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Thread: People get what they deserve

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Looking for the Iron Monkey
    Quote Originally Posted by neilhytholt
    IMHO CMA wasn't always such a huge waste of time.

    You're really mad about my comments about forms being stupid, eh?


    Must have hit a nerve.

    Yes, forms by themselves are stupid and people who play with weapons are a bunch of wankers.

    How's that? Mad now? Ahahahahahahaha

    That's the truth of it, eh? That you're a bunch of MA wannabes with dreams of being the next Jackie Chan or winning your forms competitions.

    No, that's not entirely true because some people on here do sparring like JP.

    Anyways, you're a bunch of insecure morons and I'm out of here. Because you're not listening to what I'm saying you're showing your insecurity.

    Forms queens. (Except those who fight, of course, like JP).
    Man, I feel sorry for your kids. No wonder your wife dumped you.

    Let me get this straight, I'm insecure because I'm not listening to you. Do you even listen to yourself? If you did, you would realize that you're a complete dumb@ss!
    Last edited by Chief Fox; 07-19-2006 at 02:10 PM.
    Check out my wooden dummy website:

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Guy, you're preaching the uselessness of cma and the superiority of mma in Kungfu Magazines forums.

    I think the reactions you are expecting are the ones you are getting. Isn't that what you want?

    anyway, how many foms do you know? lots? are they good? can you kill bruce lee with them?

    p.s we can all read and write here.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    Blog Entries
    I respect JP for putting up his sparring clips but honestly I spar about 10x harder than that with my classmates....and I do kung fu.

    You know what I'm starting to think is that this whole MMA superiority complex comes from people that have had wanky kung fu instruction.

    I don't blame them because there is a lot of that out there....internal training is even worse in this respect.

    But for those of us that do kung fu that have had really good teachers, teachers that kept it real, that pushed us I don't see much of point that MMA, as a style is any better than good kung fu as a style.

    The difference is not in MMA as a "style" but the level of dedication that people who COMPETE put into there training. MMA peeps who don't train at competition level have no advantage.

    If kung fu peeps put in that kind of effort then we wouldn't be having this discussion but until recently a good competitive format hasn't been available that would warrant that level of training.

    Good kung fu will have its day in the sun again...mark my words.


  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    San Antonio
    Wow, this isn't really where I intended this thread to go. However, in an effort to reel this back in:

    Is it that Kung Fu can't fight, or is it that people who find these schools are the people who deserve these schools. By that I mean, are these students in these schools because they are not willing to give what it takes to learn how to fight?

    I think the biggest advantage MMA has over TMA is the hardcore competition culture. It's just very hide for frauds to hide inside of MMA. They would be/are found out rather quickly. In CMA specifically, frauds can hide behind things like 'too deadly' myths and still operate.

    Most MMA guys I know started in/still train TMA. These are the guys who deserved something better. We kept looking till we found it. There are some of us who found the 'real' CMA, we're just the majority. The funny thing is I've never met someone who 'had' Gong Fu that didn't at least respect the hell outta MMA and BJJ. I've also never met anyone in MMA who didn't respect what I did. Especially the stuff I could pull off in sparring.

    This argument really only exists on the internet. You odn't come across the issue much at all in the real world. MOST MMA guys either are or were TMA guys too.
    I have no idea what WD is talking about.--Royal Dragon

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by neilhytholt
    Okay. I am leaving.
    Now look, I understand that you recently have had a lot of loss of confidence, that happens to some people, just because you have trouble finding women, you start looking at all aspects of your life, you're getting pushed around and you give up martial arts, now you're gonna give up forums too?

    I'm just saying that only you can rebuild your confidence, this temporary impotence you're suffering, I'm sure you can overcome it.

    Also, you talk about how you want to get laid so bad, this is part of your problem, you're being desperate. I know that kids your age a lot of times get all worked up over it, it's just hormones. There's a lot of books you might consider checking out that can help you through this period of your youth, like My Body, My Mind or many others, these are written for young people your age by adult experts who can help explain to you all the changes you're going through.
    Last edited by KC Elbows; 07-19-2006 at 04:47 PM.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    San Antonio, TX, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson
    Guy, you're preaching the uselessness of cma and the superiority of mma in Kungfu Magazines forums.
    Seems to happen quite a bit here.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove
    Also, you talk about how you want to get laid so bad, this is part of your problem, you're being desperate. I know that kids your age a lot of times get all worked up over it, it's just hormones. There's a lot of books you might consider checking out that can help you through this period of your youth, like My Body, My Mind or many others, these are written for young people your age by adult experts who can help explain to you all the changes you're going through.

    Ahh I thought Neil was just sick of Women's bs? Did I miss something?
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

    For the Women:

    + = & a

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lone Star State

    Neil will be back.

    It seems like this thread is turning into why MMA is way better than anything else on the planet. Look Neil if MMA is your thing and learning the essentials for brutalizing others is your thang then go post in the "Reality/Street fighting" forums. Or go join your buddies on Bullshido who consume WAY TOO MUCH PROTIEN Powder shakes and Adrenal gland taxing supplements. go cry and whine on that board and see how far you get with them.

    STFU and RESPECT the ARTS(even if you disagree with them in whatever fashion you choose)

    I disagree with capoeira as an effective fighting method but i repsect the art and find certain aspects within Effective. Try to have the same attitude with respect to CMA in ALL its Forms.

    It makes me mad when people say I turned and ran like a scared rabbit. Maybe it was like an angry rabbit, who was going to fight in another fight, away from the first fight.

  9. #24
    Forms sometimes are just like a menu or catalogue.

    Can you eat everything on the menu at one meal?

    probably not.

    then take your time to practice and learn all the apps.

    or order some from the menu and enjoy the flavor and taste.


    We usually have to do a lot of basics or frames/postures or Jia Zi before we even touch Tao Lu or forms.

    Basics every day. years of practicing Jia Zhi before forms.


    Last edited by SPJ; 07-19-2006 at 08:41 PM.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    36th Chamber
    Remember, this is the same guy who can't take instruction, and gets mad because teachers don't let him correct their students.

    He's a total joke.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by Royal Dragon
    Ahh I thought Neil was just sick of Women's bs? Did I miss something?
    I don't know, I'm just providing random answers so he can continue to rant, it's fairly entertaining.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Bondi, Sydney Australia
    I think "what they deserve" is incomplete. People are drawn to what they want. All the value judgements in the world don't change the fact that different people have different values.

    Some people have pre-conceptions and search for the fulfillment of their ideal.

    Some people are empty cups, and get filled up with something that they then come to believe.

    And there are so many degrees of variations between. In the end, you find what suits you and you pursue it over time and garner the rewards.

    Those that don't pursue anything over time end up with nothing but empty skills and hollow rants, those that do, understand the difference.

    Art is in the doing, not in the end product, but of course, you have to be dooer to understand that.

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