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Thread: The Truth About Chan Tai Sam

  1. #46
    Join Date
    May 2005
    New York, Long Island

    I thought you got your spanking after you posted clips of your teacher doing some 'forms', remember?

    But, I digress. Oh, hell with it; I'll just post the links. It's always a shame when people get duped.

    Wait! The links have been mysteriously removed! And what's more, so have the posts and threads where people posted their comments about them! Astounding!

    Shabinko, you're a student of a guy who went to Hong Kong a few times and learned a few forms from LWK. Nuff said.

    Please be quiet when the big people are talking.
    Last edited by Lama Pai Sifu; 08-19-2006 at 07:59 AM.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Gold Coast, Australia
    False... Grrrrrr
    I wanna be I wanna be I wanna be like Mike...

    But your right, I should mind my own buisness when I don't have any valuable input I guess. I could contribute some things of a slightly different context but that just wouldn't be right...

  3. #48
    Join Date
    May 2005
    New York, Long Island
    OH, I see we are on a first name basis now...

    But you are correct here. You should mind your own business, 'mate'!

    Some of us here have been in thier arts for almost 30 years, you are WAAAAY to new at this to be jumping in here... stay in the kiddy pool.

    And there is sooo much crap out there in the name of CMA that some of us just call it like it is; bunch of posers and dissillusioned masses, thinking that they learned some mystic Chi-Blast, or imagining that they are shaolin monks...

    CTS was a real KF fighter. He Killed people. He was one of the last of his generation and there will be no more like him, period. He found in wars and fought with people to the death.

    The fact that any of you try to soil his accomplishments or skills is laughable at best. In most cases, your Sifu's Sifu's have not trained with such a high caliber CMAer.

    Three quarters of everyone who teaches CMA in this country, isn't worth a sh1t; They came this country after studying for a few years in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland (Just like any of you have done) and they moved here when they were in their late teens, or early twenties. Fast forward to 2006, they have been teaching here for 30+ years, and everyone thinks they are experts. Not to mention, there are quite a few of them who stick together and support each other - makes it easier for them to get credibility.

    I think there are a lot of Sifu's in this country/other countries who are excellent. But for every 1 of them, there are 30 phonies. Not my problem, but it's a fact nonetheless. And no one ever acknowledges or realizes that they are training with a phony until they see something far better (but usually thier eyes are closed) or someone points it out to them.
    Last edited by Lama Pai Sifu; 08-19-2006 at 10:09 AM.

  4. #49

    Thumbs down

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. When Chan Tai San was alive, there were people jealous of his accomplishments and insecure about their own skills. Even though he's gone, I guess there are still those same sorts of people and even a late master can upset them...

    Anyone talking crap about Chan Tai San should pretty immediately demonstrate they don't have a clue. But we've already been through this;

    1. Government of China named him a living national treasure and put him in a movie.

    2. Coach of the Guangdong Martial Arts Team

    3. Member of the national demonstration team

    4. Two time all military sparring champion

    When CTS was alive, he was one of the few people walking around who had actually USED his Kung Fu and had used it MANY times. Like Mike just said, how many "masters" are individuals who learned in their schools and maybe defended themselves once or twice against an untrained attacker?

    Chan Tai San had numerous duels with other kung fu fighters

    He fought in three wars (WW II, Civil War and Cultural Revolultion)

    He was an "organizer" for the Chinese Communist Party when they took over in 1949. His job was to go to the organized crime groups and tell them to "turn themselves in"... think that was an easy job?
    Chan Tai San Book at

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, like LKFMDC - he's a genuine Kung Fu Hero™
    Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
    As much as I get annoyed when it gets derailed by the array of strange angry people that hover around him like moths, his good posts are some of my favorites.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    I think he goes into a cave to meditate and recharge his chi...and bite the heads off of bats, of course....

  5. #50
    All I have left of this picture is a photocopy but it's all the coaches that were in Southern China. Chan Wai Gun, "Iron Head", Tam Jan and several guys who circularted in NYC are in this pic. All the ones who I met over the years all said the same thing, Chan Tai San was the undisputed #1 fighter and none of these guys could best him....
    Chan Tai San Book at

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, like LKFMDC - he's a genuine Kung Fu Hero™
    Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
    As much as I get annoyed when it gets derailed by the array of strange angry people that hover around him like moths, his good posts are some of my favorites.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    I think he goes into a cave to meditate and recharge his chi...and bite the heads off of bats, of course....

