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Thread: Attn: GeneChing

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible-fist
    What is TMA?
    Two different things:

    TMA=traditional martial arts

    The website shares members in common with Bullshido, and former members. It was formed in honor of the basic mision of Bullshido, but in protest of the direction. It is a smaller website, but there are some highly qualified individuals among the membership, and, of course, all the other internet personalities one comes to expect. The owner is not antagonistic toward Bullshido in any way, and seems to be a pleasant guy.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by Samuel Browning
    And why is a misrepresentation on a casting site, which involves a job, less relevent then a misprepresentation here?
    Loaded language. Casting is not concerned with what fields of study you hold knowledge in, they are concerned with what activities you can act. If you cannot understand that a monkey stylist, for purposes of tv, can play a judo teacher, then I would inquire how many of the actors of LA Law you are willing to call frauds in adherence to this flawed argument.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS

    A few final questions to get my point accross

    Since Abel is to go to Anthony to satisfy Anthony's investigative itch(hobby), I have a few questions related to Anthony's credentials. As I understand credentials being vital to Bullshido's approach, I'm sure you can understand.

    1) What exactly are Anthony's credentials as an investigator that enable him to run official investigations?

    2) What exactly are Anthony's credentials that enable him to run official interrogations in the hidden forums? Where was he trained in interrogation? The nam? Bolivia in the eighties? Correspondence course?

    3) If, hypothetically, he has no such credentials, does he consider legitimizing his investigations as valid through force of personality to be comparable to teaching karate and calling it "nijutsu budo sanshici kai" based on the number of patches* on his leopard print uniform, or does he have a different view of it?

    4) If he has no such credentials, does someone else sign off on his official investigations before they are posted? Who is that person?

    5) Which of these Anthony investigations would you least like to sign off on: a) investigating(harrassing) Jamoke's former student who made a claim which went uninvestigated by the site that Jamoke demoted him for political reasons, said investigation motivated entirely by favoritism within the staff, b) _SS_, c) The premature release of the JFS investigation, d) The nonexistent Abel acting investigation.

    6) Since only the lawyers on staff have any real world investigative experience, does this mean that any official investigation, including the initial jfs one, was signed off by you guys?

    7) If there is no signing off, and since you cannot separate staff investigations as members from official investigations, what legitimacy do Anthony's, and any official investigations not run by you lawyers, have?

    8) Anthony has twice claimed to be about to deliver explosive content, only to turn out to have rather boring or weak data. Is Anthony, in fact, Geraldo Rivera?

    *that would be 34 patches, bairen.
    Last edited by KC Elbows; 05-11-2006 at 10:05 AM.

  4. #64
    Nope, I would have expected the following. That you wouldn't take an thread about an article that used some information from a Bulshido investigation, and concerned two articles published by Kungfu Magazine, and use it at a platform for your complaints about Bullshido. This is especially the case because when my article didn't mention the issues we are presently discussing.

    As far as you and Rudy go, I will accept your word that you have your own independant axes to grind with Bulshido and that this just happens to be a convenient venue for the two of you to air your grievances.

    The article itself was a clean up effort on two earlier articles published by Kungfu Magazine that were published when there were problems with their claims which should have led to them to be rejected for publication. Bulshido was mentioned for those who wanted to read the full investigation, and my affiliation with Bulshido was mentioned because it was relevent to the story. That's two mentions. If people thought I was being unfair to Bannon they could go and read the original materials and make up their own minds. Was that plugging Bulshido? Would it have been better never to mention Bulshido when my affiliation was relevant to the story? The person who I really plugged in that article was Steve Robinson whom I quoted and his work, but don't worry, dispite our disagreements you can still read and buy Steve's fine book. I will personally assure you it contains no negative comments about CMA.

    In law school we used to joke that the holding or policy established by a case was whatever you could argue it to be. So when I read "Aesopian established that protests against site abuses are outside the realm of site rules." I have to shrug and say,that is what you want to argue the situation to be. The real issue involved was banning procedure. Afterwards at different times you and Ronin voluntarily decided to leave the Administrative section, but were not forced out. So I disagree with your decision regarding admin confidentiality and yourself.

