
For a while now i have been researching into different martial arts not only to see what would be effective in a street situation but also what would be well suited to me, i.e. my character, mentality, body structure and fitness level.
Having come to the conclusion that i want a well rounded ability in a confrontational situation i have decided to learn both Brazilian Ju Jitsu/Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai. These both complement each other well for both effective stand up fighting and ground fighting/grappling. Both have sufficient take downs within their syllabus also.
The one issue i have with learning both of these arts (at the same time) is the issue of mangement. Will i be able to learn them both efficiently at the same time or will it be too much to take on board? I have found two centres in my local area, the first of whch mainly focusses on kickboxing rather than Muay Thai but gives well rounded stand up techniques (and has a training video of students and teachers). The second of which teaches both arts individually.
1. http://www.appliedfightingsystems.co.uk/. 2. http://www.sleepingstorm.com/. Apparently the sleeping storm dojo has world class instructors whereas the caterham AFS has well rounded instructors but they are only at blue/purple belt level of jiu jitsu.
Thoughts on management issues of both arts would be appreciated. i realise that Muay Thai can be one of the more simplistic arts, yet i am fully prepared to dedicate a lot of time and effort to both styles. Would it be too much to manage if i did both at the same time?

