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Thread: Help Looking For Real KungFu in houston

  1. #1

    Help Looking For Real KungFu in houston

    Hello everyone, I am new to the houston area . Looking for a traditional school to train at. Please help refer a school to me...I have tried many with no luck at all. Done the chinatown thing was not impressed...George hsu,Paul chu,Jeff bolt,The shaolin temple,I want to learn real combative art with style behind it..Even went to The Woodlands .....I am not driving up there to learn bar brawling...please some info please thanx Landon

  2. #2

    southern praying mantis

    there is a school in Houston, TX Headquarters School CKFA Southern praying mantis (713) 779-1089 sorry don't have the address.
    "All the skill in the world won't hold up to a real confrontation if you are too afraid to use it."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    austin/houston, tx

    dont give up on chinatown, tho the people you described are the most public. the rest arent "out there" you need to know who to look for

    read your PM

    oh and i forgot to PM you this

    trust me, their good. my homeboy trains there, and they wont say no if you want to test them out.

  4. #4


    thanks to yhe guys that responed.....htown are you a teacher? maybe i can do some hands with you too? I already did hands with ckfa up in the woodlands...and usually the person is a by product of teacher...I am looking for a hung gar or spm style....from the brief moment i did do hands with this guy ...He has no kung fu just probably a street thug kinda of fighting.....and i read all over the internet about how Poo Yees branch of spm is way off!!!! The only reason I went to woodlands is because I have spoke with yee , couple of times and everytime he either told me he no longer teaches or go look in the i went and met his student he was a very nice person....but as far as kung fu is concern I dont think he has any.....All he has is brute force and power spm is not just muscle it is internal. And as far as wingchun goes it is just too boring and just not for me ....paul chu he is just aq joke. looking for traditional school..please keep the inputs coming guys...Landon

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    i can hook you up with a very good Choy lay fut school if you want,my Choy lay fut brother teaches there.

  6. #6
    yes i am where is his school? Is it hung sing or bak sing..... I hope it is not chus kung fu.....I have looked everywhere there is no clf school in houston but paul chu claims to be a master of hung sing...but I just rather not...nothing personal just rather not..but if there is someone in houston ..sure i give it a shot....I hope he is not one of the teachers that dont teach gwai lo kind of bs....but thanks keep me informed thanx guys

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    austin/houston, tx
    no im not a teacher, ill be back in houston next month, im going to austin for college.

    what exactly are you looking for in your training?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by kuento
    thanks to yhe guys that responed.....htown are you a teacher? maybe i can do some hands with you too? I already did hands with ckfa up in the woodlands...and usually the person is a by product of teacher...I am looking for a hung gar or spm style....from the brief moment i did do hands with this guy ...He has no kung fu just probably a street thug kinda of fighting.....and i read all over the internet about how Poo Yees branch of spm is way off!!!! The only reason I went to woodlands is because I have spoke with yee , couple of times and everytime he either told me he no longer teaches or go look in the i went and met his student he was a very nice person....but as far as kung fu is concern I dont think he has any.....All he has is brute force and power spm is not just muscle it is internal. And as far as wingchun goes it is just too boring and just not for me ....paul chu he is just aq joke. looking for traditional school..please keep the inputs coming guys...Landon
    Hi Landon,
    I am posting this on behalf of the woodlands CKFA instructor you have stated
    that has "no kung fu." You have made your opinions of him and our sifu,
    Henry Poo Yee, public and clear. Who is your sifu? We'd like to understand
    from whom you received the authority with which you speak. You came to the
    Woodlands beginners class lecturing on lineage and how the system should or
    should not be done. So we are a bit confused in why you are seeking
    instruction in the first place when you portray yourself as an expert. We
    are most interested, however, in how your "internal mantis" works since you
    were incapable of using it against the "barroom brawling." We would imagine
    that barroom brawling would be easy to handle for someone of your knowledge
    and skill.

    So Tommy invites you to call him, since you have his number or can look it
    up on the website, and set up a date when you can show him how you can stop
    him with your true mantis. And you can bring your friends, Jim and Mike
    (?), not sure of their names, and they can show him one at a time their
    superior mantis skills as well. You are also welcome to bring a video camera. For
    each of you, no one will stand in his place to do hands. And don't forget
    your sifu's name, so we can call him and tell him what a fine student he has
    produced. Let the world know who has the real Jook Lum, don't be shy!

    We look forward to your call!