    My so called "official silence" is not an affirmation of your points. Its simply a recognition that I cannot make certain arguments without providing lots of information from our administrative section and I won't do it.

    Bulshido never targeted TMA, there was never a forum invasion by us. Since the site was set up to compete with Bulshido we did not cooperate with TMA's recruitment efforts. Your targeting problem came with Jim and Tigerfly.

    I'll have to tell my fellow staff member and CMA enthusiast Mr. Mantis that site policy is that all CMAs are Bulshido, I think this would surprise him though Phrost has his own opinions of CMA they are not site policy, though when he ended up in arguments with Rudy he locked some threads. Of course the arguments would often go pages and pages, and Phrost would hit the end of his tolerance for fighting with Rudy, which as the readers here might realize can be a full time job and fairly frustrating.

    As far as the Boyd and Kungfools "investigation" goes neither of them are staff, and it was not an official investigation (I thought they and not Greese1 pushed that one forward,). If I remember correctly JKD Chick stopped that effort which incidently targetted another staff member. Neither is respresentive of the site, and as I previously mentioned Boyd just came off of a nine month ban. So is Bullshido responsible for that particular conduct? No.

    As far as Anthony goes, his first writeup on JFS was corrected by his second writeup We then got them an internet room to discuss the matter, and JFS decided to leave. And I'll argue Anthony's case or choose not to argue it re Rudy, when Rudy provides the relevant links and information.

    The sad thing is that you view yourself as Horatio at the Gate. Based on the events here if someone even mentions Bulshido you may consider them plugging the site and we will be back with your arguments. No con at Bullshido, your friends can make up their own minds free of charge, and act accordingly.

    I could write more but a couple thousand words are good for now.
    Last edited by Samuel Browning; 05-11-2006 at 10:58 AM.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by KC Elbows
    Loaded language. Casting is not concerned with what fields of study you hold knowledge in, they are concerned with what activities you can act. If you cannot understand that a monkey stylist, for purposes of tv, can play a judo teacher, then I would inquire how many of the actors of LA Law you are willing to call frauds in adherence to this flawed argument.
    Any actor can be trained to read lines like a lawyer. And anyone can play a judo teacher if martial arts are not demonstrated, however if someone would like to claim they can carry out judo moves competently for the camera as part of their skill set then one should ask how much knowledge is necessary to make this claim. But I'll need to see the actual words before commenting further.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by KC Elbows
    Two different things:

    TMA=traditional martial arts

    The website shares members in common with Bullshido, and former members. It was formed in honor of the basic mision of Bullshido, but in protest of the direction. It is a smaller website, but there are some highly qualified individuals among the membership, and, of course, all the other internet personalities one comes to expect. The owner is not antagonistic toward Bullshido in any way, and seems to be a pleasant guy.
    And a 17 (18 now?) year old kid who lives with his parents, believes in occult magic, and thinks he can astral project; essentially Chrono + Crappling. I don't know what bizarro internet you've been using, but on the real one, credulity like that is not even remotely "in common with the basic mission of Bullshido".

    You know KC, your issues with how things were run are 100% the result of your mindless Sinophilia. Everything else is just gravy tossed on the putrid meat of those issues to mask the stench. It might fool you, but it doesn't fool anyone else. Your participation started in good faith, but became little more than the CMA version of the BJJ nutriding that got you so worked up in the first place. If you weren't such a sinophile, you might have had a shot at objectively seeing the merit in purging members who think that choreography is a more valid form of training than sparring. But we know that's not the case, and your attachment to all things Chinese supercedes your ability to make rational judgements as to what's best for a website that fights for increased training standards in the Martial Arts.

    I left you a voice mail by the way, which you apparently ignored. You're cordially invited to show up to the Throwdown we're having on the 27th.

    As far as Rudy goes, he's an obsessive nutjob who's had issues with the idea of going after the status quo in the Martial Arts since day 1 of Bullshido. He is the status quo, with the resume padding, tacit approval of inflated ranks, and putting more importance on the appearance of techniques than their efficiency. ("MMA strikers are sloppy", for example).

    It would be nice if I had the time to sit here and play quote tag while fending off the inevitable monkey-style poo flinging that will be smeared all over this board shortly. But it's lunch time and I'd rather have a sandwich than deal with a rabid monkey that's always been content to sit in his own filth instead of contribute to cleaning things up.

