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Thread: how many mantis fighters out there practice Iron body or Iron Palm? What styles?

  1. #46
    cagey_vet Guest

    yin/yang = blending to achieve harmony??

    geez baldmantis, thats a silly statement.
    did your sifu teach you that? more evidence to get
    tossed on the 'mediocre' pile, proving that once
    again, being less than average is OK by you.
    you are sadly mistaken if you believe yin/yang means
    to blend to achieve harmony....
    i am shaking my head in disbelief, dude. completely
    blown away.
    i am casting my pearls before swine here. and thats
    a waste of time, because you dont understand, dont
    WANT to understand, and i am past thinking that you
    can pull yourselves up from the muck and mire. cripes, i had a MUCH more
    enriching experience with the Chung Moo Doe adherents.
    and THATS saying something, for those that know.

    good luck, because without me, it appears as if
    you would be TOTALLY lost. you need someone to
    wake you up and challenge your conceptions of
    what the martial arts are all about.

    haha!! :D

    blending to achieve harmony...
    thats rich, dude....
    i am -SO- TOTALLY gonna print this out and save it.
    so i guess we can all interpret the fundamental
    tenet of TCM and taoist precepts to be whatever we want.
    hmmm so now i can believe that yin/yang is a noodle dish
    served with bits of shrimp and a side dish of humble pie...
    want some? you sure deserve it!

    [This message was edited by cagey_vet on 06-21-01 at 11:05 AM.]

  2. #47
    baldmantiz Guest
    well cagey...i really would like to continue this conversation "privately" as you requested but i don't even see an email address to send messages to you. i am truly sorry your mind is clouded by ignorance.

    To know others is to have knowledge. To know oneself is to be enlightened.

  3. #48


    Your endless excuses not to answer me shows you are nothing more than a guy who has taken some lesson at the Y.M.c.A and sits in fron of his computer with his brand new dictionary he bought to sound educated to people who you attempt to put down! please spare us the notion of you just comming on here to help people answer questions for you dont know the answers to your own training! internal my ass even a first level student practicing internal know the answers to my quesitions so pppppplease do not attempt to use spelling or translation for an excuse for your lack of knowldge!that is the chinese pronuciation taken from wade-giles DICTIONARY

  4. #49
    baldmantiz Guest
    and as far as what the martial arts are about....I doubt you have the faintest idea.

    To know others is to have knowledge. To know oneself is to be enlightened.

  5. #50


    what possible excuse are you going to use now that I have called your bluff! this forum is for decent people with a love for the martial arts to come and ask questions and to post their thoughts and so on. Please do not try to currupt its balance with ignorance! if your life is that empty than I suggest you take up a hobby but please not martial arts we have all the holes we want no rome for asses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #51

    attention everyone:

    please do not take my somewhat angry posts to unmetionable people the wrong way, but as a fellow martial artist I'm sure you agree their is no room for people who think that way in the martial arts! It reminds me of a bully student that once came to my school to learn to fight!! after several years I told him now that you know how to fight who are you going to challenge? his reply was "myself"...... for my thinking was only thing I was ever mad at! Any one with fists can learn how to fight if this is the level in which you choose that is all you will ever get! but please do not call your self a martial artist!

  7. #52
    cagey_vet Guest

    you didnt do it did ya?

    i recommended for you to read all my posts
    to this website.
    you didnt.
    otherwise, you wouldnt have said the things you
    said. i speak from experience and knowledge, and my posts show it.
    my email address is

