Quote Originally Posted by mantis108
While I believe Martial Arts is an education, it is no ordinary university program. There simply isn't any such thing as western academic system of "transferring" the forms, credits and/or knowledge.

Martial arts as a knowledge is about knowledge of self (or at least it points to that) IMHO. If your cup is full, then there is not much of a point to fill your cup unless you are ready to empty it.

I don't claim to understand BJJ but I respect it under the impression that it is an MA which offer a series of skill sets to reach the knowledge of self via four paths Gi, No Gi, Vale Tudo, and Street. In that regard, it shares similar goal with Kung Fu. Even though they may not be your cup of tea, that doesn't mean that they can't relieve other's thirst on the quest of self knowledge.

There should be standardized forms and techniques, not 1000 different variations that you can't practice with other people. All the CMA comes from the same place anyway, so there's no need for so many different variations.

Anyways, it doesn't matter. I'm done. Let others pay people $$$ and waste their time. IMHO the best self defense is at this point is either running away, a gun, or getting hit so you can sue the person's ass off.