    So in summation:

    KC: Stop whining. If Gene didn't want Sam posting on this board, I'm sure he can handle it without your help. Oh, and Sinophile. That's such a great word, isn't it?
    Site Director,
    No BS Martial Arts

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by KC Elbows
    Since Abel is to go to Anthony to satisfy Anthony's investigative itch(hobby), I have a few questions related to Anthony's credentials. As I understand credentials being vital to Bullshido's approach, I'm sure you can understand.

    1) What exactly are Anthony's credentials as an investigator that enable him to run official investigations?

    2) What exactly are Anthony's credentials that enable him to run official interrogations in the hidden forums? Where was he trained in interrogation? The nam? Bolivia in the eighties? Correspondence course?

    3) If, hypothetically, he has no such credentials, does he consider legitimizing his investigations as valid through force of personality to be comparable to teaching karate and calling it "nijutsu budo sanshici kai" based on the number of patches* on his leopard print uniform, or does he have a different view of it?

    4) If he has no such credentials, does someone else sign off on his official investigations before they are posted? Who is that person?

    5) Which of these Anthony investigations would you least like to sign off on: a) investigating(harrassing) Jamoke's former student who made a claim which went uninvestigated by the site that Jamoke demoted him for political reasons, said investigation motivated entirely by favoritism within the staff, b) _SS_, c) The premature release of the JFS investigation, d) The nonexistent Abel acting investigation.

    6) Since only the lawyers on staff have any real world investigative experience, does this mean that any official investigation, including the initial jfs one, was signed off by you guys?

    7) If there is no signing off, and since you cannot separate staff investigations as members from official investigations, what legitimacy do Anthony's, and any official investigations not run by you lawyers, have?

    8) Anthony has twice claimed to be about to deliver explosive content, only to turn out to have rather boring or weak data. Is Anthony, in fact, Geraldo Rivera?

    *that would be 34 patches, bairen.
    First the lawyers on the site are not the only ones with investigatory experience. We also have a number of LEOS and at least one person who formally worked in revenue services.

    I do not know what Anthony's MOS was in the Army but otherwise he does computers for a living. That helps in obtaining information that is online, but to my knowledge he is not a trained investigator.

    In answer to your question, one does not have to be a "trained investigator" to do investigations though it helps.

    4, 6, 7) Are staff issues we are currently working on, but the short answer is that a person should evaluate any investigation carefully based on its content and thoughness, regardless of the credentials of the investigator.

    5) (a) of course I had to step in to try to pry those two apart at one time, what a pain in the ass.

    8) No, Anthony has no mustache.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Calling B.S. on Bullshido is B.S.

    This thread has taken a surprising turn, eh?

    I've always liked the idea behind Bullshido. Given my position, there are plenty of people I'd like to call B.S. on. Hell, Bannon was one. I tried to call B.S. on him many times, but that's another story. Anyway, it's unprofessional in my position to just go around calling B.S. - it's contrary to our mission to promote martial arts, since it only adds to the already negative press that surrounds us. Plus some of those B.S.ers I'd call down actually pay their bills, whilst many of the B.S. callers don't pay for ****, so there you go.

    That being said, criticising any forum for being mostly B.S. is really funny to me. Of course every forum is mostly B.S. Forums are open to anyone with an email. Sure, some forum are more aggressive about banning people, but there's no criteria for application. It's just people posting - kids, malcontents, socially inept characters, and occasionally interesting members. Most people have little to offer than B.S. That's the fun of it. Every forum has its personality, but that personality is determined by its membership, and its membership is always subject to ebb and flow. We come here to shoot the bull.

    I'm very grateful to the work Samuel and Bullshido have done with Bannon. I'm happy that Bullshido exists, just because it's got a very special character amongst MA forums - there's nothing like forum of skeptics. But if you are skeptical of the skeptics, that puts you in this weird recursive realm that borders on lonesome existentialism. And why bother bashing them here? Go bash them on Bullshido.

