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Thread: Well, another fighting contest is done.Guess what, no kung fu guys even entered.

  1. #106
    Knifefighter Guest
    Do you know Royce? I didn't think so. I doubt that you are qualified to comment on whether or not he is humble.

    NHB is just the next level up from sparring. It's a good venue to test and hone your techniques and strategies. Do you spar? If so, how can you justify that in terms of your "kung fu philosophy"? If not, how will you ever know what works and what doesn't?

  2. #107
    JWTAYLOR Guest
    KF, although I agree with your premise that NHB is valuable way to test your skill, I would hope you would admit that it has devloped into something far more than just a step up from sparring. Lots of people are training just for specific NHB events, removing some techniques from their inventory and replacing them with others to fit rules. Now it has become a major sporting event and I would suspect that many champions of Pride and the UFC fight would not be fighting if there was no money on the line.


    If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

  3. #108
    Knifefighter Guest
    At the level of Pride and UFC, I agree with what you are saying. However, at the more local events, there are many who just use it as a learning experience and the next level up from sparring..

  4. #109
    JWTAYLOR Guest

    If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

  5. #110
    Zedekiah Guest


    Hey ppl...

    One thing I think some of you UFC people need to realise is that UFC is not the same as an actual fight that would occur on the street etc...

    Kungfu (and Martial Arts in general) are created for fighting. That is, fighting in real life. UFC is not a realistic simulation of a fight where really anything is allowed - and therefore should not be used to measure how good a fighting style is.

    Kungfu people do not enter UFC because they do not wish to. Most kungfu practicioners learn kungfu for self defence, or personal health - not to fight on TV.

    Hope this make sense to you all :)

    Only that which has been previously created, can be looked at as if it is from the future.

  6. #111
    gfhegel21 Guest

    In terms of one on one unarmed combat, top-level NHB fighters (whether their base is in kung fu, karate, bjj or whatever) are the best fighters in the world.

    It is true that NHB is not "real" in the sense of multiple opponents, potential use of weapons, no time limits etc. However, to dismiss the lessons of NHB events based on that is idiotic.

    This notion that there are these lethal fighters that could simply walk out of the shadows and, provided they get the rules they ask for, would be able to kill NHB fighters with their "lethal" techniques is a fantasy. Who knows? Maybe it'll happen one day, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

    This is NOT to suggest that there aren't good fighters in kung fu etc. I'm just taking issue with the idea that UFC etc. can be ignored because it's not "real." That's a cop out. I've seen all kinds of karate school web sites etc. use that excuse. I suspect the reason is to keep their client base. If they just were to come out and admit that they aren't teaching self-defense, that there is almost no "martial" in their martial art, then how could they stay in business?

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