You KNOW as well as I do that this country domesticates Dogs and cats. Albeit that there is a level of animal abuse in this country with respect to dogs and cats , we STILL have fond relationships with these animal species, and instead of brutally BEATING dogs to death to deal with a rabies problem we use more humane and scientific methods.

Canines stand with humanity and serve us and we are stewards of them. get that through your head starchaser.

yes we eat cows and chickens and pigs and fish. there is a natural order and cycle of life that is consumed so that all things in this life are sustained, even in the plant kingdom.

oh and this country does not eat cats or dogs. you know why the chinese culture eat cats? well another defect of the mindset of that culture is that they seem to think they they get some sort of extra vitality by eating a cat. Just like they feel like they get an extra sense of vitality and nourishment from consuming tiger pen!s and bear gall bladders it is STUPID and has no basis on any sound and rational scientific OR nutritional basis.
oh and before you start playing the TWS is a racist card, keep in mind that i think that all races of the planet who engage in such frivolity, even my own, are worthless. its not the race i look at but the mindset of the culture.