    Forums are funny things. They're vital organisms. Some are evil. Some are harmless. Most are an amusing passtime. But just to give you a peek, right now, I've got two pending legal actions on this forum - basically people crying to me because someone else 'offended' or slandered them. I mention this just to let you all know that it's tough to keep forums going. Overall, I feel MA forums contribute a lot to MA because more communication, even if it's just flame wars, is a good thing. I imagine you all do to, or you wouldn't be here.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by Phrost
    You know KC, your issues with how things were run are 100% the result of your mindless Sinophilia.
    What a load. My issues were related to your simultaneous martial incompetence and your change of overall policy to mean that you can judge whole styles based on your incompetence in the style you practice, nothing more. I NEVER once on the site supported bullshido schools, I was clear that I agreed with most on the JFS thing, even if the investigation itself was botched, but the reality is you are baiting traditionalists to come on without telling them that you and the children that you appoint on a whim to the staff will be investigating them for any transgression, martial or not, real or not, with NO standard of investigative process.

    Everything else is just gravy tossed on the putrid meat of those issues to mask the stench.
    Nice meaningless hyperbole.

    It might fool you, but it doesn't fool anyone else.
    Your assessment of what other people think is irrelevant. You don't even know your staff.

    Your participation started in good faith, but became little more than the CMA version of the BJJ nutriding that got you so worked up in the first place.
    Please cite one example of this. For the last several years on the board, I did nothing but administrative tasks. Most of the members are only familiar with me from this perspective. Care to lie again?

    If you weren't such a sinophile, you might have had a shot at objectively seeing the merit in purging members who think that choreography is a more valid form of training than sparring.
    What purge? You did incompetent investigations, flubbed those, and they left. Let's see, here's your brilliant plan:

    I'm Phrost, and I could:

    1) Name off a new policy of zero tolerance of kung fu, tell the members, and the ones who don't like it can leave, or...

    2) Secretly make a zero tolerance policy for kung fu, don't tell the staff, mount the most inane "investigations" ever, force half the staff to run around doing damage control on them without having the common decency of telling them of the policy change, and then look EVEN TO MEMBERS THAT REMAINED like a moron.

    But we know that's not the case, and your attachment to all things Chinese supercedes your ability to make rational judgements as to what's best for a website that fights for increased training standards in the Martial Arts.
    Your the one with the house decorated like a set from a Bruce Lee flick. As for that goal, I never fought that, but I did fight irresponsibility and total investigative incompetence. And I still do.

    I left you a voice mail by the way, which you apparently ignored.
    Why would I be worried about a call from a someone who doesn't have the cojones to simply say "my new policy is cma is garbage, I know you pretty much defined how the staff is run, if you don't want in, then I understand"? Why would I care about a call from someone who can't LOSE FACE, and has to rephrase every argument so that those who don't agree with him are sinophiles and supporting JFS? Get a grip.

    You're cordially invited to show up to the Throwdown we're having on the 27th.
    You are cordially invited to either stop being a tomato can or stop thinking you are qualified to judge whole styles based on never having seen them. You used to run the site to fight the conduct of real abusers: now it's all about saving face and hanging out with your teenage sycophants- I mean Aesopian's sycophants.

    [quote]As far as Rudy goes, he's an obsessive nutjob who's had issues with the idea of going after the status quo in the Martial Arts since day 1 of Bullshido. He is the status quo, with the resume padding, tacit approval of inflated ranks, and putting more importance on the appearance of techniques than their efficiency. ("MMA strikers are sloppy", for example).[/qoute]

    Fine, prove it with a competent investigation.

    If Gene didn't want Sam posting on this board, I'm sure he can handle it without your help.
    I didn't ask Sam to leave, I merely pointed out that Bullshido politics was a game he didn't want to play with me. expletives, etc. editted out for content.

    Boyd does a much better job of making fun of sinophiles.
    Last edited by KC Elbows; 05-11-2006 at 11:58 AM.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing
    And why bother bashing them here? Go bash them on Bullshido.
    I was not bashing them, I was initially requesting that Sam, as someone who was familiar with the debacle that led me to leaving, would have the common decency to recognize that he was putting me in a spot by departing from merely hyping the investigation, and begin hyping the board, given the nature of my departure.

