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Thread: Southern Kung Fu Video Thread *Read Guidelines First*

  1. #61
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    i know in my soul it was done to spite me, not to promote me.

    No one knows what it's like for someone who is still recovering from being paralyzed from the waist down, i was exhausted after a 12 hour shift, and then had to wait around at that performance. so when i know i have better material than what they posted, it hit my last nerve. i never like anyone doing anything to embarrass me, and i know it was done for that reason alone.

    there is no one outside of his group that had the tape. no one in SF would ever post that of me without my permission.

    but when someone tries to put me on blast by posting a terrible performance done by me, yeah i take that as a personal attack which won't go unanswered.

    i know i shouldn't worry, i've competed and won against some great performers, i have a great group of students and just picked up another one the other day. my students believe in their sifu, so that's all that matters.

    and what the heck, i'm not a forms guy anyway. i love the fighting side to CLF, and is my main focus in training for myself.

    but i am going to post a form soon to redeem myself. i got no choice. i can't just roll with the punches on this one. that sheet was done out of spite.
    Last edited by hskwarrior; 06-09-2006 at 12:25 PM.

  2. #62
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    Given your circumstances that day couldn't you have opted to not perform? When we did performances for chinese new year or other events we always had to option to perform or not. If we had just finished a long lion routine we could pass. My feeling is always if I don't feel up to par it is better not to perform because only bad things can happen.

  3. #63
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    i realy don't care if you believe me or not. what i say is the truth. that was not my video footage, if you remember my camcorder was stolen less than 30min. after that performance. i did receive that particular video (whole performance) from someone inside the school, along with other older performance as well. like i said that was not my video. like i said i exchanged tapes with others. who knows who they exchanged with. like i said i don't get into character assasinations. i have better and other things to do. so if you don't believe me so be it. good luck with your group, nothing but good wishes from me for all my old classmates.

  4. #64
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    Actually, i've never turned performing down when my sifu needs to perform. But, not that day. I tried protesting, i just got reprimanded for protesting and he made me go out there. the whole time i was mad, unfocused and hella tired.

    I didn't want to be first, i was just walking by, my sifu suddenly grabs me, shoves this stick in my hand. i didn't know it was the rat taile type. it was hella heavy and it wasn't the staff i intended to use.

    all of that plus i was upset that he made me go first added to my utmost horror. what you didn't see on that tape was me cussing like a mad man. i stormed off (i even yelled at my sifu....oops) but i was mad. then when he told me to go again, i did the actual set i intended to do with a different staff. I was detemined to perform well, and used that energy to pull it off.

    but how convenient for only the worst performance was posted.

  5. #65
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    it was your people who asked me if i wanted to let them post up the video clip.

    what is your problem with understanding that?

    if your students didn't have a copy of that, then please tell me how and why did they ask if i wanted them to post up the video clip they had all ready and edited?

    are you going to answer that? i don't want to hear anything else from you but the answer to that question.

    it wasn't anyone else other than YOUR students who asked me about it.

    now what?

    if you are going to fake the funk and stand on your statement, then let it go. i have nothing to do with you. nor do i want to. so if you want this little exchange of words to end, let it go. i already know in my soul it is who i think it is. no one else would post a video of me without telling me. i know that for a fact. because if anyone did that here in the bay, regardless of who it is, we will have words. believe that.

    i know who it is. so let it go.


  6. #66
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    you exchanged tapes, you are still responsible for whom you let out those tapes.

    it started with you. i brought it to you. period.

    once and for the final time, your people approached me with the idea of posting the video clip. what part of that don't you understand? you are their sifu. it falls on your shoulders.

    deal with it.

  7. #67
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    ok, i'll answer it. when we came back the last time, we edited all videos for my site. that would be the aug. 2004 gee tuck. we had video of u doing jybs. that was what sean was referring to. anything else that was said was just screwing with you. and you fell for it. and no i'm not responsible for what others do, except my group which i told not to post or put anything on the web about anyone, if i find out someone has i'll deal with them. so better check your heart again. hok yun, hok yee, hok kung fu. i'm not out trying to dis anyone. like i said, was not me.

