (say ping ma= cantonese for 4 point horse) make sure when you sink that your knees do not collapse inward or you will develop bad knees practicing the ma bu should be coached by your sifu so to make sure of posture you can practicing your horse with your back against the wall so to know that your back is not out of alignment it is really not that easy to explain but it is easier to show what the stance should look like as for the breathing the breaths should be done naturally but allowing the inhale breathe to be pull down to dan tian in other words you should concentrate your breathing from your navel area but try to keep natural with your breaths and synchronize your breathing also and when doing the ma bu with your breathing do not concentrate on how many minutes you should do it for but do it until the outer thight burns and when it start to burn maintain it and breath but from you navel area but do not rush the breaths for you are defeating the purpose but do not feel hung up on how many minutes or seconds you should do it for kung fu literally means energy and time :)

  6. #6
    Hieu Nguyen Guest

    more stances

    So if practicing the Horse stance against a wall or door, will this technique help strenghten my stance?
    This seems like the only way that when doing the horse stance that I have correct form?

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