  6. #51
    Oh, I forgot one of CTS's other accomplishments, hand to hand combat instructor for the Fut San special forces....

    I remember a long time ago having dinner with Ho Chi Yu, Chiu Leun's #1 student in 7 Star Praying mantis, and we were talking about CTS (who Chi Yu also learned from) and Chi Yu pulls out Sifu's card and says "do you know how many people wish they could have a card like this? With these accomplishments?"
    Chan Tai San Book at

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, like LKFMDC - he's a genuine Kung Fu Hero™
    Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
    As much as I get annoyed when it gets derailed by the array of strange angry people that hover around him like moths, his good posts are some of my favorites.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    I think he goes into a cave to meditate and recharge his chi...and bite the heads off of bats, of course....

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Central Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by lkfmdc View Post
    When CTS was alive, he was one of the few people walking around who had actually USED his Kung Fu and had used it MANY times.
    You know, there are plenty of people out there that have used their KF. Some even post on this forum. I think that comment is a little extreme.

    If you're restricting it to Kung Fu teachers that may be closer to the truth but when you factor in military, police, bouncers, etc. the claim is ridiculous.

    Even one of hskwarrior's student used his in a violent street encounter. It happens, obviously more than you think.

    I had a Karate teaher who worked for the CIA in Vietnam. He used his skills under life and death situations multiple times. I know some ex-Navy Seals too. Don't cut these guys short.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Central Florida
    So what does the card say? I don't read Chinese.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    hahahaha and the fighters in china where good fighters?? Come on look at the grandmasters of Pak Hok vs Wu style taiji that was a disgraceful fight. Put any of those masters even today in china against MMA pro fighters and they would get owned. I know some Sifu's that have been in the #1 SEAL TEAM for over 25 years started kung fu in the 70's been on tours and done there time. You think they havent killed does it make them hardcore? lol Many people even young kids are at war right now fighting for there lives, they hand them a gun and some rounds and they live day by day. When you have backing from the chinese gov like CTS may have he had some power and used it for his own good was he a good person, was he really that good at fighting, was the people he fought that good or just good at showing forms and had the tittle as sifu as you see today in most of the world. How many sifu is fighting pro these days? How many of Lama pro fighters use traditional techniques in the ring?

    I think you guys sugar coat things alittle too much just like most kung fu stories of all systems. Flying monks, tea houses, killers, hardcore, death matched...puh

    Where do i put the bets on for Bak Mei vs Lama? :P

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Wading river N.Y.
    My sifu has been dead for about 2 years now and I still have not been able to find another sifu. The reason for this is that most of the so called masters monks and so forth are no better them me, this in no way is a dis it's just a testament to how good my sifu was. As far as any other sifu's that claim to have the same skill well they couldn't even hold a candle to my jock strap.

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    How old was your sifu in some of those clips demonstrating?

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Green Cloud View Post
    My sifu has been dead for about 2 years now and I still have not been able to find another sifu. The reason for this is that most of the so called masters monks and so forth are no better them me, this in no way is a dis it's just a testament to how good my sifu was. As far as any other sifu's that claim to have the same skill well they couldn't even hold a candle to my jock strap.
    What a bout Sigung Chan Sau Chung? When I went on tour with him abour 5 years ago, I noticed that all of the older masters we had dim sum with said the same thing: Your teacher is a good fighter. They really didn't mention the monkey, which he is famous. After talking to Sigung, he told me that he got into a lot of fighter when he was younger. He had the "little guy" complex.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sub. of Chicago - Downers Grove
    My sifu has been dead for about 2 years now and I still have not been able to find another sifu.

    If that is the case, the only thing you can do, is to train with your brothers.
    Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.

    For the Women:

    + = & a

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Did CTS do any internal training or just all hard chi kung?

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Bondi, Sydney Australia
    I still want to know how two guys dialled the same phone at the same time...

    ...pass the popcorn

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