"The Tao of Tao"? If it is half as good as your posts I would buy it for myself and get a copy for my friends too. Your not just full of great Taoist insight but your writing style is very beautiful (and ego-non-threatening thank God).

Last year I came to the conclusion that I needed to "let go" of my need to seek a formula for immortality/ascension and to just "be" and it would happen naturally if my intention was to completely follow the Tao. Sounds like what your saying doesn't it?

Now I think I am just trying to figure out how to let go of "me". I have purged my possessions several times in my life so I could start over. I even went homeless once trying to follow the example of the Taoists masters. Perhaps I am at that point again?

What I need to purge this time is not my possessions, friendships or anything tangible. I need to purge something deeper and it seems it can't be contrived or forced. It needs to happen naturally and I don't trust "natually".

So whats your take on this? Wu Wei? I feel the intense need to "do" something but my personal insight tells me to stop "doing" and to just "be". I may have just worn out my """ key.

My idea of immortality btw is physical not-dying until your body transforms into pure energy and we ascend to the higher non-physical realms.