AWW come on guys give the kid a break!!!
you all are like a bunch of musicians sitting around telling each you couldve done that song better.. the kid is only 14 and i have to say that he probably looks alot better than any of you did at that age,still
pickin your nose and not peeing straight. i doubt it if any of the others trashing the kid arent out of thier teens yet
anyway. HEY NOSPAM,,,,Nice form, you are exactly where you need to be at this stage in your developement. keep it up! your form reminds me of the first mantis form i learned
years ago"fist of the crushing step" or bung-bo. here is some advice from a teacher in his late 20's. POWER POWER POWER train. start now while your muscles are still developing. it will make the forms you do all that much better and will help you to utilize them in a confrontation,,,,,,AND gain favor with the judges at the tournaments. i am impressed, Jason