    That Bullshido has a policy of considering all kung fu styles fraudulent is policy there, but it is not a listed policy, and by advertising here, Sam put me in a position where I can either say nothing and leave members here who may visit there unaware that they will be targetted for investigation based on style, or say something and risk an argument. Perhaps Sam forgot that I frequent here, and he likely never thought of it in those terms, but it still remains that that is the policy there, and the members get no warning.

    Regardless, if you don't think this is useful information to your users, I understand, and I certainly will remember that it's your forum before I enter into another of Phrost's hyperbole matches.

  11. #71
    Hey, cool. Coffee Girls has wifi. You work down here don't you? We should be having this conversation over coffee anyway, you dirty Sinophile. Let's see.

    Quote Originally Posted by KC Elbows
    What a load. My issues were related to your simultaneous martial incompetence and your change of overall policy to mean that you can judge whole styles based on your incompetence in the style you practice, nothing more. I NEVER once on the site supported bullshido schools, I was clear that I agreed with most on the JFS thing, even if the investigation itself was botched, but the reality is you are baiting traditionalists to come on without telling them that you and the children that you appoint on a whim to the staff will be investigating them for any transgression, martial or not, real or not, with NO standard of investigative process.
    The latter part of this diatribe is a valid criticism for which steps are being taken to ensure that forum discussions/arguments/poo-flinging-festivals do not spiral out of control again as they did in the case of the "Boxer Rebellion 05". In fact, you were initially a part of this process unless you forget.

    As far as my individual skill level, you're welcome to come test it out at any time. I tried for a few years to get you to come by where I train, but schedule and other things always seemed to keep you from this. Besides, the comment that sparked most of my direct involvement in most of this issue was a simple response to dear old Rudy's ridiculous comment about MMA strikers being sloppy and I offered him a chance to prove his superior striking skills against a representative sample of the group he was criticizing.

    But if you want to continue to be his patsy and fall for his attempts to dodge fighting a real "sloppy" MMA striker by making it about him and me, then go right ahead. I couldn't possibly think any less of you for it.

    Please cite one example of this. For the last several years on the board, I did nothing but administrative tasks. Most of the members are only familiar with me from this perspective. Care to lie again?
    Who's lying? You only ran away like a sniviling child when you thought we were on a jihad against all of CMA (as stated in one of your posts above, I believe). That was never the case, and if you had some intellectual fortitude, you'd admit it. We were going after crappy CMA people who thought that forms and compliant drilling were the be-all of training and who paid sideways lip-service to the concepts of aliveness and pressure testing one's skills that are the bedrock on which the site operates.

    You know **** well Bullshido became nothing more than a social club with an inordinate amount of Martial LARPists while losing its best members. Whether or not you felt they were our best members is irrelevant as we've demonstrated your judgement is flawed and murky when it comes to discussing anything associated with the Chinese as you have way too much of your life invested in Sinophilia.

    What purge? You did incompetent investigations, flubbed those, and they left. Let's see, here's your brilliant plan:

    I'm Phrost, and I could:

    1) Name off a new policy of zero tolerance of kung fu, tell the members, and the ones who don't like it can leave, or...

    2) Secretly make a zero tolerance policy for kung fu, don't tell the staff, mount the most inane "investigations" ever, force half the staff to run around doing damage control on them without having the common decency of telling them of the policy change, and then look EVEN TO MEMBERS THAT REMAINED like a moron.
    See how you demonstrate my point? PHROST HATES KUNG FU. PHROST MEAN. KC RUN AWAY.

    I've stated more times than I can count, that San Shou is the shining beacon of the CMA and the opportunity for people who've done nothing but point sparring and forms demonstrations to test out where they need to improve. If the Shaolin monks can do San Shou, why can't the rest of CMA?

    You simply don't like the fact that the Chinese Martial Arts are rife with corruption, and attract by the dozens, people who want to learn how to fight while avoiding actually fighting in the course of their training. Chi Sau, Push Hands, etc, for too many are as close as they get to sparring in many schools.

    But in your world, this criticism must mean I hate Kung Fu, and everything Chinese, eh?

    Your the one with the house decorated like a set from a Bruce Lee flick.
    Guess not.

