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Thread: The Secrets of Jujitsu ebook download

  1. #1

    The Secrets of Jujitsu ebook download

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Thumbs up

    pls explain how to download those files

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Behind you!
    Half way down the page is a box that has PREMIUM and FREE at the bottom right. Select FREE. Then wait till the seconds count down. Type inthe code shown half way down the page. Then choose where to download to as usual for downloads (a separate folder is probably a good idea so you can scan it for viruses before you open it).


    Cheers Hieronim.

  5. #5
    iwant E-book For Chin NA .......................!!!

  6. #6
    thanks for sharing!!

    if its the one im thinking of secrets of jujutsu is interesting

    theres a 1930s and and a 1960s chinna book somewhere cant remeber the name

    also a shuai chiao book

    on P2P - emule , bit torrent...

    sorry cant think of the names atm.. wheni find my it on my cds i'll let u know

    esle just search chinna/qinna and kum na on ur fav p2p

  7. #7
    I want the shaolin 72 training methods ebook.

  8. #8

    Fetus Style!?

    I am presently browsing book seven of the shaolin collection, when I happen upon this in a section entitled "Rare Animal Styles:"

    Fetus Style (Tai Xing)

    an excerpt:
    "Qigong places high regard for prenatal qi, or the life of the unborn. As a martial style, the stance is similar to a fetal position if a fetus could stand. It uses small quick steps and short power, depending heavily upon elbow strikes. Fetus Kung Fu is a very rare style."

    Does anyone have more information on this? I find the concept bizarre at the least.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Shorin-ryu master Fred Ettish has long been considered a master in fetal fighting.

  10. #10

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