  8. #68
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    If I recall correctly it was Sean Stonehart who asked you if you wanted a video he had ready to be put on the web. Why would he ask you if he was going to put up a bad video performance? He never said what the video was he had ready and just because he asked doesn't mean it was him.

    It could have been anyone for all you know.

  9. #69
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    see what i mean?

    they are the only ones who had this tape. they asked me cause they knew i was completely unhappy with my performance on that day. i knew i did horribly, and that is why i said to them not to put it up.

    and low and behold, it's on the web.

    all the fingers point to them. they approached me. i said no.

    but, to be fair, if it wasn't them, then the ones who posted it won't admit they did. if they are from SF, i dare them to reveal themselves. but they won't.

    however, still, the only way to redeem my self is to post one of me now.

    but nole, don't act like you wouldn't go to them if if happened to you too.

    chad, i am man enough to say i apologize if i am wrong. but that's yet to be proven.

    if you were in my shoes how would you feel?

  10. #70
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    but nole, i know and knew what they were talking about.

    i dread and hate that day with a passion. it was a complete embarrassment for me. that's why i'm so ****ed. the person who posted that knew i was unhappy with that performance. but like i said, i came out and did it again, and did it better than the first time.

    how come they didn't post that one? because i dropped my stick is the reason why anyone would want to post that clip.

    but if no one see's it like i do, that's cool. i just want to clip to disappear. period. put something that flatters me, instead of embarrassing me.


  11. #71
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    Don't get me wrong I see your point; however without proof it is pointless to point fingers. If Chad says he had nothing to do with it you as being from the same family should respect it. If he lives in Georgia and actually did it why deny it, it is not like it is against the law. If he said he didn't do give him the benefit of the doubt. In the computer age we are in getting videos and putting them on the internet is rather easy. I actually have a number of clips on my computer of your sifu, chad and some of his students from some of their demos.

    Don't worry I won't put them anywhere, can't even remember where they are on my computer.

  12. #72
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    Don't worry about it. When you perform in public there is always the chance of anybody video taping you and you can't do much about that.

    I haven't seen anybody here make fun of you nor should they. It happens to everybody...well it has happened me at least...dropped it during a tournament and performance later on.

    No worries one cares...but I think it would be really cool if you can post some of your best stuff as well. Remember no one is perfect good and bad we should except it all since what happened- happened period.

  13. #73
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    after taking out my frustrations during training, i've realized that everyone has a bad day. and i should just brush it off my shoulders.

    yeah, i was ****ed because no one knows what it was like for me to recover from a spinal injury, being told that i would spend the rest of my life in a wheel chair, and i still should be in one in some cases, but i've come a long way since my accident.

    chad, if it wasn't you or your guys i apologize. i can definetlly say i am more determined to put out a better video clip than the one someone hatingly posted up of me. whoever did that wasn't promoting me, they were trying to make me look bad.

    but that was at least 2 years ago and i have improved in mobilty and strength in my legs since then. that's why i'm going to post another clip.

    but, thanks to those who didn't insult me. that does mean a lot to me since i wasn't nearly ready to perform when i did. i have a lot of pride in how far i've come since i fell that 50 feet. and i keep getting better and better. so look forward to the clip i post up myself.

    once again. thanks for understanding.

  14. #74
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    you know what nole, keep it.

    use it as a reference point. even to remember that i was still in recovery during that time.

    i want to share with you guys how hard it was to get to where i'm at TODAY.

    to this day, i still can't jump, run, or stand on my toes. I seriously damaged my spinal cord, and my road back was one not many in my thoughts could have achieved what i have.

    my road, has been a severly bumpy one. but it was my sifu who never let me quit, because there were many times i wanted to. i just didn't have the strength, or mobility for gung fu anymore. but i'm glad my sifu kept pushing me hard. if he didn't who would have?

    so, take into consideration in any future clips, that i am a walking miracle with lots of obstacles in my way, but strive through them out of sheer determination.

    thanks again.

  15. #75

    I am the one that posted the google links and I apologize for causing you distress as a result. Hungsingclf is not to blame.


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