    As for that goal, I never fought that, but I did fight irresponsibility and total investigative incompetence. And I still do.
    Not sure how you're managing to do this, but I'd love to hear.

    Why would I be worried about a call from a coward who doesn't have the cojones to simply say "my new policy is cma is garbage, I know you pretty much defined how the staff is run, if you don't want in, then I understand"? Why would I care about a call from some idiot who can't LOSE FACE, and has to rephrase every argument so that those who don't agree with him are sinophiles and supporting JFS? Get a grip.
    The reason I call you a Sinophile is not because you speak Mandarin or practice Kung Fu. Those are ancillary to the issue that you're incapable of seeing the difference between making legitimate criticism that the CMAs deserve while pointing out the massive amount of effort needed to reform them due to having entirely too many LARPers involved in them, and thinking all of CMA is crap.

    Again, not all of CMA is crap. Does this make you happy, or is it just lost on your RRRARrarrArRRR PHROST INSULTED OUR LAND brain-filter?

    You are cordially invited to either stop being a tomato can or stop thinking you are qualified to judge whole styles based on never having seen them. You used to run the site to fight the conduct of real abusers: now it's all about saving face and hanging out with your teenage buddies.
    I don't even have remotely enough time anymore to "hang out" on Bullshido, much less try to use it as my own social club. The fact that we had to purge people who thought it was supposed to be a social club where all points of view were equally valid, is again lost on you.

    Again, where have I judged whole styles? For Wong's (Fei Hung) sake, I used to have "Individual > Training Method > Style" on a hotkey. Since the begining of Bullshido we've asked, begged, PLEADED for evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of the various approaches to training that are out there. And I haven't seen a single one that was successful in documented fights were the training consisted of the compliant partner drills and forms work that the majority of CMA schools employ for their training.

    When you're painting something that's mostly a single color, there's nothing wrong with using broad strokes.

    Fine, prove it with a competent investigation. Which means you will have nothing to do with it, since you have zero experience in it, never had much to do with it on the board, and only recently decided to jump in and play with the teenagers you seem to gush over.
    Rudy Abel is no more deserving of applying resources towards investigating than Paulie Zink is. At some point, if we've got all the other hatches battened down, we might do something, but he's just some twit from CA that refuses to show up to Throwdowns in his area. Big deal. We're not going to go investigating Strangler or Kungfoolss either.

    You're really hung up on teenagers aren't you?

    I didn't ask Sam to leave, I merely pointed out that Bullshido politics was a game he didn't want to play with me, and the fact that you had to step in pretty much proves that. If you think staff members are eager to take flack for crap you mishandled, you simply do not know your staff.
    No, you just came in here with your jing hanging out of your pants, frothing at the mouth because Sam dared to step into the territory you'd peed on.

    I neither expect the staff to take flak for me, nor do I need to step in. I was browsing over here to see if Gene had found out about Bannon's busting when I found this thread.

    And, since we're discussing it, what did you think when your own staff urged you not to fight Abel because they didn't think you could win? Have a nice one, enjoy the gong in your dining room and your habit of face saving, as well as your newfound fondness for acting as the guru for your teen groupies.
    Can you provide a single instance of where I've inflated my fighting skills one bit? Seriously, because if I were that interested in saving face I wouldn't have an image macro with me getting my ass beat with the caption "BULLSHIDOWNED" stamped acrossed it, nor would I have put a picture of me getting facecranked by a Judo noob on the front page.

    Nice strawman argument though. You can do better.

    My sandwich is done, and thus I must return to more important pursuits. Your homework for the evening is to write this 50 times in your Wong Fe Hung Trapper Keeper: "Rational people can criticize the merits of certain CMAs despite not being a 20 year student of them, without thinking every martial art that came from China is garbage".

    I expect it on my desk tomorrow.
    Last edited by Phrost; 05-11-2006 at 12:23 PM.
    Site Director,
    No BS Martial Arts

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing
    Go bash them on Bullshido.
    LOL, I can't. Censorship is global.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lakeland Fl USA
    Neal chiming in says it all. All one has to do is read his mental diareah to note his true ideal.

    "Purging", "larpers". "sinophiles" . Its all very ammusing. Your words betray you.