  9. #9
    To ckfaspm, Hello again!!!! Let me start by making myself clear to the point. I am not trying to start any kind of internet war or be a keyboard samarai of any sort. I do not have a sifu at this time, that is why I am looking for a school. I have been mislead by many teachers in the past, maybe cause of my skin color..but I have taken seminars in mantis from a few well known masters.....done the video courses , study in cali for 2 yrs, study in new york for4 yrs, done muay thai for a decade....I have close relations with BB temple...Let me start by first apologizing for the remarks I have made about ckfa and other schools in the houston area.I do not mean in anyway to ridicule master HPY and degrade his kung fu and teachings...I never mention Tommys name ...I am in no way an expert in kung fu.I am just looking for a school to train in..I will be working full time now in the club district as a doorman and bouncer. So just trying to feel out houston and find a school to train in ,cause my job . You are right !! I could not stop his hand but my point is was that jooklum or not? I am in no way saying the man can not punch and I felt like my whole chest was caving in....He has well more than enough power and speed...But is this jooklum? Well just because he did indeed kik my ass...but again is this jooklum? Well the final conclusion is I am sorry if? I stepped on anyonese tails......My ego was talking... Again no means of ****ing anyone off....again I apologize to ckfa and woodlands branch... But maybe later I will take you guys offer on gong sau but as of now I realize I am not ready to take on Tommy...or anyone if anyone out knows of any good kung fu school let me know as of now I will be training at Padawee Muy thai ....thanks landom

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by kuento
    T You are right !! I could not stop his hand but my point is was that jooklum or not? I am in no way saying the man can not punch and I felt like my whole chest was caving in....He has well more than enough power and speed...But is this jooklum? Well just because he did indeed kik my ass...but again is this jooklum? m

    Well, you experienced his power and speed, and his attitude with your 6 years of Bamboo Temple kung fu and 10 years of muay thai, not to mention your size advantage. And you couldn't stop him, his barroom thug fighting, despite your resume and true Jook Lum.

    The question you never asked was whether Henry Poo Yee could stop him. He might have told you how many times Henry Poo Yee kicked his ass just recently, how many severe injuries he's received at the hands of a man in his upper 60's. So label our Sifu's kung fu however you like, debate lineage to your heart's content here on the internet or amongst yourselves. Honestly, we could care less. Kindly keep our teacher's name out of it.

  11. #11
    CKFASPM, To whomever this may concern.......Why cant you guys just leave it as it is? The truth behind Jooklum and its lineage will be revealed in due time. I give it up to you guys for having your sifus back especially when all the walls are starting to cave in.....very admirabale.....again I have learned my lesson on judging a person by their cover.....Tommy taught me this...and if your sifu can really controll his speed and power ...then HPY must have something...but is Tommy really really trying? HMMMMMMM..I do have my doubts....I am no expert..But I know Tommys strenght and power is above the Norm....but again is it JOOKLUM ????????? Hey there are a lot a stronger guys I have come across can HPY take them???? Can tommy Take them???? Well if they have Jooklum then they should right???? Well ckfaspm no debating ok , I have already made my point and made my apologies....I will stay true to what I have seen and been point is it is very hard to digest your branch of jooklum cause what I was taught is totally different... I do not have the rank to judge what is and whats not....I am just questioning why is your jooklum and you guys branch of jooklum so much different from every other jooklum in the universe..Well maybe ckfaspm you guys havent seen other branches...but dont worry in due time the truth will be seen....Other branches have spoken ....and none seem to side with ckfa..... hummmm shouldnt that ring a bell......Landon

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by kuento
    CKFASPM, To whomever this may concern.......Why cant you guys just leave it as it is? The truth behind Jooklum and its lineage will be revealed in due time. I give it up to you guys for having your sifus back especially when all the walls are starting to cave in.....very admirabale.....again I have learned my lesson on judging a person by their cover.....Tommy taught me this...and if your sifu can really controll his speed and power ...then HPY must have something...but is Tommy really really trying? HMMMMMMM..I do have my doubts....I am no expert..But I know Tommys strenght and power is above the Norm....but again is it JOOKLUM ????????? Hey there are a lot a stronger guys I have come across can HPY take them???? Can tommy Take them???? Well if they have Jooklum then they should right???? Well ckfaspm no debating ok , I have already made my point and made my apologies....I will stay true to what I have seen and been point is it is very hard to digest your branch of jooklum cause what I was taught is totally different... I do not have the rank to judge what is and whats not....I am just questioning why is your jooklum and you guys branch of jooklum so much different from every other jooklum in the universe..Well maybe ckfaspm you guys havent seen other branches...but dont worry in due time the truth will be seen....Other branches have spoken ....and none seem to side with ckfa..... hummmm shouldnt that ring a bell......Landon
    Hello Landon,
    You seemed to have missed my point. If you are happy with what you have, more power to you. If you want to claim the real Jook Lum, great. What do you care what our branch does or doesn't do? Why do you keep bringing us up? If you already concluded we don't have the real goods, why visit our schools? Gee, what was your intention in going there? I guess it didn't turn out the way you thought it would. As I said, claim what you like, say what you like. Just keep our teacher out of it. We are not here to convince anybody of anything. Sounds to me you've got all the answers. Great!

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