    my teacher is one of the most respected authorities
    in the US, if not the world, of the internal martial arts.
    see where i am from, and do your own homework.
    i do not speak for him, and he knows that i am
    rather freewheeling with my opinions... "very yang..." i hear him say ;)
    there are a few reasons for this, one you may be able
    to guess from the subject matter of the majority
    of my posts. if you cant, then you are even less clued in then i originally thought.
    again, grow up a little, consult a dictionary and
    a GOOD spell checker, and i will be awaiting
    correspondence with you at my email address listed
    above. if i loaned you a quarter, i wonder if you
    would buy a cup of coffee instead of a clue...
    the both of ya should be embarassed.
    still waiting for you, any of you, to justify
    getting training outside your school. it seems as
    if your contemporary mantis system is a little lacking.
    do both of you guys go to the same school?
    the stances on your site look spiffy, can you really
    generate power from them? a 34 year old sifu that
    spells like you do? that mangles english like you do?
    that trips over malaprops consistently like you do.
    i feel sorry for your students (clients). i feel that
    if you are training them in the same manner i see
    you post here, they are getting ripped off!
    where are you guys!? i have GOT to see this for
    this is not a shoot on all mantis systems.. i know
    for a fact that there are some VERY VERY deadly mantis guys
    out there, and to them i tip my hat, because its
    awesome to watch a true mantis player just go off.
    i wonder if the true mantis folks feel the same way
    i do about your types, or do they just shrug their
    shoulders and say "hey, they are no threat to my training, there will
    always be substandard martial artists..."
    thats what i should do, except for some reason i feel the need
    to try to put across some sensibility to you.
    you guys are funny.
    as in 'haha' funny.
    although it gets harder to laugh the more i read
    from you, and easier to feel sorry, i cant look away.
    dude, its like a ugly car accident.

  8. #53

    last post

    Well this is the last post you will receive from me becuase you have again FAILED TO ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!so if you say that your teacher is the best in the world why must you avoid telling us who he is, or where you train, or how long! Im not doubting what you say about your teacher for I dont know who he is however if you are in fact calling your self a martial artist, then I suggest you put down your dictionary and act like one. other wise you should ask for a refund for you have learned nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #54

    no email to caygywet

    I decline to correspond via email because some other people on this site have told my you send viruses through email "very cute"! but if thats what kinda sick person you are you can keep your********** to your self!

  10. #55
    cagey_vet Guest

    i send viruses thru email?!

    i challenge you to find anyone i have ever sent an
    email virus to. unbelievable.
    so, there you go again.
    spouting off crap that other people tell you.
    cant you think for yourself?
    typical mcdojo/cult attitude.

    can i have that quarter back that i loaned you?
    it seems as if you havent bought a clue with it.

    i am proud of my school, and my teacher.
    but the fact that you have dragged me into your
    lame argument may not exactly fit well with him.
    so you dont know who he is. you didnt bother to research
    even for 5 minutes.

    another pearl cast before the swine.
    good luck dude! you are getting worked bigtime.
    i have a bridge to sell you, it sits right over some
    groovy swampland next to a nuclear facility.

  11. #56


    I would not be proud if one of my students was ashamed to admit where he learned as you have done for the 4th time!!!!!!!! so obviously what you say OR what you attempt to preach is not even worth the 2 cents that you invested in your lessons at the YMCA! GOOD BY

  12. #57
    cagey_vet Guest

    blah blah blah

    my diatribe against you and your ilk would most likely
    make my teacher look bad by others that think the way you do.
    unfortunately, the bulk of martial artists in this
    country DO think the way you do, and basically determine
    the status quo of the rest of us. i wouldnt want YOUR backlash
    directed against my teacher.
    you have shown that you are ignorant of many precepts
    of TCMA, and philosophy... so why should i burden
    my own family with your ignorance and make an innocent
    man subject to your judgements and skewed observations?
    good luck, and thanks for making the rest of us look
    like total morons...
    i wonder who told you to stop posting in all CAPS...
    your posts here are goofy. is your kung fu the same?
    i really shouldnt make a statement like that without
    seeing you move though. put a video file of you on your site and
    email me when its there so i can see for myself. then i would
    feel better about rationing portions of reality in your direction.
    good luck dude... or do you need me to show you how to
    do that as well?!

  13. #58
    the_furry_creation Guest

    Iron Palm Information

    I have read a very good book on Iron Palm by Brain Grey which could be of some intrest.

  14. #59
    Rei Guest


    i train in nothnig that has to do with mantis but i do iron palm and body... well started :D in Bak fu pai we do iron palm after getting a good base on the basic techniques. In wushu we started iron body like first class :eek: i love it. Yannick benoit is a really good teacher and teaches traditional wushu and san shou. i say anyone in montreal or close should go visit his place on st cathrin street :D

    *Qui semme le vent, recolte la tempete!*

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