    So in your own words, you had to purge the site of people that had ideals of practice you didn't agree with. So which is it, you are anti- or not? In your own words you found that the MMA crowd started to leave because there were too many TMA people on the board. Because we all know its them that pay the rent.

    So I( and a few others including ronin I might add) stated that we thought MMA punching/standup needs work. What did you do? You made a threat/challenge to have me fight in WEC with "just a couple of emails". So I said , "Ok how about you." "You and me in a cage." You ran off like a spanked girl. Stating, "You don't go to a throwdown, so you can't fight me." That doesn't make sense. You want me to go and fight REAL MAists before I fight(cream) you. In tournament circles you don't fight the BBs to get a shot at a yellow(belly) belt. Its the other way around. You are making it a personal issue to discredit. All I can say is go ahead, investigate away. All you'll find is my foot up your ass. Pretty please , come to my face and tell me that I am not credible, that I am not whom I say I am, that my MA doesn't work. I can guarantee you, you will know the truth THAT DAY.

    Its funny how you practice a double standard of opinion. You can say anything about anyone with absolutely no expectation of accountability of you opinion. An opinion based on a relative beginners experience. Yet I have an opinion based on DECADES of experience but I have to go into a cage to prove it. Funny. I pick you.
    If you're grown up enough to talk the talk then come over and walk the walk. And don't give me the travel excuse. You travel for a throwdown you can travel to be on T.V. And lets say I do show to a throwdown. Then what? What will your excuse be then? You are a wannbe tomato fat bald yellow pig riding the coat tails of the real deals. My "monkey" should be no challenge for you. It shouldn't work at all. That is what you're saying isn't it. My kung fu is no good. Come out and prove it.

    Since when have I ever said that all you need is form? That you don't need to spar? That spin won;t work here.

    My only crime is standing up to you. To dare say you are wrong. Or to dare say that things are not run right.

    Maybe someone(the IRS) should investigate YOU. I mean really, all those crawler bots you count as guests can't be legal. Or you taking "donations" for services that you later take away.

    And to answer sam. I really don't need to rifle through BS's posts to find some proof to post here. What for? I know BS tried to "mug' me. Neal knows it. I know it. This isn't a courtroom. And this will only be settled of the floor. If you REALLY want to know, Get your head out of your orifice and look for yourself. You obviously have the time.
    Last edited by SifuAbel; 05-11-2006 at 01:07 PM.

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by Phrost
    Who's lying? You only ran away like a sniviling child when you thought we were on a jihad against all of CMA (as stated in one of your posts above, I believe). That was never the case, and if you had some intellectual fortitude, you'd admit it. We were going after crappy CMA people who thought that forms and compliant drilling were the be-all of training and who paid sideways lip-service to the concepts of aliveness and pressure testing one's skills that are the bedrock on which the site operates.
    First, I never thought "we" were on a jihad agasint anything. Three staff members were the only ones backing the stuff I'm talking about, the rest were baffled by the conduct.

    Second, if you were only going after crappy people, then why, when I asked you in front of the staff, and I'll paraphrase here "Are you making a defacto policy that all cma is bullshido, and what sense does that make given that the best fighters on the staff are kung fu guys?" You responded not by a denial, but by grilling Asia and Omega on whether they REALLY use kung fu, or more mma stuff. As I recall, you used the phrase "let's put everything on the table here." Also, as I recall, Asia and Omega ignored you.

    You know **** well Bullshido became nothing more than a social club with an inordinate amount of Martial LARPists while losing its best members. Whether or not you felt they were our best members is irrelevant as we've demonstrated your judgement is flawed and murky when it comes to discussing anything associated with the Chinese as you have way too much of your life invested in Sinophilia.
    Dude, it's a forum. It's STILL a social club of mma larpers. You lost Ronin, someone who has real skill, in order to gain who? Who was leaving that either didn't leave, or is a larper anyway?

    I've stated more times than I can count, that San Shou is the shining beacon of the CMA and the opportunity for people who've done nothing but point sparring and forms demonstrations to test out where they need to improve. If the Shaolin monks can do San Shou, why can't the rest of CMA?
    Which is meaningless when you also establish a defacto policy that kung fu is fraud.

