I'm sorry Earth Dragon, but I do not regard you as a high-level sifu. Anyone can be a sifu..... this is why, after thinking about things, that I decided it would be a disservice to myself to spend money renting a car, driving 7 hours, staying overnight, fighting you, driving seven hours back. My whole weekend shot.... and to do what?

I dont really care, your the one who challenged me. I accepted now you backed out. make up excuses now no worries ray

I know the outcomes: either I get there and you respond we can't fight because of insurance, or you pull some crap about figthing your students.

so you can tell the future? another excuse

I highly doubt your newest, lowest level student is going to be down with me dropping him and pounding him in his face .... for you.

another excuse, but to set the record straight my lowest level student came from another style (Judo) and has many fights under his belt for being a 23 year old and I think he could beat you but I guess we will never find out becuse your not a man of your word

Do you think I'm some newbie? Yes, I've only been with my master for 4 years, and have thrown away much of what I learned earlier, but I know how these things work: see my style, tire me out, and then maybe play with me or at the last minute declare, "Oh, you do have good technique brother, let's go get lunch."


another excuse and again a fortune teller who sees the future

First, my lineage places me higher than you: In E-chuan, I'm learning from the founder. In Ba Gua, I'm learning from 4th generation. Even in your primary style, I trained S Mantis under Gin Foon Mark's disciple in NYC Chinatown.

Its impossible to rank higher in any lineage that is not in the same family genius. That remark shows your ignorance. Anyway ba bu is not southern again it shows your ignorance.My lineaghe can be found on the mantis cave the world wide mantis lineage chart is your name there under any style of southen mantis? let me check ummmmmmmmm NO!

Ontop of all of that, who cares about lineage? Truth of the matter is, you bothered me last week and I realised why should I be bothered by you .... you're just a bum. I'm going to be fighting many honorable and high-level fighters in my lifetime.

Good for you and I wish you well, keep up your career. maybe after you get knocked out a couple of times perhaps you will not be so full of yourself and learn some respect.

I'm 32 and just starting. You're 39 and washed up having never even been. Sorry, you're my elder in years. I have respect for you as a human being, but in martial arts I actually look down on you. Even your web site is full of disinformation in regards to Taoist monks sweeping outside Shaolin. Maybe Taoists visited the Buddhist temple, maybe they stayed .... but to have guests outside sweeping and there the day your mythical figure showed up .... bull$hit! 8 Step Mantis groundfighting undeafted in the UFC? ....... bull$hit. That is not 8 step Mantis to begin with, and that was not undeafeted. Also, the UFC in the 90s is not the UFC of today. And most of all, because I don't want to take anything away from that young man who fought there (My God, for that alone he has my total respect!) .... it has nothing to do with you.

Ok buddy whatever you say...you continue to look foolish dont you realize that? thats not even our website. LMAO

I doubt these words will stir you, and not because of some spiritual center, but because if you acted on them some terrible realities will be brought to light to you and your students. I know you have nothing to prove. You push around imaginary beings all day while doing form and then when that aint enough you'll beat on your defenseless students. You're a very honorable champion.

Yes its true I beat up ghosts.... booooooooooooo WTF? are you talking about?

But don't talk to me about respect. You haven't done anything to earn it. Some combat karate tournaments in the 80s is a far cry from fighting. I know because I was competing in them too ... Don Negal, etc., etc.

Im glad for you again good luck with that.

Believe me, I'm not worried about the long reach associated with your weak body, I'm not worried about the skill you have in your mind. If you accept the charity match or to meet me on closer grounds, I'm willing to place $1,000 cash ontop of your $1,000 cash and the winner -- the one who can walk over to it -- takes it all.

So tell me again why you challenged me then back out? lets have some more of those empty excuses. It's on the public forum, you challenged me told me you would come this sunday to sunday with a friend
I accepted and you chickend out then used those for excuses???????

You threat and challenges are but an empty reach for attention.

What says you Shifu For Life?

Its my avatar. It means once you begin on the road to teach others your job is never done, kinda like responding to your posts Have a great day ray...