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Thread: Is the Mantis forum dead?

  1. #1
    Scarletmantis Guest

    Is the Mantis forum dead?

    I used to see great threads on here consistently. Guys like Othal Thomas, Carl Albright, and Raul Ortiz used to post here. Where have all our (in)famous members gone?

    Did the crackdown/trolling scare everyone away? :(

    I used to LOVE this forum, now all I see are 8 steppers and a few dustbunnies in the corner.

  2. #2
    Kiasyd Guest
    Yeah, and the 8 stepers keep bashing each other the whole time :D

    -- Kiasyd

  3. #3
    BeiTangLang Guest

    well,..break out a topic!

    I think folks are just busy,..but feel free to break out a new topic of intrest & I'm sure you will get replies!

    "In the name of peace, destroy your enemies!"-Unknown

  4. #4
    it has been rather slow lately , I would imagine that the crisis has many people caring about other things rather than their favorite pastime. othal thomas has been posting a lot on our forum but it has been slow also, again priorites. But as other suggested try a thread ask a question see if you get some feedback!

  5. #5
    yingching Guest

    Where have they gone

    Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the majority of the people do not post according to the forum rules.
    Every topic becomes taken over by trolls, and people who are going to track down these trolls and beat them up...
    Anyway, that is my guess...

  6. #6
    Nutt'nhunny Guest
    because there are three people that are on this dead little branch of kung fu online. Hsing I should get its own system. Its more complex than mantis anyways. Your all boring as **** too. Better to post on the southern site and fake like you know hung gar. Better yet, tell people you do southern mantis. Then you'll get some respect. Sorry to be so course, but really, dig up your posts on here.

    ummm. What are the similarities and differences between two nearly dead, rare mantis styles as compared to the one david caradine just made up. Who give a ****l? Obviously nobody does.

  7. #7
    Kiasyd Guest

    I guess that explains why the forum is dead :P

    -- Kiasyd

  8. #8
    nobody Guest



  9. #9
    Scarletmantis Guest
    Hardly anyone posting anymore. :(
    I miss 8stepsifu. Where have all you guys gone?

    Earthdragon, thanks for ruining this Forum! :mad:

    "Master, here is a stick. Please beat me for my insolence." - KC Elbows

  10. #10
    Taijimantis Guest

    It seems...

    That its 6 of one half a dozen of another.

    I left because of the trolling and inappropriate comments. I came back because the effort was being made to control antics I found disrespectful and offensive.

    Now it just seems to be a certain few driven by ego and a sense of their own accomplishments... "look at me" it says.

    Personally I appreciate the connections I have made with my Kung Fu family across the continent of North America, across the Pacific in Hawaii, in Hong kong, Australia... All because of this forum. Its not all bad we just have to choose what we want to associate with and behave accordingly.

    A good topic never hurts... When I can come up with one I will submit it for your approval.


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