    You simply don't like the fact that the Chinese Martial Arts are rife with corruption, and attract by the dozens, people who want to learn how to fight while avoiding actually fighting in the course of their training. Chi Sau, Push Hands, etc, for too many are as close as they get to sparring in many schools.
    I have not only stated this before meeting you, but never denied or countered it.

    Those are ancillary to the issue that you're incapable of seeing the difference between making legitimate criticism that the CMAs deserve while pointing out the massive amount of effort needed to reform them due to having entirely too many LARPers involved in them, and thinking all of CMA is crap.
    Perhaps what I'm capable of seeing the difference in is when you say publically "I'm not against kung fu, two of the best fighters in staff do kung fu", and when you, behind closed doors, say "Asia, Omega, you don't really fight with kung fu, do you?" Let's put it all on the table.

    Again, not all of CMA is crap. Does this make you happy, or is it just lost on your RRRARrarrArRRR PHROST INSULTED OUR LAND brain-filter?
    Since I know you don't believe that statement, I'll not bother further with it.

    I don't even have remotely enough time anymore to "hang out" on Bullshido, much less try to use it as my own social club. The fact that we had to purge people who thought it was supposed to be a social club where all points of view were equally valid, is again lost on you.
    The fact that the point of view that is most valid now is revisionism and some weird mma larper's dream is lost on you.

    Again, where have I judged whole styles?
    "You don't REALLY fight using kung fu, do you?"

    Since the begining of Bullshido we've asked, begged, PLEADED for evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of the various approaches to training that are out there. And I haven't seen a single one that was successful in documented fights were the training consisted of the compliant partner drills and forms work that the majority of CMA schools employ for their training.
    Omega? See, this is how quickly you revise your history. You haven't seen one demonstrate, oh wait, I've seen two, oh wait, Omega does a ground form, look over there[flees bad argument]...

    When you're painting something that's mostly a single color, there's nothing wrong with using broad strokes.
    And that's a great way to rephrase criticism that was initially friendly, but not what you wanted to discuss: since JFS and KC both disagree with me, it's like they're the same. Impressive argumentation.

    Rudy Abel is no more deserving of applying resources towards investigating than Paulie Zink is. At some point, if we've got all the other hatches battened down, we might do something, but he's just some twit from CA that refuses to show up to Throwdowns in his area. Big deal. We're not going to go investigating Strangler or Kungfoolss either.
    What, trying to find out who else is using dating services? Interrogating kickcatcher for two more weeks without a clue what you're looking for?

    No, you just came in here with your jing hanging out of your pants, frothing at the mouth because Sam dared to step into the territory you'd peed on.
    Sam knew your real position on cma, posted an ad for the site here, and while none of it was Sam's fault, what happened happened. I'm not gonnna pretend that your position is your new revised position when I know otherwise, and I'm not gonna let you attract members from here without letting them know that being a cma practitioner or teacher gives them reduced priveledges and attracts amateur investigations that will get full support from the site regardless of how botched or irresponsible they become.

    I neither expect the staff to take flak for me, nor do I need to step in.

    Can you provide a single instance of where I've inflated my fighting skills one bit? Seriously, because if I were that interested in saving face I wouldn't have an image macro with me getting my ass beat with the caption "BULLSHIDOWNED" stamped acrossed it, nor would I have put a picture of me getting facecranked by a Judo noob on the front page.
    That picture was classic, and was you at your best, but more recently, you have stated that you are qualified to judge whole styles, and that would assume you have some expertise in fighting.
    Last edited by KC Elbows; 05-11-2006 at 01:40 PM.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS

    To Sam Browning

    Sam, I fully recognize that I came heavy at you, and I apologize. I understand that these issues that we're discussing are neither ones you supported, or ones you took a part in, and I know that you had no mean intent in coming on here plugging Bullshido. I hope you can understand the reasons I couldn't let that slide, and I will pray for you every day you have to work for Phrost and his most recent teen appointees. My best advice for you is to confuse them with cultural references from anytime before 1992.

    Also, has Phrost been imitating Boyd's "sinophile" bit for long? Is there any chance we could simply get the real Boyd, or is he busy consulting with Aesopian on how to run their website?

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